• 那么,是什么激励?是什么引发了你的兴奋激发了你的创造力?是什么举动,人物,美术作品大自然书籍抑或博客激励了你?

    So what inspires you? What provokes you into a warm feeling or creative activity? What action, people, works of art, nature, book or blog stimulates you?


  • 大自然之美的灵感激发,天才艺术家科林博格尔使用粉彩,彩色铅笔,水彩丙烯等创造了惊人写实绘画几乎接近摄影这些作品所获的艺术荣耀当之无愧

    uses pastels, colored-pencil, watercolor and acrylic, all that's needed to create stunning realistic and almost photographic paintings, which brought him well-deserved popularity and prestige.


  • 艺术作品是从心灵深处去感知大自然、感知传统结果,是真诚领悟的结果。

    Artwork is developed from true understanding of nature and the tradition with a truthful heart and soul.


  • 作品造型一个超现实的山石融化图景,放大、夸张颠覆大自然人的对话关系

    Like a surrealistic melting stone, the sculpture blows up, exaggerates, and even overthrows the communicative relationship of the nature and its subjective.


  • 许多作品表现了这些研究过程所发现大自然法则

    Many of his works "illustrate" the laws of nature discovered in the course of these studies.


  • 他们原始存在,像骨头一般索然生活以及大自然财富丰富的意识使得他们的让作品成就不朽成为可能

    It was their raw existences, lives close to the bone and suffused with awareness of nature's riches, that made possible their immortal works.


  • 雪算大自然神气作品大自然的精灵颜色相同,形状不一

    Snow is nature's most wondrous works, it is the nature of the elves, same color, different shape.


  • 这部作品描写具有大自然纯朴本性苔丝悲剧人生

    This book is about the tragedy of Tess, the nature pure woman's life.


  • 自然创作源泉优秀作品往往来自大自然灵感

    Nature is the fountainhead of creation, outstanding work often is the inspiration that comes from nature.


  • 卡曼加拿大诗人,以洋溢奔放的歌颂大自然著称作品有诗集《普瑞湖的低潮》(1893年)。

    Carman: Canadian poet noted for his ebullient nature poems, including the collection Low Tide on Grand Pre (1893).


  • 作品在了先进技术对立面上,这些先进的技术来说毫无美感可言。深信一基本规律:大自然是不可驾驭的。

    My work is an antithesis to our advancing technologies. These technologies hold no beauty for me. I believe in the fundamental uncontrollability of nature. Searching for "interestingness".


  • 这么宁静环境本该享受铁军宁静中画出了《园区风景》、《雾》、《大自然》、《具有震撼力的系列作品

    In such a peaceful environment, people originally should enjoy life, but Tiejun creates series of work which had great impact, such as The Ground Scenery, Fog, Nature, and Colored Dogs.


  • 看好作品观察大自然当然也要做一些传统美术训练

    Watching good artworks, observing nature and of course practicing some traditional arts help.


  • 伊东丰雄作品灵感来源于大自然规律,这一点从其建筑有机结构表皮的高度统一中显现出来。

    Toyo Ito's work has drawn on inspiration from the principles of nature, as evidenced by the unity achieved between organic-like structures, surface and skin.


  • 作品回归大自然描绘了台复杂净水机器

    Her piece, titled "Back to Mother Nature," depicts an elaborate water - cleaning machine.


  • 还有水彩作品中仿佛大自然根茎羽毛绚丽色彩一切形成某种让情感物品复苏的诗意。

    Similarly, the magnificent colors of her watercolor-based work resemble the roots or feathered plumage found in nature. All of the forms create a feeling of poetic revival.


  • 作品象简朴贴近生活呈现出大自然造物之生命的灵动之美,令人心驰神往

    The author selects simple images, but they are close to the real life, showing the beauty of nature and the beautiful life which fills people with fascinated and longing.


  • 早期充满能量感的油画亚克力作品梅里雪山》5和8(2004年创作),突出了其作品吸引力在于表现大自然雄伟力量

    Sun's earlier energetic oil and acrylic paintings, such as Meili Snow Mountain 5 and 8 (both 2004), highlighted Sun's attraction to the natural world, one of majesty and power.


  • 欧洲一些画家运用水彩画颜料技巧绘制大量动植物的写生作品很多抒发感情的精致自然景观,以此来表达他们大自然赞美之情

    Summary in Europe, some artists use watercolor paints and draws a number of plants and animals skill's and many tennis delicate natural landscape, to express their admiration of nature.


  • 爱丽珊朵作品则是融合大自然生活物件的想像,像是「图像观察者」和「走路」。

    The work by Alessandra Panzeri, made with hand collage and acrylic painting, represents a world of animated objects and nature (pictures observing, trees walking etc. ).


  • 比如作品中,故意将其与大自然颜色并不完全符合使得其他风景画比较中独树一帜。

    Like in this painting, the colors of nature do not exactly match purposely, which makes it different and very special to other artist's landscapes.


  • 喜欢动物,因此作品通常象征展示了了大自然规则节奏以及世间万物的联系

    I love animals. My works are symbolic and show the rules of nature, rhythm, interaction and connection through everything.


  • 还有水彩作品仿佛大自然根茎羽毛的绚丽色彩一切形成了某种让情感物品复苏的诗意

    As well as her watercolor, it looks like brilliant colors of roots and feathers in nature. All of them become emotions and poetry.


  • 大自然还有如此美妙的风光让可特·迪厄多捕捉到。通过作品我们又一次感叹:上帝是否造出像多可特·迪厄多这样独具慧眼摄影大师。

    It is amazing that Docteur Dieudonnécould capture that much beauty from the nature and we can't help asking if God couldmake another talented photographer.


  • 作品作者霍明明谈到拍摄过程时说,拍摄出好的作品正是得益于大自然和谐相处

    The author of this work speaks of obviously suddenly film say when the process, the harmony that films the work that has given also is profit from person and nature gets along.


  • 最近作品灵感来源于地中海自然田园同时也来源于四川5.12大自然地震发生的恐怖

    Shen's recent works are inspired by the pastoral nature of the Mediterranean sea as well from the horrors of the mighty nature occurance on 5.12 in Sichuan province, China.


  • 设计一个作品无不是经过常年积累之后的有感而发,是对于奥妙无穷的大自然博大精深艺术文化的真实表达,每一件产品都有一个自己故事,渗透着她艺术的无限追求

    Her works all embody her years of inspiration and her understanding of magic nature and profound art. Her every work has its own story and shows her pursuit for beauty and art.


  • 设计一个作品无不是经过常年积累之后的有感而发,是对于奥妙无穷的大自然博大精深艺术文化的真实表达,每一件产品都有一个自己故事,渗透着她艺术的无限追求

    Her works all embody her years of inspiration and her understanding of magic nature and profound art. Her every work has its own story and shows her pursuit for beauty and art.


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