• 普华永道的克拉克先生认为如果拥有大型数据处理中心组织发现可疑交易人工智能软件其他自动化程序必不可少的

    PwC's Mr Clark says artificial intelligence software and other automated routines are essential if big organisations with big processing centres are to identify suspect transactions.


  • 大型机会可以进行计算企业计算机市场找到自己的一席之地很多公司都在建立自己数据处理

    The mainframe may well find a new home in corporate computing clouds, the pools of data-processing capacity many firms are building.


  • 自从1980年,大型称呼这么叫响了,大型机得此名是因为它的处理最初坐落一个巨大的金属框中,作为数据处理中心

    Until the 1980s mainframes, so called because the processing unit was originally housed in a huge metal frame, ruled supreme in corporate data centres.


  • 一般而言,层次数据兴起于 60年代,用当时的大型数据处理技术方面。

    Generally speaking, h ierarchical databases arose in the 1960s, on the mainframe data processing technology of the time.


  • 尽管Hadoop一些大型搜索引擎数据缩减功能核心部分,但是它实际上是一个分布式数据处理框架

    Although Hadoop is the core of data reduction for some of the largest search engines, it's better described as a framework for the distributed processing of data.


  • 大型建(构)筑物形体测量实际出发,分析设计了“形体测量数据处理系统”的体系结构

    According to the body surveying in large construction, the body configuration of the "data processing system in body surveying system" is analyzed and designed.


  • 介绍一种利用无线ae传感器大型混凝土桥梁结构进行监测方法新式数据处理分析技术做出综述

    A new method of using wireless AE sensor to monitor the structures of large civil bridge is introduced in this article, and the technologies of data processing and analysis are described.


  • 本文论及大型火箭发射起飞段横向漂移量的距离高速摄影测量系统数据处理方法

    This paper has dealt with the short-range high speed photogrammetric system for large-scale rocket launching lateral drift-magnitude and the data processing method.


  • 阐述一种大型采掘机械模拟割试验载荷性质、测试数据处理理论步骤结果。 介绍了动态测试的方法和所用的仪器。

    The load properties and the principle, procedure and results of data processing for cutting simulation of large excavating machines is described.


  • 数据处理方面,该平台使用大型存储设备严格安全管理方案确保数据处理速度数据真实性

    In terms of the data processing, platform USES large storage facilities and strict safety management programs to ensure the speed of data processing and data authenticity.


  • 根据我国某大型露天矿山边坡实际情况介绍GPS变形监测网设计观测数据处理变形分析方法

    According to the practical condition of large open pit slope, the design, observation, data processing and deformation analysis methods of a GPS deformation monitoring network are presented.


  • 结合大型地球物理数据处理软件系统GR ISYS开发实践,讨论程序测试的若干方法有关问题

    In this paper we discuss the program testing and some related issues in the development of the Geophysical Data Processing system (GRISYS).


  • 结果接近大型仪器多数袖珍带有简单数据处理功能比色计

    The result close large-scale instrument, the most pocket-sized blood fine meters have the simple data processing function colorimeter.


  • 本文结合某特大型桥梁墩(台)多沉降观测资料探讨了特大型桥梁沉降观测数据处理方法对大桥的墩(台)基础的沉降规律原因进行了分析

    With use of multi-periodical settlement observation data of a big railway bridge, this paper discusses the methods of data processing and analyses both the law and the cause of such settlement.


  • 建立系统设备驳船大型结构信息数据;并开发检测控制模块通讯模块和数据处理模块。

    Software development is done to the system, which is made up of systemic equipment, barge and large structure database, data processing module, measure control module and communication module.


  • 大型数据处理系统建立数据项艰巨复杂任务

    It is a hard and complicated task to build a database for a great data processing system.


  • 技术大型国产GIS软件—灌区地理信息系统得到实现,解决了大型软件开发海量数据处理中遇到集成问题

    The technology has been used in a large scale GIS platform system, and the problem of magnanimity data integration and process has been resolved in large software development.


  • 静止气象卫星地面应用系统一个具有高速通信大规模数据处理、高时效产品服务海量数据存储功能的大型业务应用系统。

    The geostationary meteorological satellite ground application system is a main system with high speed communication, large-scale data processing, product service giving, and mass data storage.


  • 目前为止我们每次在购买大型计算设备时,关心数据处理需要耗费多少功率,我们网络得到多少数据

    And up until now buying large computing, we've been concerned about how many processing power we can get, how many data through we can get in the network.


  • 论文主要解决是架设状态下大型双弯曲渐变雷达线型检测数据处理

    The thesis mainly resolves the problem of data processing which come from the measurement results of the erected radar antenna surface.


  • 其次液压大型机动叶液压调节装置应用中所得的试验数据进行了整理归纳导出了试验数据处理数学模型,从而验证理论分析的可靠性。

    Then, experiment data measured in hydraulic adjusting unit of moving vanes of a large fan is summed up to give experiment model, which proves the theoretical analysis.


  • 执行程序能够服务于大型数据处理项目

    The implementation of procedures can be used in large 3d data-processing projects.


  • 执行程序能够服务于大型数据处理项目

    The implementation of procedures can be used in large 3d data-processing projects.


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