• 一种动力——恒定状态时的

    There was a huge initial forcefive times larger than the steady state force.


  • 这个国家岁,白头发开始出来

    The country is only five years older than me. Its grey hairs have not yet begun to show.


  • 所以也意味着dudv比dxdy

    So, that means du dv is worth five times dx dy.


  • 需要多少时间才能人格评价一个人

    How much time do you need to evaluate somebody on the five dimensions of personality?


  • 经过短暂接触人们就能准确地评价这些人格。

    After very brief exposures to people, people are very accurate at identifying them on "the Big Five."


  • 需要使用的汞锌电池这会是发电器现在使用的设备

    This meant using big mercury-zinc batteries, making the generators up to five times bigger than modern devices.


  • 例如那些妻子整天工作家庭男,同那些与妻子赚钱相当的男性相比外遇几率大五

    For instance, house husbands whose wives worked all day were five times more likely to have an affair than those who contributed an equal amount of money to the partnership.


  • 研究发现,如果妻子丈夫甚至以上,那么他们离婚概率比同岁的夫妻高出三以上。

    They found that if the wife was five or more years older than her husband, they were more than three times as likely to divorce than if they were the same age.


  • 根据研究,如果妻子受教育程度高于丈夫,且丈夫妻子或者更多,那么应该理想搭配

    According to the study, the couples with the best chance are those where a woman with a superior education marries a man who is five or more years older than herself.


  • 斯汀曼此前的一个研究发现,常食用畜产品尤其是奶制品女性双胞胎的几率不食用这些食品的女性大五

    In a previous study, Steinman found that women who consume animal products, specifically dairy, were five times more likely to have twins.


  • 根据研究如果妻子的受教育程度高于丈夫,且丈夫比妻子或者更多,那么应该理想搭配。此外,都没有婚史。

    According to the study, the couples with the best chance are those where a woman with a superior education marries a man who is five or more years older than herself.


  • RosannaGuadagno同事们研究了超过300名学生写博客习惯要求他们完成业界标准的人格量表

    Rosanna Guadagno and colleagues asked over three hundred students about their blogging habits and asked them to complete the now industry-standard Big Five Personality Inventory.


  • 堵墙碎片目前展览

    Five large pieces of the wall are currently on exhibition.


  • 容器里的液体分钟就了。

    The tank empties out in five minutes.


  • 头脑简单。

    He was a big strapping guy but short on brains.


  • 只是,她简直粗!

    She's not just fat, she's positively gross!


  • 印度尼西亚世界上人口

    Indonesia is the fifth most populous country in the world.


  • 伯格多夫·古德曼道上开了一家男装

    Bergdorf Goodman has opened a men's shop on Fifth Avenue.


  • 街上头脑清醒清醒

    He walked up Fifth Avenue to clear his head.


  • 萨克斯百货公司扒窃了价值超过$5500商品判有罪。

    She was convicted of swiping more than $5,500 worth of goods from Saks Fifth Avenue.


  • 百慕周围海域中到处都是珊瑚虫奇异的鱼类

    The seas around Bermuda are full of colourful corals and fantastic fish.


  • 长得的。

    He was tall and stoutly built.


  • 个月

    He's five months old.


  • 化石记录表明地球动物居住所有时期已经灭绝发生,恐龙最近的一次。

    The fossil record indicates that in all the time that animals have inhabited Earth, there have been five great mass extinctions, dinosaurs being the most recent.


  • 哪里

    Where are the Great Lakes?


  • His house is on the Fifth Street.


  • 感谢致电萨克斯百货公司。

    Thank you for calling Saks Fifth Avenue Department Store.


  • 2000年,百岁老人死因心脏病中风流感癌症老年痴呆症

    In 2000, the top five causes of death for centenarians were heart disease, stroke, flu, cancer and Alzheimers disease.


  • 可以很多东西,银行账户也会损失很多。

    You could do a lot of shopping and a lot of damage to your bank account on Fifth Avenue.


  • 可以很多东西,银行账户也会损失很多。

    You could do a lot of shopping and a lot of damage to your bank account on Fifth Avenue.


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