• 本文讨论梯度应变电阻应变片设计问题。

    The design of strain gages in regions of high strain gradient is discussed.


  • 现代科学技术出现复杂非线性问题,其中部分局部梯度甚至不连续的特点。

    More and more complex nonlinear problems appear in Modem Science and Technology, with large gradients or discontinues in local region.


  • 这种格式既保证梯度变化性质,能节省计算时间因而具有一定理论应用价值

    The scheme can keep the large gradient variation of the original solution and can also save computation time. So, it has some value in theory and application.


  • 成矿有利部位剪切的边缘次级剪切带问过渡地带,它们是剪切带内应力梯度变化的地带。

    The shear zone boder and the belt of the transition between the secondary shear zones where the stress gradient changed greatly are f.


  • 霉素峰值浓度浓度梯度动物之间的差异相当的,这可能是窗膜通透性不同和外淋巴液流动率的不同所导致的。

    Peak concentrations and gradients for gentamicin varied considerably between animals, likely resulting from variations in round window membrane permeability and rates of perilymph flow.


  • 葡萄有机溶剂梯度酶法提取树脂初步纯化,薄层色谱分离纯化得到花青素单体体。

    The monomer and dimer of proanthocyanidins in grape seeds were obtained by gradient and enzymatic extraction, isolation with macroporous adsorption resin, and purification by TLC.


  • 本文探讨温度梯度铸件定向凝固过程数值模拟一些规律性

    Some rules of computer numerical simulation for the directional solidification with steep temperature gradient have been found out.


  • 惯性纯滞后系统自适应智能开关控制器给出一种递推梯度形式控制规律

    A recursive gradient controlling law for adaptive intelligent switch controller of inertial and large dead time system is given in this paper.


  • 模拟排水效应并解决排水孔附近水头梯度、有限元网格划分细而显著增加计算问题,提出线单元

    The line sink drainage element method was proposed to solve the problem that small FEM grid was needed near drainage holes due to the high hydraulic gradient at the cost of time consuming.


  • 生产型梯度磁选激磁功率电感性负载供电系统输出电流很难稳定

    High Gradient Magnetic Separator for production needs high exciting power and its inductive load is great. The stabilization of output current from power supply system is difficult.


  • 激光切割熔融石英材料出现裂纹主要原因相当温度梯度所产生弹性应力

    The great thermal elasticity stress, resulted from the too great temperature gradient of material, is the main cause of bringing many cracks when the laser beam cuts the fused quartz material.


  • 用速度梯度压力梯度环量梯度模拟攻角尖前缘三角

    Velocity gradient, pressure gradient and circulation gradient are used to model the separated vortex flow field over a leading edge delta wing.


  • 梯度使气流方向测量值向负梯度方向偏转。圆柱探针锥形多孔探针相比,气流方向测量误差速度梯度敏感,纵向梯度对俯仰角测量值的影响尤其

    The velocity gradient, especially the perpendicular velocity gradient, leads the measuring error of flow angle with cylindrical probe to be larger than with conical multi-hole probe.


  • 避免温度变化温度梯度位置

    Avoid locations subject to wide temperature variations or a significant temperature gradient.


  • 实验上采取密度梯度方法制造药柱,容量密闭爆发器测定密度梯度药柱的速,得到了几乎平台型的燃速压力曲线

    A large volume closed bomb was used to measure the burning rates of the UHBRP samples. The up curves of UHBRP of density gradient show the plateau combustion characteristics.


  • 这种仪器设计,采用了由到小逐渐变化水压梯度,使渗透过程符合田间实际情况。此外,自动记录渗透全过程。

    The meter could record automatically the whole process of penetration which was fully reflected on marked scales in accordance with change of water pressure in the field.


  • 成矿有利部位是剪切的边缘次级剪切带问过渡地带,它们是剪切带内应力梯度变化的地带。

    The shear zone boder and the belt of the transition between the secondary shear zones where the stress gradient changed g...


  • 且可活动滤网表面梯度可调节转轴转速达到生产量中起到非常重要的作用

    The large active sieve surface and the stepless adjustable rotor speed play a vital role in achieving high throughputs.


  • 环氧树脂传统固化方法由于存在着传热速度慢、温度梯度、固化不均匀和固化速率低等问题,严重影响了环氧树脂复合材料的固化质量。

    The effect of microwave curing on the curing velocity, mechanical and thermal properties of epoxy and epoxy matrix composites were discussed emphatically and in detail.


  • 环氧树脂传统固化方法由于存在着传热速度慢、温度梯度、固化不均匀和固化速率低等问题,严重影响了环氧树脂复合材料的固化质量。

    The effect of microwave curing on the curing velocity, mechanical and thermal properties of epoxy and epoxy matrix composites were discussed emphatically and in detail.


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