• 旅游贴士在自贡旅游的时候要知道附近景点乐山大佛大足石刻

    Tourist Tips: While visiting Zigong, the nearby spots, such as Leshan Giant Buddha, and the Dazu Rock Carvings, can also be listed in visitors' tourist schedule.


  • 一边重庆大足养蜂户龙西明(音译)蜂箱旁边,一边躲着蜜蜂,一边心无旁骛查看手机短信。

    On the other side of the village, in Chongqing's Dazu County, beekeeper Long Ximing is too engrossed in his honeycombs - and avoiding being stung - to check on his phone's shrill alert.


  • 大足,龙先生养蜂专家蜂蜜产量高于同行。

    In Dazu County, Mr Long is an authority on bees and generating higher amounts of honey.


  • 大足华美达酒店内设五个餐厅拥有1400平米会议场地其中包括一个580平米的会议室。

    The Ramada Plaza Dazu is expected to feature five food and beverage outlets and 1, 400 square metres of meeting space, including a 580-square-metre ballroom.


  • 自贡每天大约10班车开往乐山2班车开往大足

    From Zigong passenger transport terminus, there are nearly ten buses daily running to Leshan and two buses to Dazu County.


  • 前北京国安主帅、素有韩国铁帅之称的李章洙日前正式签约广州俱乐部,担任球队主教练,他将率广州队征战中甲联赛并力图重返中超。

    Guangzhou Evergrande Football Club have named fiery South Korean Lee Jan-Soo as their new coach.


  • 仍然是经纪人并且该队董事会成员,同时也是塞尔维亚足球联盟官员

    He remains a big soccer promoter, and is a board member of the team and an official with the Serbian Football Association.


  • 和解条款未予披露,诺基亚要求苹果除了支付一次性赔偿金外,还须支付专利使用费,数额之显著改善诺基亚季度盈利

    The terms of the settlement were not disclosed, but they require Apple to make a one-time payment and ongoing royalties large enough to materially improve Nokia's earnings for the quarter.


  • 的强不断地容纳使爱再次充满生机的批评

    A love strong enough to incorporate criticism continually renews its lease on life.


  • 尽管如此,作为俱乐部最后一个英国拥有俱乐部,阿森纳足球队的地位具有值得骄傲魅力,而且失去很令人惋惜的。

    Still, Arsenal's status as the last English-owned club of the big four was something it was quietly proud of, and will be sorry to lose.


  • 银行认为2009年可能结果汇款下降6%,尽管由于没有严重经济危机对此影响有多的证据证明这种预测。

    The bank thinks the most likely outcome for 2009 will be a decline in remittances of just under 6%, though not enough is known about the impact of severe recessions to be sure of such predictions.


  • 普通雨珠力能地,其切割岩石

    The ordinary raindrop is a mighty earth mover with sufficient strength to cut rock.


  • 项目所在地的度假区位于玉龙国家级森林公园龙水湖国家级水利风景区内,临近大足石刻周边现状分布着大片湖泊绿地小岛

    The project is located in Jade Dragon Mountain National forest park and Longshui Lake National Water Recreation Areas, near Dazu Stone Carving, surrounded by big area of lake, green land, island, etc.


  • 温泉体验融入重庆大足当地文化游客感受当地的文化气息赋予温泉度假区灵魂内涵成为当地旅游业象征。

    Hot spring experience and local culture of Dazu, let visitors feel the local cultural atmosphere and give the hot spring resort spirit connotation, become the symbolof local tourism.


  • 大足石刻世界闻名的。

    The Dazu Stone Carving is World-famous.


  • 我们目标我们的酒店打造充满内涵文化酒店,成为展示大足文化的一个窗口

    Our target is to build our hotel into one cultural hotel full of cultural connotations to form one window to show Dazu culture.


  • 石门石刻大足石刻规模最大一处道教结合石刻其中尤以道教题材诸造像具艺术特色。

    Looming as the largest stone carvings cluster of Buddhism and Taoism combination among the Dazu stone carvings, Shimen Mountain stone carvings is best known for the images of Taoist style grottoes.


  • 大足石刻佛教工艺极高雕刻品

    Dazu Stone Carvings are superb works of Buddhist religious art.


  • 今年巴西世界杯,对梅西而言,不仅舞台上重写历史的机会也是那些质疑自己能力的人证明自我的机会。

    This year's World Cup in Brazil is Messi's chance to make a mark on soccer's greatest stage and prove himself to those who still have doubts about his ability.


  • 参观大足石刻外国学生们重庆志愿者合影。华龙网摄像师将镜头对准愉快一幕。

    Foreign students and Chongqing volunteers have a group photo when visiting the Dazu Rock Carvings. Cameraman of CQNEWS focuses on the happy group.


  • 这个浴缸个人同时使用。

    This bathtub is too large to two people.


  • 力量托住

    It is strong enough to hold the water.


  • 德国研究人员本周三,球迷在观看比赛真的“伤心”——这并不仅一种比喻的说法,事实确实如此。

    Watching a big soccer match can strain a fan's heart - not just figuratively, but literally, German researchers reported on Wednesday.


  • 仅次于世界杯第二赛事的2016欧洲杯已经来了。

    Euro 2016, the second-biggest soccer tournament in the world behind the world Cup — is upon us.


  • 文章以重庆市大足龙水汽车客运站设计该建筑如何表现功能地域特征方面构思进行了分析。

    The article takes the design of Longshui passenger station in Dazu County of Chongqing as an example, and analyzed how to display its function and the idea about region characteristic.


  • 文章跨越大足重力龙门褶皱重庆-黑水重力剖面解释

    The paper interprets the Chongqing-Heishui gravity profile traversing the Dazu high gravity gravity field and the Longmen Mountains fold belt.


  • 过去时间里,我们努力许许多多来自全国各地的人们汇集在一起,发出共同的声音我们相信美国适合一个美国人。

    We spent a year and a half bringing together millions of people from every corner of our country to say with one voice that we believe that the American dream is big enough for everyone.


  • 过去时间里,我们努力许许多多来自全国各地的人们汇集在一起,发出共同的声音我们相信美国适合一个美国人。

    We spent a year and a half bringing together millions of people from every corner of our country to say with one voice that we believe that the American dream is big enough for everyone.


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