• 这个特殊的日子里,海豹得到了一个大冰鱼蛋糕作为生日礼物。

    On this special day, the seal got a large ice fish cake as a birthday gift.


  • 亲爱的我们认识到现在已经了。

    My faithful Ice: Three years have passed since we knew each other.


  • 将军击碎,放到马车上,回了

    The general broke off a huge piece, loaded it onto his horse-cart and rushed back home.


  • 才能,台机器分配详细数额使完满饮料

    With a large ice bin capacity, this machine dispenses the exact amount of shaved ice to make the perfect drink!


  • 他们写道这个殖民地应该接近一个避开辐射,并能增加氧气

    They write that the colony should be next to a large ice cave, to provide shelter from radiation, plus water and oxygen.


  • 沿着库克曾经崩解所在海滩直到海洋队的企鹅孵化出来。

    Along the beach where the Cook Glacier once calved great pinnacles of ice into the sea, the rookery now calves flotillas of king penguins.


  • 上图海啸马上就要到达苏兹贝格拍摄下图天后洋面上时拍摄

    The top image was taken just before the arrival of the tsunami at the front of the Sulzberger ice Shelf, while the bottom image shows the chunks of ice well out to sea just five days later.


  • 正在在全球溶化,特别是地球两极包括高山,复盖着西南极洲林兰大冰源,和北极的海。

    Ice is melting worldwide, especially at the Earth's poles. This includes mountain glaciers, ice sheets covering West Antarctica and Greenland, and arctic sea ice.


  • 科学家们认为这个世界短期内都不会完全消失然而,如今的格陵兰脱落聚积的更多

    Scientists believe the world's great ice sheets will not completely disappear for many more centuries, but the Greenland ice sheet is now shedding more ice than it is accumulating.


  • 恐怖日渐干涸姐妹,从“跳舞公路”到陷入赤贫牧民作者目睹黄河源区重重危机

    From the horrific icefall to the drying up Twins Lake, from th "e dancing road" to the poverty - stricken natives, the author witnessed the crisis of Yellow River Source.


  • 利亚南极河学家尼尔·杨,“这座可能以前罗斯上碎裂脱落下来山的一部分

    Neil Young, an Australian Antarctic division glaciologist, said: "The iceberg is likely to be part of one of the big ones that calved from the Ross ice shelf nearly a decade ago.


  • 但是如果气候变暖发生范围先前观测到范围更广,增加南极融化可能性从而改变世界海平面

    But if warming is occurring across a wider area than previously observed, that could increase the possibility of large ice shelves melting off the continent and changing sea levels around the world.


  • 我们意外发现一些来自德国大冰包括闪光葡萄酒那种东西以前从未尝而且一个成为买家的机会

    We hit up some huge eiswein's from Germany including a sparkling cranberry wine which was something I've never tried before and has a great chance of becoming a big seller.


  • 如今即使想要知道如何移动——换个词讲,漂浮——是非常困难,但众所周知漂浮是由于重力

    Now, even though it may be difficult to understand how a huge mass of ice can moveor flow, it's another word for it—it's really no secret that glaciers flow because of gravity.


  • 随着时间的推移,压力增加,再加上上方重新冻结的融水颗粒成为相互晶体蓝色

    With additional time, pressure, and refrozen meltwater from above, the small firn granules become larger, interlocked crystals of blue glacial ice.


  • 现在研究表明最后一次时期尾声阶段,阿拉斯加东南部沿岸的陆架相当区域并未覆盖。

    Research now indicates that sizable areas of southeastern Alaska along the inner continental shelf were not covered by ice toward the end of the last Ice Age.


  • 艘船向东行驶,在距离小岛Hopen约50英里处的一旁停了下来。

    The ship travelled east and stopped next to a large block of ice around 50 miles from the small island of Hopen.


  • 了纪念这一里程碑,那里的工人们给了他一个特别的礼物——一个蛋糕,里面装满了美味的鱼。

    To mark the milestone, workers there surprised him with a special gift—a large ice cake filled with delicious fish.


  • 一个实验中他们发现人们其他人一起的时候,通常份的沙,当他们自己一个人的时候则更愿意点份。

    In another experiment they found that people tended to order large smoothies when they were with others but when they were on their own they would have smaller ones.


  • 最近如此的浮岛的形成发生1962年,当时加拿沃德亨特崩解形成小岛

    The last time such a large ice island formed was in 1962 when the Canadian Ward Hunt Ice Shelf calved an island.


  • 随着在严冬里逐渐变可以变成原来的

    As the ice thickens during the winter, the blocks can weigh up to twice that.


  • 研究结论是岩石嵌入到一夜晚沙子表面形成中时,它们可能移动

    His study concluded that the rocks may be moved when they become embedded in sheets of ice forming at night on the surface of the sand.


  • 中,海岸线后面区域湿地池塘、热融形成了凹陷,融化以及重新冻结冻土层形成了这种景观

    In the large image, the area behind the shoreline is pockmarked by marshes, ponds, and hummocks characteristic of "thermokarst," landscapes created by the melting and refreezing of permafrost.


  • 厨房里,箱里融化已经地板上形成了滩水

    In the kitchen, the melting ice of the refrigerator had formed a large pool on the floor.


  • 就是当时融化所形成标志着东南方向到达的最远距离的长岛德角中的沉积物形成的。

    The Great Lakes are puddles left over from when it melted, and Long Island and Cape Cod, which mark the southeastern limit of the ice's reach, are formed from debris carried by the ice.


  • 鸿浪端的小舟一样上浮,在碳酸淇淋共同作用下,像圆屋顶乳白色泡泡漫出

    The scoop of ice cream will rise like a boat on the tide and a reaction between the carbonation and ice cream will cause a dome of big creamy bubbles to rise over the top of the glass.


  • 我们太阳系物质所包围就是所谓的欧特云团(Oort Cloud)。

    Our solar system is surrounded by a vast collection of icy bodies called the Oort Cloud.


  • 我们太阳系物质所包围就是所谓的欧特云团(Oort Cloud)。

    Our solar system is surrounded by a vast collection of icy bodies called the Oort Cloud.


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