• 早些日子大部分自由职业者都把Twitter当做一个在线游乐场或者聊天室

    In the early days, most freelancers used twitter as an online playground or chat area.


  • 随着申根签证上盖了章可以自由在欧洲大部分地区漫游了。

    With a "bang" of his stamp on my Schengen visa, I was free to roam much of Europe.


  • 然而大部分文字简洁历史记载清晰中肯而且自由主义战争之间因果关系的调查彻底的,令人钦佩。

    However, most of the writing is succinct; the historical accounts are clear and to the point; and the investigation of the causal links between liberalism and war is admirably thorough.


  • 这样做虽然自由欧洲大部分地方是非法的,所以不免有点风险而且即便我们很幸运唯一盥洗场所只是附近河流

    It is free but also illegal through much of Europe, so there is some element of risk involved, plus the only washing facilities are generally a nearby river (if we're lucky).


  • 我们中的大部分希望我们身份其他一些东西威胁我们要的是一种自己定义控制我们身份的自由

    Most of us don't want someone else to hold our identity hostage... we want the freedom to define ourselves and the control of our own identity.


  • 最新信息的黎波里大部分目前利比亚自由斗士控制虽然战斗仍在继续——并且部分战斗极其激烈

    The latest information is that the vast majority of Tripoli is now controlled by free Libyan fighters, although fighting continues - and some of it is extremely fierce.


  • 20小时内大部分有经验自由译者一般都受雇于人作专职翻译一周的钱一样

    In 20 hours most experienced freelance translators tend to earn around as much as a full-time translator in salaried employment.


  • 我们中的大部分数职,所以如今自由市场上真实统计数据根据我们计算,每人中就有一人失业,失业率为20%,所以他们并没有给予我们一个稳健的货币

    Most of us have four employment. True statistics now in the free market, where we calculate our unemployment per five person, 20 percent, so they haven’t given us sound money.


  • 要说原则大部分来源于常识他们涉及我们天生怀疑判断自由思考质问理解能力锻炼

    The principles presented in this chapter stem mostly from common sense; they involve the exercise of our inherent capacity for skepticism, judgment, free thinking, questioning and understanding.


  • 大部分学校过去三四即已推出自由选择合住室友方案。

    Most schools introduced the couples option in the past three or four years.


  • 大部分家长相信他们孩子实物购买中会明智使用现金所以青少年他们相关的伸展生活网络环境中拥有同样自由

    A vast majority of parents trust their kids to use cash wisely for local purchases, so let teens have this same freedom online, where their connected lives are unfolding.


  • 报告总结道,“获得这些自由,其中的大部分都没有广泛而可靠的理论依据

    Newly gained freedoms are, for the most part, neither extensive nor firmly grounded,” the report concludes.


  • 调查表明大部分支持美国间的自由贸易

    Surveys show that a majority of South Koreans support a free - trade deal with the United States.


  • 其中大部分是转换单个基因使昆虫或是特定除草剂,以使能够自由应用

    Most of them have had but a single gene tweaked, either to make them poisonous to pestilential insects or resistant to a particular herbicide so that it can be used freely.


  • 一个战争失去了四个手足兄弟苏丹男子,面对此情此景,总结道:“这块土地耗费一生大部分时间战场.“说:”现在我们自由

    One man who lost four of his brothers at war summed up the scene around him: “This was a battlefield for most of my life, ” he said. “Now we want to be free.”


  • 不是一个字符串合法rexx符号——限制程序库中的关键字——但是相对大部分语言,Rexx在符号命名方面非常自由

    Not every string is valid Rexx symbolwhich restricts the keys in the dictionary — but Rexx is pretty liberal about its symbol names, compared to most languages. E.g.


  • 在考察了引起这种趋势的主要因素后,我们不出能证明未来几十年内此种趋势停止或放缓的证据 - 很快,大部分设计师成为自由职业者

    What leads to this conclusion, you ask? Here are three major reasons that most designers are going to be freelancers within the next 20 years


  • 2005年大部分时间只是一个自由作家,现在看来,那时能赚到足够支持家庭开支的钱。

    I was only working as a free-lancer for most of 2005, and wasn't making enough to support my family, looking back on it.


  • 因为中石油大部分股票不能自由交易声称取得全球最高“市值是非常有争议问题。

    But since the bulk of PetroChina's shares are not freely traded, its claim to having the highest "market value" would be highly contentious.


  • 几乎所有让世俗自由派特别担心问题上他们中的大部分表达了温和的观点。

    On nearly all the key issues that so worry secular liberals, most of them now express mild views. Women should have full rights.


  • 今天事发地点仍然是一个热门的旅游目的地而且它也被加入了部分纽约旅游公司旅游线路当中,与自由女神像其他的知名景点其名。

    Today, the Ground Zero site remains a popular tourist destination and is included on tours through most New York tour companies, alongside the Statue of Liberty and other well-worn destinations.


  • 明显英国罗马日内瓦都柏林其他地方自由自在工作部分而言设法居住在英国以外为了逃避英国征收的部分税款

    The most obvious benefit is that Brits can work in Rome, Geneva, Dublin or elsewhere with ease but manage to stay outside the UK tax net for the most part.


  • 由于缺少铁路公路大部分北美自由贸易总协定所获得利益隔绝墨西哥以外,所以才导致贫穷的墨西哥中部南部地区的人往美国移民

    Lack of roads and railways mean that the benefits of NAFTA have been largely confined to northern Mexico, rather than the poorer centre and south where most migrants come from.


  • 出口下滑幅度高于进口其中大部分进口产品为非自由裁量商品石油

    Exports slowed faster than imports, a chunk of which are non-discretionary commodities and oil.


  • 大部分倾向欺骗自己认为自由来自自己感觉好的增加舒适悠闲事情

    Most people tend to delude themselves into thinking that freedom comes from doing what feels good or what foster comfort and ease.


  • 言归正传如下汇集了部分骑手智慧财富。自由评论

    So, without further ado, here's the collected wisdom of a big handful of cyclists. Please add any tips you have in the comments.


  • 言归正传如下汇集了部分骑手智慧财富。自由评论

    So, without further ado, here's the collected wisdom of a big handful of cyclists. Please add any tips you have in the comments.


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