• 用户需要精确知道操作需要多少但是最好有一个大概的估计

    Users don't need to know precisely how many seconds an operation will take, but an estimate is helpful.


  • 另外,目前没有可靠办法确定组织胶原含量根据肝内纤维增生情况进行大概估计具有一定的局限性。

    There is also no reliable way to determine the content of collagen in liver. The diagnose of liver fibrosis based only on a rough estimate has a limited applications.


  • 一种方法最终成绩公布之前采用大概估计的方法填报志愿。

    One way is to apply with a rough estimation before the final score is released.


  • 开始大概二十分钟后,安装程序看起来就像是卡住了,估计所需剩余时间指示为33分钟

    For the first twenty minutes or so the installer seemed to be stuck with the estimated time remaining indicating 33 minutes.


  • 可以目测进度条的前进速度大概估计需要多久才能全部搞定

    You can also gauge how fast the bar is filling up, so can roughly estimate how long it's going to take for the whole thing to finish.


  • 估计墨西哥兵力数量至少在2400人以上,甚至超过5000人,阿拉驻防力量数目大概只有185人,桑塔·安纳公开宣称绝不会手下留情。

    The Mexican force has been estimated at from 2, 400 to over 5, 000, the Alamo's defenders numbered only about 185, and Santa Anna declared he would give no quarter.


  • Techline团队将提供硬件大概估计满足这些要求

    The Techline team provides a rough estimate of the hardware required to satisfy those requirements.


  • 估计目前有20003000只大熊猫生活野外人工饲养的大概239只。

    Currently it is estimated that about 2,000 to 3,000 giant pandas live in the wild worldwide, and about 239 in captivity.


  • 估计目前有20003000只大熊猫生活野外人工饲养的大概239只。

    Currently it is estimated that about 2, 000 to 3, 000 giant pandas live in the wild worldwide, and about 239 in captivity.


  • 那些有经验的中途职业休息者讨论会上曾估计他们每人每月大概要花1500美元到2700美元,又或者说大概20000美元。

    The career-break veterans on the panel estimated that they spent between $1,500 and $2,700 a month (a person), or about $20,000 for a year away.


  • 美国地质勘查结果则表明此油田储量大概46亿,虽然是一个保守估计储量依然可观

    The United States Geological Survey’s estimate is 4.6 billion barrels, a modest but nevertheless significant quantity.


  • 估计美国芝加哥孟菲斯康涅狄格州这样的地方大概20个类似团体

    He estimates there are about 20 similar groups scattered across the country in places like Chicago, Memphis and Connecticut.


  • 我们还是估计大概巴基斯坦某个部族地区

    We continue to assess that he's probably in the tribal areas of Pakistan.


  • 等着我们走开,那样他就妈妈就能继续争论了,估计他们争论的话题大概就是他们所种的那些花生或者水仙吧。

    He has stopped talking to her and is looking at us, waiting for us to go on sohe and Mama can finish the argument they are having, probably about daffodils, or peonies.


  • 根据世界健康组织估计所有市面上销售药品大概有10%- 25%假药某些国家这个比率更是高达80%。

    Some 10-25% of all drugs sold are fakes, according to the World Health Organisation, and in some countries the proportion can be as high as 80%.


  • 粗略估计大概一半气象站建筑物林立这样一来使气温上升出现夸张估计

    Many sceptics fear that, because roughly half of all weather stations are in built-up areas, this may have inflated estimates of a temperature rise.


  • 如果苹果在2012年进入低价消费市场那么大概亚马逊出现时间撞车:业内估计亚马逊将在2012年发布外型功能更强大的新一代平板电脑。

    If Apple were to address a lower cost market in 2012, it would come around the same time that Amazon is expected to introduce a more powerful touchscreen tablet with a larger form factor.


  • 尽管生存地球物种数量,我们可以估计大概但是我们一直找不到可信方法计算

    Although the number of species on the planet might seem an obvious figure to know, a way to calculate it with confidence has been elusive.


  • 衡量欧元区各国经济规模以后,波恩先生估计欧元区内各国削减财政预算赤字措施,在明年大概整个欧元区GDP1%。

    Ms Boone reckons that measures aimed at cutting budget deficits in the euro area will come to around 1% of GDP next year, when weighted by the size of each country’s economy.


  • 美国能源部官员估计这样台超级计算机需要十亿瓦特动力才能运转大概相当于一座核电站所产生的动力。

    But DOE officials estimate that such a supercomputer would require a gigawatt of power to operate, or about the output of nuclear power plant.


  • 现在能难预计他们在什么时候出现但是我们可以估计一个大概的时间,在展览会之后。

    These days, it's hard to predict when they'll show up, but we expect more regular hours post-Expo.


  • 国家统计局估计这样经济活动大概占了GDP的16%之多。

    Istat, the national statistics office, estimates that underground economic activity amounts to 16% of GDP.


  • 研究者表示他们根据现有调查估计大概2.6%孩子有自倾向——与美国估计的1%相比

    But the researchers say they still were able to use the findings to estimate that about 2.6 percent of the population had some autism traits - compared to the U.S. estimate of 1 percent.


  • 研究者表示他们根据现有调查估计大概2.6%孩子有自倾向——与美国估计的1%相比

    But the researchers say they still were able to use the findings to estimate that about 2.6 percent of the population had some autism traits - compared to the U. S. estimate of 1 percent.


  • 国际货币基金委员会估计这些比先前利率以及汇率大概各自承担着修整预算一半阵痛

    These lower interest and exchange rates roughly halve the pain of budgetary repairs, the IMF calculates.


  • Google早就告天下,世界上所有信息进行数字化,它还估计这项工作要花费大概300的时间。

    Google has openly declared its intention of digitizing all the world's information, and estimates it will take approximately 300 years to do so.


  • 艾伦估计Google +大概7月12日或者13日时候用户数达到了1000万。

    Allen estimated that Google + hit the 10 million user mark sometime on July 12 or 13.


  • 科学家估计世纪路易斯安那州东南部有可能下陷2~6英尺(大约2米左右),而且大概一半原因是由于下陷引起的。

    Scientists now think south-east Louisiana may sink between two and six feet (up to two metres) over the next century, and that perhaps half of that will be caused by subsidence.


  • 科学家估计世纪路易斯安那州东南部有可能下陷2~6英尺(大约2米左右),而且大概一半原因是由于下陷引起的。

    Scientists now think south-east Louisiana may sink between two and six feet (up to two metres) over the next century, and that perhaps half of that will be caused by subsidence.


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