• 是因为反射弧受丘脑、大脑皮质影响

    Because reflection arc is the influence with head bearing surname, coriaceous cerebra, this is.


  • 语言学习者大脑海马体大脑皮质某些部位增长显著

    The brains of the language learners exhibited significant new growth in the hippocampus and in parts of the cerebral cortex.


  • 冥想增加大脑皮质厚度特别是注意感觉相关区域

    Meditation can increase the thickness of the cerebral cortex, particularly in regions associated with attention and sensation.


  • 研究人员向受试者播放不同说话声音同时记录他们大脑皮质活动

    Researchers recorded the activity of the subject's cerebral cortexes while playing them sentences spoken by different voices.


  • 大脑皮质神经细胞具有相当耐受性一般情况下并不容易引起神经衰弱衰竭

    The nerve cells in the cerebral cortex has a very high tolerance, under normal circumstances is not likely to cause nervous breakdown or failure.


  • 尽管相当一致切入点很大差异造成破坏彻底毁灭后脑损伤大脑皮质

    Despite a reasonably consistent point of entry, there were wide variations in the damage inflicted, ranging from the total destruction of the hindbrain to injury to the cerebral cortex alone.


  • 这种认识部分基于大脑皮质物理构造获取简单证据,脑部区域负责复杂认知行为

    This belief was based, in part, upon the readily evident physical structure of the neocortex, the region of the brain responsible for complex cognitive behaviors.


  • 训练老鼠走迷津然后大脑皮质不同部位造成损伤企图抹掉称之为记忆痕迹原始记忆痕迹

    He trained rats to find their way through a maze, then made lesions in different parts of the cerebral cortex in an attempt to erase what he called the "engram," or the original memory trace.


  • 实验证实放射状胶质细胞可以产生大脑皮质投射神经元但是产生源于端脑腹侧的中间神经元

    Confirmed by experiment, Radial Glia can generate virtually all cortical projection neurons but not the interneurons originating in the ventral telencephalon.


  • 方法分离鉴定扩增取自10 ~ 14周药物流产胎儿大脑皮质神经干细胞,应用pcr -ELISA法检测神经干细胞端粒酶活性

    Methods the neural stem cells were isolated, identified and amplified from the cortex of aborted human embryo with 10 to 14-week gestational age, then telomerase activity was detected by PCR-ELISA.


  • 使研究者能够比较样本之间大脑皮质差异

    This allowed them to compare cortical differences in the brain between the two sample groups.


  • 懂得控制恐惧的人对此反应大脑皮质吸收处理更多信息时间

    People who control their fear respond more slowly, giving the cerebral cortex time to take in and process more information.


  • 这种震动沿着中耳迁移被转换神经信号大脑皮质处理这些信号,让我们得知我们听到什么

    These vibrations are then transferred along the tiny bones of the middle ear and converted into nerve signals. The cortex then processes these signals, telling us what we are hearing.


  • 管理细胞生长死亡基因突变可以影响大脑皮质区的解剖学特征

    Mutations in genes governing cell growth and death can affect the anatomy of a region of cortex.


  • 当然如果没有与之配套的足够大脑皮质实体结构,也就不会那样地非常灵巧

    And of course the hands wouldn't be so well-suited if not for the correspondingly adequate cortical infrastructure.


  • 大脑皮质感官信息思想情感意识的中枢。

    The cerebral cortex deals with sensory information, thinking, emotion and consciousness.


  • 睡眠纺锤波非常短暂强烈活动,它表明信息海马大脑皮质两种不同记忆储存区域传递

    Sleep spindles are brief but intense bursts of activity that indicate information transfer between two different memory storage areas, the hippocampus and the neocortex.


  • 发表美国公共科学图书馆期刊的研究中,博士后学者雅戈尔:“疼痛感减轻大脑皮质上层有关。”

    In a study published in the US journal Public Library of Science, the post-doctoral scholar said: 'the reduction of pain is associated with higher, cortical parts of the brain.


  • 电子活动激发大脑增加葡萄糖丰富血液流向大脑皮质——大脑控制认知功能个性情绪领域

    The electrical activity excites the brain and increases oxygen - and glucose-rich blood flow to the cerebral cortex, the area of the brain that controls cognitive function, personality and emotion.


  • 但是同样大脑皮质受到管理感觉器官(四肢)成长基因突变的影响。

    But likewise, cortex gets affected by mutations in genes governing the growth of sensory appendages such has hands, limbs and bills.


  • 他说:“疼痛减轻较高层大脑皮质部分有关。”

    The reduction of pain was associated with higher, cortical parts of the brain.


  • 最终结果专门储存过去信息的大脑皮质折叠我们想像未来45事件参与其中

    The end result is that a cortical fold specialized for the storing of the past is also recruited when we imagine an event 45 days in the future.


  • 大脑皮质中的树突重构的方式外来刺激作出反应那些重复性大脑活动相关的树突棘会变得更粗大

    In response to external stimuli, dendritic spines in the cerebral cortex undergo structural remodeling, getting larger in response to repeated activity within the brain.


  • 一些大脑皮质控制视觉听觉区域比如纺锤体,失去视力后会扩大范围利用视觉中枢里的闲置网络。

    Also, some regions of cerebral cortex that border visual and auditory cortices—the left fusiform gyrus, for exampleexpand territory in blind people to make use of the idle circuitry in visual cortex.


  • 丘脑信息感觉器官传送大脑皮质

    The thalamus carries messages from the sensory organs like the eyes, ears, nose, and fingers to the cortex.


  • 大脑皮质是怎样使思维变成动作的?

    So I picked a smaller one: how does the cerebral cortex allow thoughts to become action?


  • 信号味蕾传送大脑皮质负责处理味觉区域

    Taste buds react to sweet, sour, salty, and bitter. Messages are sent from the taste buds to the areas in the cortex responsible for processing taste.


  • 通过推送混乱内在不一致信息逻辑思维(,新的大脑皮质)就彻底淹没、被控制了。

    By putting forth confusing and internally conflicting information, your logical mind (i.e. your neocortex) is overwhelmed.


  • 篇文章发表本周牛津大学出版社的《大脑皮质期刊上。

    The work is published this week in the Oxford University Press journal Cerebral Cortex.


  • 邻近白质束、大脑皮质小脑结构受累可以出现,但是相对常见些

    Involvement of adjacent white matter tracts, cerebral cortex and cerebellar structures has also been described but is less common.


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