• 根据这项研究的作者们的观点,压力工作记忆带来繁重的负担而且如果一个人的工作记忆有限,那么准确分析某项情况能力就会受到削弱。

    According gto the authors high stress puts a strenuous load on working memory, and if one has limited working memory, their ability to accurately assess a situation is impaired.


  • 他们女儿取了祖母的名字。

    They called their first daughter after her grandmother.


  • 只好了一房子重新布线

    I have had to spend a lot of money having my house rewired.


  • 划拨了一款子图书馆购买新书

    A large sum has been allocated for buying new books for the library.


  • 当地一位商人出面学校

    A local businessman stepped in with a large donation for the school.


  • 有人送了

    She was given a huge bunch of flowers.


  • 他们撑起

    They held a large umbrella over her.


  • 简直吓了一

    I literally jumped out of my skin.


  • 吉姆孩子带来了礼物

    Uncle Jim brought a whole load of presents for the kids.


  • 自己厚厚的蛋糕

    He cut himself a great thick slice of cake.


  • 通过明智投资积累了笔财富并且经常慈善机构捐赠款项。

    By investing wisely she accumulated a fortune, and she frequently donated large sums to charity.


  • 任何帮助它奖金

    It is offering a big reward to anyone who helps.


  • 公司宣布每个人奖金时,员工们眉开眼笑

    The staff were tickled pink when the company announced a fat bonus for everyone.


  • 父母去世时留下了一

    When her parents died, they left her a lot of money.


  • 这项运动奇怪形式确实脚踝臀部带来了相当压力所以此类伤病接受这项运动时可能谨慎一些。

    The sport's strange form does place considerable stress on the ankles and hips, so people with a history of such injuries might want to be cautious in adopting the sport.


  • 先去找两个月的妹妹,她裹上毛毯,放在沙发上。

    He first went to his 2-month-old sister and put her in a blanket, placing her on the sofa.


  • 天,一位好心人了弗雷德一碗米饭。

    One day, a kind man gave Fred a large bowl of rice.


  • 莉的朋友了她很多礼物,有鲜花和卡片,她还为聚会买了一个蛋糕和许多饮料。

    Carrie's friends gave her many presents like flowers and cards, and she bought a big cake and lots of drinks for the party.


  • 们马上赶到麦当劳,疼爱她的丈夫她点了一份快乐套餐,里面有一个鸡肉汉堡和一杯巧克力奶昔。

    Right away, they hurried to a McDonald's where her loving husband ordered her a Happy Meal with a chicken hamburger and a large cup of chocolate shake.


  • 例如股票交易所价格开始下跌时,高频交易者可能提交一个资金从而锁定当时的高价

    An HFT might, for instance, lock in a high price by submitting a large sell order to a dark pool just as the exchange price of a share begins to fall.


  • 虚拟化可以服务器带来的收益,实际上可以在任何系统测试虚拟——笔记本PC都可以。

    Virtualization can pay big dividends on big server iron, but you can build and test your VMs (virtual machines) on practically any systemfrom a notebook PC on up.


  • 疯狂购买推东西,环境带来沉重的负担支付这些东西加班加点工作,准备好了吗?

    Are you ready to consume an insane amount of resources, to have a huge impact on the environment, to work long hours to pay for all that?


  • 头疼那些“同形它们看起来都一样但是实际上基因差别相当科学家分类工作造成了很困难

    Complicating the matter are "cryptic" species, which look the same to the human eye, but genetically are quite different, making them that much harder for scientists to classify.


  • 十分转变- - -俄罗斯自由

    This is a very important change. It gave Russia her freedom.


  • 最近篇叫《社交媒体营销思想文章,我想将利用微博作为工具思想推广企业

    Recently I wrote a Social Media Marketing Ideas feature and I want to expand the idea of using Twitter as a tool within a big business.


  • 这件事情要想成功,可能需要中国愿意外汇储备借出国际货币基金组织。

    Success will probably involve getting China to offer to lend the IMF a large sum of money from its massive reserves.


  • 当初挖掘现场已经石堆覆盖住了

    The excavation was covered by a large mound of stones.


  • 当初挖掘现场已经石堆覆盖住了

    The excavation was covered by a large mound of stones.


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