• 不能更改位置大小颜色

    You cannot change its position, size, or color.


  • 输入文本限制改变一个单词字体大小颜色时,文本中的所有文字都会同样改变

    Also, typed-in text has its limits: changing the font type, size or color of one word changes all words in the text box.


  • 如果图标包含合适大小颜色模式Windows采用接近的大小分辨率渲染图标使其适合显示。

    If the icon does not contain the appropriate size or color mode, Windows will take the closest size and resolution, and render the icon to suit.


  • 平衡可以通过对象位置实现,如一房子的窗户,还可以通过对象的体积大小达到平衡,还有通过颜色取得平衡(室内亮度)。

    Balance can be balance by location of objects such as Windows on a house, balance by volume or sizes of objects, balance by color (like desired brightness in a room).


  • 正常大便可能有着不同形状大小颜色但是只要的大便带血色稀薄要非常痛苦用力,一般是没问题的。

    Normal feces comes in many different shapes, sizes, and colors, but as long as yours isn't bloody, loose, or painfully hard, you're probably okay.


  • 图形编辑工具修改图像颜色然后重新附加该文件而不更改图像名称大小

    Modify the image's colors with a graphics editing tool, and reattach the file without changing the name or the size of the image.


  • 随着画笔大小增加减小含有面板中选择颜色文本也会增加减小。

    As you increase or decrease the brush size, the box containing the color you selected from the panel will increase or decrease.


  • HTML其他XML应用CSS一样,对XUL应用CSS允许控制常见的属性—颜色字体空间大小

    Using CSS for XUL allows you to control the usual properties-colors, fonts, spacing, and sizing-familiar from CSS for HTML or other XML.


  • 先前就存在痣出现形状颜色大小任何改变应当引起重视

    Any change in the shape, color, or size of a preexisting nevus should raise concern.


  • 黑色素瘤开始时呈现色素雀斑的外观,颜色大小形状上有区别,皮肤肿瘤危险一类

    Melanomas appear as a mole or freckle that changes colour, size or shape, but are the most dangerous type of skin cancer.


  • 这些征兆包括皮肤大小颜色厚度质地变化

    The signs include a skin growth that changes in size, color, thickness or texture.


  • 量子光线电力刺激之后,它们就能根据各自量子大小以及构成材料释放某种颜色

    When excited by light or electricity, a quantum dot emits light of a colour determined by the dot's size and the material from which it is made.


  • 公司介绍另外的项目味道形式颜色包裹大小指定产品类别同样名牌线性延伸

    When a company introduces an additional item with a new flavor, form, color, or package size in a given product category and under the same brand name, it is called a line extension.


  • 许多图表使用不同视觉样式表示不同的数据颜色形状大小

    Many charts will use different visual properties such as colours, shapes or sizes to represent different values of data.


  • 可能会发现文章颜色一样你想要的,大小太小了。

    You may find the color of the article is different from what you want, or the size is either too small or too big.


  • 疾病表现为之前正常皮肤上出现长大迅速不规律的黑斑,原有黑痣其大小颜色质地发生改变。

    The disease is mainly identified by a fast-growing, irregular dark spot on previously normal skin or in an existing mole that changes in size, colour or texture.


  • 训练时每图像包含个、两个三个形状大小颜色各异物品。这样训练可能需要一年但是等它们学习复杂点儿的数学,就会发现这些付出是值得的。

    It may have taken a year of training, with different shapes, sizes and colors of items, always in groups of one, two or three, but all that work paid off when it was time for higher math.


  • 所作金属大小颜色定制用于钥匙纪念品徽章作为收集

    Made by metal, the size and color can be customized, used for key chain, souvenir or badge, also as collection.


  • 其他服务器控件一样,可以任何控件属性(例如控件颜色大小)绑定数据

    As with other server controls, you can bind any control properties, such as the color or size of the control, to data.


  • 为了适合各种显示大小图标文件多个实际图标组成,其中每个实际图标都表示相应特定大小颜色深度图标版本

    To cater to the various display sizes, an icon file is composed of one or more actual ICONS where each one represents a version of the icon that targets a specific size and color depth.


  • 游戏结束后按照找到彩蛋数目、彩蛋的大小特定颜色彩蛋的数量颁发奖品

    When the hunt is over, prizes may be given measured by the largest number of eggs collected, the largest or smallest egg or the most eggs of a specific color.


  • 因为LED显示屏制作成本,能按照需要大小颜色形状进行组合单片机实现各种文字图形变化

    Because the LED display is not high production costs, in accordance with the needs of the size, color, shape, and so the combination of various MCU with text or graphics changes.


  • 譬如说,中含有不同大小量子点(说五种颜色的量子点),浓度各不相同。

    The bead could, for instance, contain five different sizes of dots, or five colors, in a variety of concentrations.


  • 位置颜色大小任何其他方法可以使用帮助作出正确选择

    Position, color, size or any other ways you can use to help make the right choice at your will.


  • 晶体不同图案方格-大小-颜色组合-色调

    Crystals varied in patterns or grid - sizes - color combinations - and tones.


  • 有时人们记住他们头发皮肤颜色他们身形大小他们的特殊能力,来区分两个相同名字的人。

    Sometimes people were known for the color of their hair or skin, or their size, or their special abilities.


  • 有时人们记住他们头发皮肤颜色他们身形大小他们的特殊能力,来区分两个相同名字的人。

    Sometimes people were known for the color of their hair or skin, or their size, or their special abilities.


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