• 巴黎交通堵塞被刺当时马车被堵在巴黎市中心,有个疯狂修士用一把匕首捅死了

    He was stabbed to death in a traffic jam in Paris when his carriage gets blocked in the center of Paris, and this mad monk sticks a big knife into him.


  • 疯狂购买推东西,环境带来沉重的负担支付这些东西加班加点工作,准备好了吗?

    Are you ready to consume an insane amount of resources, to have a huge impact on the environment, to work long hours to pay for all that?


  • 巴黎拥挤街道的,对他的一生真是绝妙的讽刺,当时马车被堵在巴黎市中心,有个疯狂修士匕首捅死了

    Appropriately enough, he was stabbed to death in a traffic jam in Paris when his carriage gets blocked in the center of Paris, and this mad monk sticks a big knife into him.


  • 结果短期决策结果的不确定性以往任何时候,同时针对每个变化要进行疯狂的调整。

    The result is ever greater uncertainty about all kinds of short-term decision-making, as well as frantic realignments of every variety.


  • 切尔西装饰圣诞树开始一年一度疯狂圣诞采购

    Chelsea and I decorated the tree and went on our annual Christmas shopping spree.


  • 尽管知道未来一年课程将会非常但我还是想要在周三夜里亚特兰举办疯狂派对或是罗来纳去享受一个周末

    I realized this year that clasees are gonna be hardso let’s roll down to Atlanta for a party on a Thursday night or jump over to South Carolina for a weekend.


  • 约会之这样电影带来的启示是,好莱坞喜剧有时不妨精简一些,因为喜剧效果来自角色环境并非疯狂特技杀特杀所能制造出来的。

    A movie like Date Night encourages Hollywood comedy to occasionally dial down, and realize that comedy emerges from characters and situations and can't be manufactured from manic stunts and overkill.


  • 新西兰第二城市基督城里救援人员在倒塌的建筑车辆疯狂挖掘,试图救出星期二发生的6.3级地震掩埋的尸体

    Rescuers dug frantically for bodies and people trapped after a major 6.3 earthquake caused "multiple" deaths in New Zealand's second city of Christchurch Tuesday, crushing buildings and vehicles.


  • 这本成功——书的成千上万,疯狂跟风之作层出不穷,出版商已经要求赶快再续集了。

    The book is a huge successmillions of people bought it, there's a rabid and devoted following, and the publisher is already forcing you to bang out several sequels.


  • 实际上诸如萨克斯第五精品百货店内曼·马库斯之类的高档商店疯狂购物。

    Instead, she went on a spending spree in upmarket stores such as Saks Fifth Avenue and Neiman Marcus.


  • 这次赛事的发起者是密歇根州体育指导主任马克·霍利斯,他自称疯狂科学家」,常梦想着奇异场地举办比赛

    The genesis for this event came fromMark Hollis, the athletic director at Michigan State, a self-describedmadscientist” and visionary for hosting games in bizarre locations.


  • 银行监管放松加上受到G7支持日元急剧升值,拉开了日本泡沫最后疯狂

    It was the combination of banking deregulation and the G7-sanctioned surge in the yen that ushered in the final manic stage of the Japanese bubble.


  • 感到灰心焦虑可能开始神经质地拼命指甲,然后不可救药地陷入一眨眼吃掉三块巧克力蛋糕疯狂

    You feel frustrated and anxious, which can induce a nail-biting frenzy that can escalate into a triple-chocolate-mud-cake-eating frenzy in a blink of an eye!


  • 北冰洋”号悄悄驶过吉利海峡,730左右失踪”,引发了国际疯狂搜索

    The Arctic sea then slipped through the Channel and "disappeared" on or around 30 July, prompting a frantic international search.


  • 40亿年前发生月球南极小行星撞击抛出碎渣——就像只狗疯狂地在沙地一般。

    The impact of an asteroid at the moon's South Pole 4 billion years ago threw out a colossal surge of debris - like a dog furiously digging a hole in the sand.


  • 萧条的时候看起来有些疯狂

    It might seem crazy to advocate a tax increase during a major recession.


  • 疯狂三月纽约第五苹果人们排队等候为了购买iPad2

    Frenzy: People queued up outside Apple's Fifth Avenue New York store to get their hands on an iPad 2 in March.


  • 感到灰心焦虑,可能开始神经质地拼命咬指甲,然后不可救药陷入一眨眼吃掉三块巧克力蛋糕疯狂

    You feel frustrated and anxious, which can induce anail-bitingfrenzy that can escalate into atriple-chocolate-mud-cake-eatingfrenzy in a blink of an eye!


  • 不过假日疯狂采购开始之前是个很好的时机可以开始酝酿自己的主题寻找同道中人了。

    But before the holiday rush begins, this seems a good time to start mulling it over and looking for co-conspirators.


  • 这样暴风雪爬山简直疯狂

    It would be madness to try to climb the mountain in such a snowstorm.


  • 评论家高度赞扬了疯狂动物城》城市种动物之间关系描写上有着敏锐的幽默感非常的信息量。

    Critics have strongly praised "Zootopia" for its sharp humor and strong message in its portrayal of relations between two kinds of animals in the city.


  • 如果认为黑色星期五购物疯狂那么一下篮球传奇人物迈克尔·乔丹15年前穿过球鞋,如今再发行发售的时候,发生了什么吧!

    If you thought the Black Friday shopping fights were crazy then just look what happened when a re-issue of shoes first worn 15 years ago by basketball legend Michael Jordan went on sale.


  • 虽然这些疯狂实验日本央行持有三分之一的日本国债,通货紧缩仍是祸害

    But though these wild experiments have left the central bank holding a third of the outstanding JGB stock, deflation remains a scourge.


  • 虽然这些疯狂实验日本央行持有三分之一的日本国债,通货紧缩仍是祸害

    But though these wild experiments have left the central bank holding a third of the outstanding JGB stock, deflation remains a scourge.


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