• 其他交通工具却趁着大气问题发横财

    The air problems have proved a boon for other transport firms.


  • 第三部分介绍大气扩散理论模式大气问题中的应用

    The application of different atmospheric diffusion theories and models are discussed in section 3.


  • 最近一次白宫召集美国国家科学院的专家小组告诉我们地球大气确实变暖而且这个问题主要是人为造成的。

    The latest was a panel from the National Academy of Sciences, enlisted by the White House, to tell us that the Earth's atmosphere is definitely warming and that the problem is largely man-made.


  • 为数不多有关模式之一,该模式关于互补的海洋大气,外加活跃的气溶胶有史以来充分地阐述那个问题的模式。

    That's because it was one of the very few models that had a coupled atmosphere and ocean along with interactive aerosols, to be able to more fully address this issue then ever before.


  • 为了保护核心阻止大的问题专家们必须放出一些水蒸气大气中,就意味着随之放出一些有辐射性微粒

    To protect the core, and prevent a bigger problem, authorities had to vent some of that steam into the atmosphere, which means venting some of the radioactive particles along with them.


  • 因为它们破坏植物腐烂后,植物所释放出来二氧化碳储存大气中,这样更增强全球变暖问题

    As the trees they've killed decompose, they release the carbon dioxide that they've been storing into the atmosphere. That adds to the global warming problem.


  • 人类几乎解决问题所有手段,应当增加大气温室气体排放浓度的情况下,继续程度极高地过上人类正在享受的那种生活

    The human race has almost all the tools it needs to continue leading much the sort of life it has been enjoying without causing a net increase in greenhouse-gas concentrations in the atmosphere.


  • 风力可能解决大气二氧化碳全球变暖问题方法的一部分

    Wind energy is likely to be a part of the solution to the atmospheric carbon dioxide and the global warming problem.


  • 董事会长期面临两大问题董事要么大气不敢出,要么口无遮拦,但却根本知道自己些什么

    Two enduring problems on boards are directors who don't speak up and directors who speak up but don't know what they're talking about.


  • 觉得这个测试模块完全可以持续的时间,而且大气还不出什么问题

    I felt that the test module could have gone on for the full two years and kept its atmosphere right.


  • 讽刺者们则等着看公司卷入知识产权问题以及为了牟利计划抽取大气中的二氧化碳的笑话

    Cynics may smile at the oil companies' involvement, and at the intellectual property and plans for profit that companies trying to pull carbon out of the atmosphere all rely on.


  • 学者们曾因为地面温度升高,大气温度是否也上升问题产生争执,现在谜底揭晓两者的温度都上升了。

    This was a disagreement between the temperature trend on the ground, which appeared to be rising, and that further up in the atmosphere, which did not. Now, both are known to be rising in parallel.


  • 密苏里大学一位大气科学家Tony Lupo他的俄罗斯同事们一直致力于观察这个问题

    Tony Lupo, an atmospheric scientist from the University of Missouri, has been looking at the question with some Russian colleagues.


  • 此外,他们担心天空回散照射(skyshine)”的问题房顶散发辐射大气中的颗粒向下反射

    They were also concerned aboutsky shine”: radiation emanating from the roof that’s reflected downward by atmospheric particles.


  • 关键问题CO2分子是不是获得到足够人工力量进入太空从而使足够多数量的CO2脱离大气并导致气候的改变

    The question is, can CO2 molecules be given an artificial leg-up into space, so that they leave the atmosphere in sufficient Numbers to make a difference to climate change?


  • 关键问题CO2分子是不是获得到足够人工力量进入太空从而使足够多数量的CO 2脱离大气并导致气候的改变?

    The question is, can CO 2 molecules be given an artificial leg-up into space, so that they leave the atmosphere in sufficient Numbers to make a difference to climate change?


  • 问题就在于:大多数卫星仪器无法那些地表和悬大气中的细颗粒物区分清楚。

    The problem: Most satellite instruments can't distinguish particles close to the ground from those high in the atmosphere.


  • 问题在于,我们人类使用化石燃料越来越多,大气集中排放数量过去几千年来排放的总数还要多。尽管碳空气中一个重要的元素。

    The problem is that we're burning ever larger amounts of fossil fuels, putting a greater concentration of carbon into the atmosphere than has been seen for millions of years.


  • 数十年来,科学家一直弄清楚一个问题火星大气为何如此稀薄不过现在人们想搞清楚的问题变成:为什么火星已经完全没有大气

    For decades, scientists have pondered why Mars has such a thin atmosphere, but now we wonder: why does it have not any atmosphere left at all?


  • 同吸烟问题一样来自许多领域的声音坚持认为有关全球变暖科学研究不完整我们确定此事之前大气中继续排放废气问题的。

    Just as on smoking, voices now come from many quarters insisting that the science about global warming is incomplete, that its ok to keep pouring fumes into the air until we know for sure.


  • 个体大气里排放时,产生微小社会成本,而这些微小的成本累积起来,就造成了全球气候加速暖化伴随而来严重的社会问题

    When we emit carbon into the atmosphere, we impose a tiny cost on society as a whole in the form of more rapid global warming and a greater intensity of the accompanying social ills.


  • 长达一个世纪里,由于我们大气中释放了二氧化碳其他温室气体当今全球变暖问题本身不经意间证实了地球工程学。但是皮纳图火山爆发提供了当今地球工程学潜力的实例。

    Modern global warming is itself evidence of inadvertent geoengineering, the result of all that carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases we've been pumping into the atmosphere for a century or so.


  • 长达一个世纪里,由于我们大气中释放了二氧化碳其他温室气体当今全球变暖问题本身不经意间证实了地球工程学。但是皮纳图火山爆发提供了当今地球工程学潜力的实例。

    Modern global warming is itself evidence of inadvertent geoengineering, the result of all that carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases we've been pumping into the atmosphere for a century or so.


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