• HJ_1卫星CCD数据大气校正及其效果分析

    HJ_1 CCD data of the satellite atmospheric correction and effect analysis.


  • 卫星遥感数据大气校正, 一直遥感定量化研究的主要课题之一

    The atmospheric correction of remote sensing data is one of the main topics of quantitative remote sensing research.


  • 大气校正精确度主要取决于气溶胶光学特性漫射透过率等参数精度

    The accuracy of atmospheric correction was decided mainly by the accuracy of aerosol optical characteristics and atmospheric diffuse transmittance parameters.


  • 光谱遥感大气校正光谱重建技术高光谱遥感应用关键技术必要前提

    Atmospheric correction and spectral reconstruction of hyperspectral remote sensing applications is the key technology and necessary prerequisite.


  • 本文总结了三类大气校正技术方法大气辐射传输模型理论上处理精度最高的方法

    This paper summarizes three methods of atmospheric correction, and atmospheric radiative transfer model is the most accurate method.


  • 本文主要对试验区遥感影像进行了辐射校正大气校正几何校正数据融合等处理

    In this paper, the main work of author are below as follows: radiation correction, atmospheric correction, geometric correction and data processing integration.


  • 传统大气校正方法原理比较复杂,而且有些参数特别是实时大气剖面资料难以获取

    Traditional atmospheric correction methods are complicated in theory, difficult in practice owning to some parameters, especially field real-time atmospheric profile data, are seldom available.


  • 在经大气校正可见光波段卫星遥感数据的水体主要水中污染物泥沙叶绿素等影响。

    After atmospheric correcting, water pixels of satellite remote sensing data of optic spectrum are mainly influenced by pollutants, soil and sand, and chlorophyll in the water.


  • 大气均一大气校正精度影响分析显示AAC方法大气校正精度显著地受到大气非均一性影响。

    Analysis on the impact of heterogeneity of atmosphere on accuracy of atmospheric correction shows that the accuracy of AAC approach is influenced significantly by the heterogeneity of atmosphere.


  • 除了传感器定标辐射定标以及大气校正等因素需考虑之外,还考虑土壤二向反射特性BRDF问题。

    Besides sensor calibration, radiance calibration and atmospheric correction, BRDF of soil reflectance property should be taken into account.


  • 最后大气校正影像S函数模型为云南松地上生物量模型估算了研究区域云南松林的地上生物量储量。

    Finally, above ground biomass and carbon stock of Pinus yunnanensis were estimated with S model and surface reflectance image.


  • 本文主要研究内容包括1结合同步气象辅助数据,利用6S辐射传输模型法,对太湖水体影像进行大气校正

    The main contents of this study are as follows:1, Making atmospheric correction with 6S radiative transfer model, combined with synchronous meteorologic records;


  • 第四根据反演得到气溶胶光学厚度大气水汽含量利用辐射传输模型计算大气校正参数的方法来对遥感图像进行大气校正

    The forth one gives a method to correct the atmospheric effects by taking the AOD and water vapor content inversion results into the atmospheric radiation transferring model.


  • 士壤大气LAI - VI关系有显著影响。遥感数据进行大气校正可以显著提高LAI - VI之间的相关性

    However, Atmospheric correction on the data of the remotely sensed imagery can effectively improve the LAI-VI correlation and SAVI can partly remove the influence of soil on the relationship.


  • 拍摄照片大熊湖太阳天文台望远镜采用自适应光学技术配件以便校正大气扰动误差,调节信号畸变

    The telescope that took the picture is know as the New Solar telescope which USES adaptive optics, parts that change to adapt to disturbances in the atmosphere and correct distortions in the signals.


  • 为了使这项技术得以实施通过波前校正”,入射光线经过地球大气造成的扭曲移动。

    In order for this technique to work, the distortions imposed on the incoming light during its passage through the Earth's atmosphere must be removed using a trick called "wavefront correction".


  • 它的光学自适应校正不仅仅是为了抵消大气带来畸变补偿风所带来的观测精度变化。

    Its adaptive optics correct not only for atmospheric distortion but also for ground winds that can alter observational accuracy.


  • 因此我国建立大气因素烟度校正公式很有必要的。

    Therefore, it is necessary to set up smoke rectifying formula versus the atmospheric factors.


  • 详细介绍相对散射模型应用过程进行大气辐射校正检验

    We introduce the course of applying the relative scatter model, and test the result of the atmospheric scattering correction.


  • 本文提出了校正大气影响土壤线方法

    Bare sand soil line is adopted to correct atmospheric effects in this paper.


  • 目前大气辐射校正方法局限性已经严重影响定量遥感科学进展

    Nowaday the limitation of the method of atmospheric and radiometric correction had been strictly effecting the development of RS science.


  • 在此过程中,图像数据进行了大气散射校正使用大气散射校正数估算大气水分含量

    Atmosphere scatter correcting was applied to image data, and the value of atmosphere scatter correction was used to account water vapor content.


  • 激光大气湍流中长距离水平传输闪烁加强,限制常规自适应光学校正能力

    Scintillation increases when laser propagates long distance near horizontally in the atmosphere, which limits the ability of conventional adaptive optical system.


  • 根据非平静大气运动方程组,针对航弹影响作用下产生落点散布,采用脉冲修正方式航弹落点偏差进行风校正

    According to the motion equation in the non-quietude atmosphere, the authors calculate the dispersions of bomb on the effect of the wind have adopt and the pattern of the impulse correction.


  • 适应光学系统传感器重构器波前校正器组成,能够实时动态校正大气湍流等造成的波前畸变。

    The adaptive optical system is composed of the wavefront sensor, the wave front constructor and the wavefront corrector, which can correct the wavefront aberration distorted by atmospheric turbulence.


  • 给出了在各种不同大气湍流强度、不同相位空间频率的下降因子大气湍流相位波低阶模式完全校正倾斜部分校正时的斯特列尔计算结果

    The results of Strehl ration calculation after low-order modes and tilt part correction at varies atmospheric turbulent intensity and phase spectrum descend efficiency are discussed detailed.


  • 应用信标技术可以降低大气湍流光学系统的影响,人造信标主动校正大气造成的波面相位畸变的重要手段。

    Wavefront aberration caused by atmospheric turbulence weakens the capability of imaging optical system. Artificial beacon is used to correct the aberration successfully.


  • 大气光学厚度光谱特性和自然水体光学特性可知,经过“暗像元”算法校正影像数据质量得到显著改善

    Compared with the theoretical spectral features of waters' optical properties, the image quality of Hyperion sensor has been perfectly improved by the DPACA.


  • 包括飞行训练大纲内厂、外场试飞大纲作为飞行剖面编制依据; 以飞参数据作为温度载荷的原始输入; 采用大气状态下的实测结果进行温度校正计算等。

    Through calculating service temperature by flight parameter and based on the flight training program, infield and outfield test-fly program, and compares the result with actual-measurement.


  • 包括飞行训练大纲内厂、外场试飞大纲作为飞行剖面编制依据; 以飞参数据作为温度载荷的原始输入; 采用大气状态下的实测结果进行温度校正计算等。

    Through calculating service temperature by flight parameter and based on the flight training program, infield and outfield test-fly program, and compares the result with actual-measurement.


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