• 晚有人看见一个喝得酩酊大醉的人摇摇晃晃地走进了吐温先生住的旅馆。

    A certain man who was very drunk was seen to reel into Mr. Twain's hotel last night.


  • 大醉狂乱中喧闹着要月亮

    And clamour in drunken frenzy for the moon.


  • 酩酊大醉瑞秋打电话罗斯留言忘了

    While drunk, she leaves Ross a message saying she's over him.


  • 但是议员先生,这点,我从未见过我不喜欢得酩酊大醉的议员。

    But I'll say this, Congressman, I never saw a drunk newspaperman I didn't like.


  • 需要太多的手动操作简单一个酩酊大醉大学生也能很轻松地明白

    They came with no manual and needed to be uncomplicated enough that a stoned freshman could figure them out.


  • 注意兄弟批准的最好时机就是酩酊大醉时候比如醉得要昏过去的时候。

    Note: a great time to get that permission is when your Bro is super drunk... like almost passed out.


  • 只要酩酊大醉时候,他们就一定寻找过解决宿醉之后可怕的第二天清晨

    For as long as people have been drinking too much, they have been searching for a cure for that dreaded morning after hangover.


  • 雨果那些已经喝得酩酊大醉的朋友们猎狗放出去因此屋里出去放了出来。

    Some of Hugo's drunken friends told him to let the hounds chase her, and so he ran from the house and unlocked the dogs.


  • 雨果那些已经喝得酩酊大醉朋友们猎狗放出去因此屋里出去放了出来。

    Some of Hugos drunken friends told him to let the hounds chase her, and so he ran from the house and unlocked the dogs.


  • 内尔弟弟,时常喝得酩酊大醉的纳赛尔,无视兄长的反对,给迂腐近视表姐(妹)索娜娅买了一副眼镜

    boozed-up Nassir, Nur's brother, buys glasses for Soraya, his bookish but myopic cousin, in defiance of his elders.


  • , 喝得大醉时候觉得好玩第二你就后悔了。得了,你得换换衣服,吃点东西。我们早点去,否则人会太多了。

    Ugh. It always seems like a lot of fun when I get completely wasted, but the next day, I regret it.


  • 报道温布尔顿网球公开赛那是世界顶级网球比赛,也是少数几个没有观众喝倒彩,停车场得酪叮大醉的体育场合之一

    I was covering Wimbledon, the world's premier tennis competition and one of the few events I go to where the crowd never boos and no one is drunk in the parking lot.


  • 喝得酩酊大醉聚会上什么都记不得了

    She was too drunk to remember anything about the party.


  • 惟一不良习惯就是成功做成一生意之后香槟酒大醉

    His only vice is to get drunk on champagne after concluding a successful piece of business.


  • 为了过去时光我们每年都会聚两次喝得大醉

    We gather as a group once or twice a year, for old times' sake, and get loaded.


  • 不过不是整晚的聚会酒吧喝得酩酊大醉发现花了整个下午猫猫。

    Rather than hosting all-night keggers and attending boozy pub crawls, you may find yourself spending entire afternoons playing peekaboo.


  • 街上走过那个人已酩酊大醉

    The man who passed down the street was three sheets in the wind.


  • 如今的活动形式1906年就初次定形了,但在那之前的活动却缺乏组织纪律:在1898年,2万位丹佛人免费啤酒灌得酩酊大醉,便大闹美洲水牛烧烤店。

    Earlier variations were less organised: in 1898, enticed by free beer, 20, 000 drunken Denverites ravaged the Bison Barbeque.


  • 他们小酌一口,收获我们牛饮一通要多得多(除了酩酊大醉……我们他们厉害地方)。

    They get so much more from every sip than the rest of us get by downing an entire bottle (well, except the drunkenness... that's something we have over them and their sip).


  • 最后两个夜晚我们甲板船员们喝得酩酊大醉,”解释说

    "We spent the last two nights on board getting drunk with the crew," he explains.


  • 不用,就在外面一个巨大的烧烤上面跳动的心脏每个人都被主教的鲜血灌得酩酊大醉

    No more: what about a great barbecue outside, with pulsating hearts on the grill and everybody getting drunk with kegs of Kali Ma’s blood!


  • 进门通常都喝得大醉进来便好像突然来到了海拔的地方。

    Coming in with a skinful, as I usually did, it was like dropping suddenly to a low altitude.


  • 无意肚子上挨了枪的党羽得到了度假胜地马萨特兰大醉一个作为补偿

    A henchman accidentally shot in the stomach gets a boozy month in the resort of mazatlan as compensation.


  • 外国朋友来时,我不会每天深思冥想,而是他们一道酩酊大醉,但是当生活正常后,我会重返常态——严格要求自己

    When I have friends visit from other countries, I don't meditate every day, and I drink more than I should.But then things level off, and I return to my disciplines.


  • 外国朋友来时,我不会每天深思冥想,而是他们一道酩酊大醉,但是生活正常后,我会重返常态——严格要求自己

    When I have friends visit from other countries, I don't meditate every day, and I drink more than I should. But then things level off, and I return to my disciplines.


  • 其中令人难忘几集西埃塞尔巧克力工厂工作,露西电视广告酩酊大醉,露西葡萄以及西去洛杉矶。

    Some of the memorable episodes include Lucy and Ethel's job at a chocolate factory, Lucy gets drunk during a TV commercial, Lucy stomps grapes and Lucy moves to L.A..


  • 其中令人难忘几集西埃塞尔巧克力工厂工作,露西电视广告酩酊大醉,露西葡萄以及西去洛杉矶。

    Some of the memorable episodes include Lucy and Ethel's job at a chocolate factory, Lucy gets drunk during a TV commercial, Lucy stomps grapes and Lucy moves to L.A..


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