• 明末以来,济公信仰逐渐兴起,至清末民初大盛于中国

    The cult of Jigong began to develop in the late Ming dynasty and flourished all over China by the late Qing and early Republican periods.


  • 随后高高举起,剑猛然光芒出去犹如闪电破空一般

    Later on, he heaves Gao Gao of knife, sword suddenly the ray of light is huge prosperous, again ferocious split to go out, as if the speedy flash crash blank common.


  • 汕头市金平区大盛化工厂一家专注金属效果颜料研发生产提供应用技术服务的企业

    Dasheng is a metallic effect pigments to focus on research and development, production and applied technology to businesses.


  • 作为民间风俗习惯明清时期风气的同时,遭到儒家正统观念攻击官方禁止

    As one of the folk customs, curing parents by cutting thigh is greatly popular, but it is also attacked and prohibited by the Confucianism concept and government.


  • 26岁的亚伟曾搭乘过世界上最长的铁路——西伯利亚铁路。

    Sheng Yawei, 26, once took the longest railway in the world—the Trans-Siberian Railway in the world.


  • 已经放弃了在印度合资伙伴,因为管制已经开始放松它们相信靠自己得更好

    Goldman and Morgan Stanley have abandoned their Indian joint ventures because regulations have eased, believing they can do better on their own there.


  • 不过这样一来,这样交易商盈利被吞噬,那时每一块美元弥足珍贵。

    But it will also eat into the profits of big dealers, such as Goldman Sachs and JPMorgan, at a time when every dollar is precious.


  • 而井深正是昭夫打造品牌背后天才工程师

    Ibuka was to be the engineering genius behind the brand which Morita created.


  • 当然总会一些个人或者企业闯进最近牛市可能摩根或者摩根斯坦利这样企业

    Yes, there will always be some individual or firm cashing in on the latest bull market, but it probably won't be the big firms like Goldman, J.P. Morgan or Morgan Stanley.


  • 华尔街证券公司只有摩根斯坦利存活下来。

    Of Wall Street’s five big securities firms, only Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley remain.


  • 昭夫,前研一以及野中郁次郎(1935年出生)三位巨匠为日本工业管理建造了座通向世界桥梁

    Akio Morita (see article), Kenichi Ohmae and Ikujiro Nonaka (born 1935) constituted a bridge that connected Japanese industry and management with that of the rest of the world.


  • 法兰克福2010中国可能超过日本成为世界第二经济体(GS . N)首席经济学家吉姆·奥尼尔此前预期早了年。

    FRANKFURT: China could overtake Japan as the world's second-largest economy in 2010, one year before Goldman Sachs (GS.N) Chief Economist Jim o 'neill had previously expected.


  • 其他人士认为投行目前形势不错;摩根·士丹利周二周三将分别公布收益状况可能会证实这个说法

    Others contend the two investment Banks are well-positioned, a view likely to be heard on Goldman's earnings call Tuesday and Morgan Stanley's Wednesday.


  • 针对古普塔这些指控意味着世界上卓有影响机构——麦肯锡公司和集团——即将遭遇又一轮谴责浪潮

    The charges against Gupta mean that the reputations of two of the most influential firms in the world-mckinsey and Goldman sachs-are up for another of their periodic rakings over the coals.


  • 2010年,社会化变革趋势参与不要将它们仅仅当做手册装进口袋,它们将促使您利用网络独一无二的潜能促进各种形式社会变革。

    In 2010, three disruptive trends that ask for your participation rather than your pocketbook will emerge and use the web's unique potential to empower new forms of social change.


  • 神迹何其。他的奇事何其

    How great are his signs! And how mighty are his wonders!


  • 事实上,2010年提高了发放奖金的额度,所有高管拿到红包都

    Bonuses, in fact, were up at Goldman in 2010, with all executive officers receiving higher paychecks than they had during the previous two years.


  • 昭夫(文章)野中郁次郎(见文章)一样,前把日本的企业文化战略用英语加以表述

    Like Akio Morita (see article) and Ikujiro Nonaka (see article), Ohmae translated Japanese business culture and strategy into English.


  • 集团:如果压缩到只有铅笔那么然后放进搅拌机,你如何出来

    GOLDMAN SACHS: "If you were shrunk to the size of a pencil and put in a blender, how would you get out?"


  • 美国证券交易委员会(Securitiesand Exchange Commission)正在调查(Goldman Sachs)其他银行利比亚主权财富基金交易是否违反了贿赂

    The Securities and Exchange Commission is looking at whether Goldman Sachs (GS) and other big banks broke bribery laws in dealing with Libya's sovereign wealth fund.


  • BlueSource首席执行官Bill Townsend说:“我们客户名单上有100多位顾客他们的客户名单上上千家,像高这种规模公司寻找真正的订单。”

    Bill Townsend, CEO, Blue Source: "We have a customer list of 100-plus clients... They have a customer list of thousands. A company the size of Goldman is hunting for a really big supply."


  • 所以即使Facebook投入了四亿五千万美元,拥有正在增长中的互联网市场日本依然Facebook全球战略中的黑洞

    So even as Goldman Sachs pours $450 million into the company, Japan, with a large and growing online advertising market, is a big hole in Facebook’s global fabric.


  • 当晚宾客劳尔德·贝兰克梵(Lloyd Blankfein),投资银行总裁,揶揄施瓦茨先生说:“60寿开始了金融危机现在让我们祈祷这个生日派对能帮我们逃离危机。”

    That night Lloyd Blankfein, the boss of Goldman Sachs, quipped to Mr Schwarzman, a fellow guest: “Your 60th got us into the financial crisis. Let’s hope this party gets us out of it.”


  • 2003年时做的预测已经发生了变化但是只需要10年,也就是2014年之后,巴西就会超越英国法国成为全球第五经济体的预测提前了很多。

    Forecasts vary, but sometime in the decade after 2014-rather sooner than Goldman Sachs envisaged-brazil is likely to become the world's fifth-largest economy, overtaking Britain and France.


  • 使用容器以使取水次数减到最少

    Minimize the number of trips to water by carrying water containers.


  • 许多类担保买家

    Goldman had been a big buyer of those guarantees.


  • 许多类担保买家

    Goldman had been a big buyer of those guarantees.


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