• 1964年夏天牛津大学暑假期间正在维也纳大学学习。

    I was studying at the University of Vienna, between semesters at Oxford, during the summer of 1964.


  • 过去几年大学已经学生暑假时间错开了。

    During the past few years the university has staggered the summer holiday periods for students.


  • 我们大学停课暑假

    The classes of our university closed for the summer vacation.


  • 大学时期,暑假打工,开始快餐店打工,后来去书店打工。

    I worked in the summer holidays at the university, first in a fastfood restaurant, then in a book shop.


  • 在6月的最后几个星期来过这里,当时她所在的大学刚刚放暑假

    She had visited in the last weeks of June, as soon as her college was out for the summer.


  • 三分之一青少年期望暑假工作根据美国东北大学劳动力市场研究中心报告来看,已达到60年来最低水平

    Only about a third of teenagers are expected to work this summer, the lowest levels in 60 years, according to the Center for Labor Market Studies at Northeastern University.


  • 墨瑞尔·派尔斯汀一位纽约市公共关系执行官作家去年也经历了类似暑假儿子伊万伏蒙特大学读完第一回家

    Meryl Pearlstein, a New York City public relations executive and writer, experienced that last summer when her son, Evan, returned home after freshman year at the University of Vermont.


  • 高中大学课余时间都一直在做兼职,利用暑假做全职工作

    I worked part-time during high school, full-time during the summer, and during breaks from college.


  • 故事发生暑假期间:麦兜同学们有人新西兰滑雪,有人去北大学普通话还有牛津英语

    The story takes place during summer vacation: Some of McDull`s classmates go off to New Zealand to a ski resort, some study Mandarin at Peking University, and others travel to Oxford to study English.


  • 儿子即将高中毕业期盼女儿大学回来暑假

    My son was finishing high school, and I was looking forward to my daughter's return from college for the summer.


  • 孙然21岁首都师范大学大四学生。年前暑假,她美国佛罗里达州奥兰多环球影城的侏罗纪公园实习,每小时7美元

    SunRan, 21, a senior at Capital Normal University, had a summer job paying seven dollars an hour at Jurassic Park, Universal Studio, Orlando, Florida, US, two years ago.


  • 是在1980年,男友奈杰尔正好二十岁,我们伦敦大学美国共度漫长暑假

    It was 1980 and my boyfriend Nigel and I - both 20 - were spending our long summer holiday from London University in America.


  • 暑假几个月可以玩得很high,也可以大学目标添砖加瓦

    Your summer months can be both enjoyable and a productive way to contribute to your college goals.


  • 达纳·约翰(Dana John)是纽约大学高年级生,一家登记音乐专利权公司带报酬实习一个暑假大部分时间花在影印归档以及回复老板日常电子邮件上面。

    Dana John, an N.Y.U. senior, spent an unpaid summer at a company that books musical talent, spending much of her days photocopying, filing and responding to routine E-mail messages for her boss.


  • 比如说人民大学管理学专业20岁的雷明认为要是同屋的兄弟知道暑假在宿舍干了什么一定会杀了的。

    For example, Lei Ming, 20, a management major at Renmin University, thinks that if his buddies knew what he'd done to their dorm room, they'd kill him.


  • 一查当地大学很多学校暑假都有旅游者出租空余的宿舍,而且没有年龄限制

    Check with local universities; many rent their dorm rooms to travelers during the summer, no age limit involved.


  • 全职工作每个星期的工作时间是40个小时以上,大学生则能够享受除了每个可能假期外还包括包括春假寒假暑假

    A person with a full-time job will put in a good 40 + hours per week, and students enjoy every possible vacation day plus spring break, winter break, and summer vacation.


  • 辛迪·兹,位55岁弗吉尼亚州里奇·蒙德的房地产经理已经最大两个儿子一起经历了这种转型暑假,他们一个大学低年级,一个在大学高年级

    Cindy Jez, a 55-year-old real estate manager in Richmond, Va., has gone through these transition summers several times with her two oldest boys, a junior and senior in college.


  • 如果大学暑假中打打工,你将在学年开始前次了结它。

    If you have been working in the summer holidays before you start college, you will have a lump sum at the start of the year.


  • 虽然不少人觉得维斯特决定利用暑假打工显得有些不务正业,但是这位斯坦福大学MBA班的高才生可一点儿也不后悔

    While many would consider Ivester's decision to skip a summer internship somewhat frivolous, the Stanford MBA has no regrets.


  • 第一暑假正如期待中的一样完成大学第一年课程到来了。

    The first summer holiday came to me as expected after I accomplish my first year in college.


  • 很多年轻人跨入大学暑假期间便化身为社交达人

    Many youngsters become social butterflies in the summer vacation before going to college.


  • 暑假这样优越的实践良机指细算,大学不过

    Such as excellent practice opportunity for the summer, pinch After looking at the University but also three times.


  • 大学年级接近尾声,迎来炎热暑假

    One year at the university near the end, in the heat of the summer vacation is.


  • 许多大学暑假期间都有临时工作

    Many college students have temporary jobs during the summer break.


  • 知道你们学习很认真、努力,你们中的很多人,这个暑假之后,就要开始大学生活了。

    I know you've all worked extremely hard and many of you are off to college after summer.


  • 知道你们学习很认真、努力,你们中的很多人,这个暑假之后,就要开始大学生活了。

    I know you've all worked extremely hard and many of you are off to college after summer.


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