• 证书 4.insurancepolies可磋商的形式, 一式两支持悬挂seng次序存入银行公司 HongKong 依照大海人的保险 co 的海产货物子句包含的所有危险。

    Insurance polies of certificates in negotiable form, in duplicate and endorsed to the order of hang seng bank LTD.


  • 我们面向大海闷闷不乐着。

    The three of us sat glumly looking out to sea.


  • 荷兰大海战斗传奇的。

    The Dutch battle against the sea is legendary.


  • 海岸挤满他们大海尖叫着,头发

    The shore was full of people, shrieking and tearing their hair as they looked toward the sea.


  • 这个城市里一个无异于大海捞针

    Searching for one man in this city is like looking for a needle in a haystack.


  • 渡过汹涌澎湃大海回到陆地使长舒一口气

    It was a great relief to be back on dry land after such a rough crossing.


  • 大海里,在泡沫飞溅的浪花中挣扎。

    Five men were seen in the sea, struggling with the foaming breakers.


  • 任何真正冒险进入大海必须鲨鱼水母冲浪运动员搏斗。

    Anyone actually venturing into the sea will have to contend with sharks, stinging jellyfish and surfboarders.


  • 因为你们放下了所有这些-力量征兆-害怕可能出现,而或许觉得自己一个漂流波涛汹涌大海

    Because you have released all these certainties - and that is a sign of strength - fears may turn up and you may feel like you're drifting around by yourself on a rough ocean.


  • 他们不仅可以自己做主可以在给芳香按摩时候闻到各种香味聆听许多能使宁静下来的背景音乐或是大海声音

    Not only are most massage therapists self employed, but they also get to smell smoothing aromatherapy scents and listen to calming background music or ocean sounds all day while they work.


  • 真的我们必须大海才能接受一条污流不致变污。

    Verily, a polluted stream is man. One must be a sea, to receive a polluted stream without becoming impure.


  • 印尼渡轮发生倾覆,245仍然下落不明。灾难幸存者今天恐惧地说,突然了一个个,把我们去全大海中,顿时眼前一片漆黑

    Survivors of the Indonesian ferry disaster in which 245 people are still missing told today of their terror as the ship suddenly rolled over, throwing them into the sea in pitch darkness.


  • 瓶子Nazare上岸了,好心葡萄牙把它放大海

    The bottle had washed up at Nazare and again been hurled back into the sea by a kindly Portuguese person.


  • 这样做目的为了避免重蹈1994年覆辙。那时候上万古巴就搭乘弱不禁风各式船只驶向大海

    The aim was to avoid a repeat of the summer of 1994, when tens of thousands of Cubans took to the sea in flimsy boats.


  • 阿尔及尔一个通常喜爱这些司空见惯事物:条街道尽头大海,拥有一定数量阳光,独具特色的事物美。

    In Algiers one loves the commonplaces: the sea at the end of every street, a certain volume of sunlight, the beauty of the race.


  • 是啊汹涌大海思想一样,这浪花就是的思绪。

    Yes, the stormy ocean is like the mind, and the waves are the thoughts.


  • 深深陷入绝望的时候,甚至异想天开的希望克莱夫带到海边大海深处走去直到海水把二吞没。

    Sinking into a deep depression, she fantasized about taking Clive to the beach and walking with him into the sea until they were swallowed up.


  • 我们自己投身到了竞争激烈大海,却看不到救生艇,让我们面对全球竞争残酷,却没有他们任何自己怜悯

    We've thrown ourselves into cutthroat waters without a life preserver in sight, exposing our workers to the harsh mercy of global competition without showing them any mercy of our own.


  • 古巴发现条通往自由路线穿过大海到达墨西哥尤卡坦半岛然后使经由陆路越过美国边界

    Cubans have also discovered a new route to freedom, crossing the sea to Mexico's Yucatan peninsula, then making their way overland to the border with the United States.


  • 独自一间牢房里,牢房的地面脏兮兮的,石头墙壁很粗糙扇窗户,其中扇面向着大海

    There's a man who has been by himself in a prison cell with a dirt floor, crude stone walls, and there's two Windows one of which looks out towards the ocean.


  • 美国纳税不会用来支撑通用公司的网络

    There will be no US taxpayer dollars used to prop-up GM's vast overseas network.


  • 查理•狄更斯小说里,感伤镜头之一是,在《大卫•科普菲尔德》中的老赶马车巴基斯,在大海涨潮时候,海水向海岸边漫过去,巴基斯就推迟了死亡但是最后“在退潮的时候也跟着去了”。

    In one of Charles Dickens’s most sentimental scenes, the old coachman Barkis in “David Copperfielddelays his dying while the sea is full and coming onshore, but eventuallygoes out with the tide”.


  • 还听说许许多多同样旅程中在途中的故事,这些有的活活憋死,有些被活着扔进大海

    He heard stories of men who had died trying to make a similar voyage, who had suffocated or been thrown overboard alive.


  • 你们有些渴望咆哮着奔大海的激流,载着山峦秘密森林歌曲。

    But in some of you that longing is a torrent rushing with might to the sea, carrying the secrets of the hillsides and the songs of the forest.


  • 位吹玻璃了天,刚旅行回来带着一个真大小的玻璃游遍全国。他谈吐幽默,经常笑得喘不过气来,使我暂时忘却大海

    A chat with a glassblower, returning from an Odyssey on which he had carried a full-sized glass man across the country, helped me forget the ocean (helpless laughter usually does).


  • 一次紧急情况检验2004年造成230 000死亡实施减少伤亡的相关系统

    The emergency will test the systems put into place to minimise casualties after the devastating Asian tsunami of 2004 in which more than 230,000 people are thought to have died.


  • 不久就觉得一望无垠平原吞没凝视凝视着大海那样,使迷茫

    Soon I felt engulfed in the immensity of the plain, lost in gazing upon it as one feels lost in gazing on sea.


  • 整个家族中,只有一个曾经大海这种巨型有过紧密关系

    In my whole family, just one person ever had close relationship with real ocean and real giant ship.


  • 当时有超过400葬身大海

    More than 400 drowned.


  • 大约1500葬身大海

    Some 1,500 people perished.


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