• 目标要求2020年幅度降低包括森林在内所有自然生境丧失退化条块分割速度

    The Aichi targets call for a significant reduction in the rate of loss, degradation and fragmentation of all natural habitats, including forests, by 2020.


  • 下面最广为人,而实际上是被错误引用语。

    This is a list of ten of the most well known quotes that are, in fact, misquotes.


  • 鲜为人人们所有绿色产品需求太阳电池板节能灯泡,都在激增

    What few people appreciate is that the demand for everything from solar panels to energy-efficient light bulbs is already booming.


  • 父亲教育家陶行忠实弟子努力践行先生的生活教育哲学

    Her father, Sun Mingxun, was a devoted disciple of the great educator Tao Xingzhi and diligently practiced Tao's "life education" philosophy.


  • 诗,未为奇奇,的,几乎一片空白,那灿烂霞光天边就是何海霞

    Without the Tao, never is there wonder in poetry. The sea is big, its wide expanses spread out to the horizon where the sun casts its glorious rays.


  • 乔羽都熟悉。另外爱好鲜为人,那就是钓鱼喝酒

    The general public might be well-acquainted with the songs composed by Qiao Yu, but they might actually know very little about his two major hobbies-fishing and wine-drinking.


  • 此次“世界新七自然奇观”计划利用互联网使得各个国家人民都可以参与其中,使得很多为人景点也获得认可

    The N7W project used the internet to reach out to the citizens of every country, allowing for many smaller and less well-known sites to gain recognition.


  • Quadriga科技总监Marc Budie为酒店客房推荐科技用品,显而易见不为人的科技应用都包括在其中。

    Marc Budie, technology director at Quadriga, recommends the top ten bits of technology that every hotel room should have, ranging from the most obvious to the more unusual.


  • 实在是累了坐在池塘休息哪些睡着了。

    I really big tired, sat in the pond edge rest, which was known to fall asleep.


  • 一跳。在想伊犁这么还有多少为人故事啊。

    Oh, you startled me. I was thinking Ili is so big, there must have been many other unknown stories.


  • 詹姆斯假如好歹的话,这吸引力相当了。

    James: If you knew which side your bread was buttered it would appeal to you very considerably.


  • 如果路旁边发现小虫子放回草丛中,生活周围所有生命中,试图成为一个正面变化原动力无论是小的或者层面

    If there is a worm caught on the sidewalk, move it to the grass. Life your live in conscious awareness of all life around you, and seek to be an agent of positive change, on small and large levels.


  • 天使群体想法产生下一个天使存在实相,并且运用造物主能量他们生产出了他们相似灵魂,曾经持有爱与光能量与觉的灵魂们。

    The archangels thought to make the next realm of angelic beings, and using Creator's energy, they produced souls who, like themselves, were of only love-light energy and awareness.


  • 佛教的内涵,编导本身之不详,却假借“弘一”之误导观众

    The editor and director not knowing much enough about buddhism, the audience are misled through the words from the mouth of the master.


  • 认为短鞘丝匀度可根据生丝非常扁平、其直径离散性等特征进行判

    Indicates that the evenness of short-whiplash can he determined by analyzing the high dispersion of diameter and flatness of cross-section of raw silk.


  • 上海世博会占地面积萨拉戈萨博览会20是爱博览会的二这意味着展馆之间要走很长的坐巴士排长队。

    The vast scale of the site, 20 times bigger than the one at Zaragoza and more than twice as large as Aichi's, means covering long distances between pavilions, and there are also queues for buses.


  • 然而第一应该归于西蒙丽萨·托马斯夫妇,他们少为人的长期旅行肯定值得多人的关注。

    However, first prize in the remarkable stakes has to go to Simon and Lisa Thomas, whose mammoth Odyssey surely deserves far more recognition than it has received to date.


  • 然而第一应该归于西蒙丽萨·托马斯夫妇,他们少为人的长期旅行肯定值得多人的关注。

    However, first prize in the remarkable stakes has to go to Simon and Lisa Thomas, whose mammoth Odyssey surely deserves far more recognition than it has received to date.


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