• 容器里的液体分钟就了。

    The tank empties out in five minutes.


  • 利亚悉尼塔瑞野生动物园中,只五个月红颈小袋鼠妈妈的育儿袋里探出头来。

    A five-month-old red-necked wallaby joey pokes her head out of her mother's pouch at Taronga zoo, Sydney, Australia


  • 做出撤离夏威夷决定纯粹由于这次智利发生的地震威力实在巨达到了里氏8.8级,过去110年里发生第五地震。

    The decision to evacuate Hawaii was based purely on the tremendous power of the earthquake in Chile, which at magnitude 8.8, was the fifth largest in the past 110 years.


  • 西洋海岸英里,各州拥有司法权——有些甚至还没有开始制定规则。

    Within three miles of the Atlantic coast, or on the Great Lakes, stateshave jurisdictionand some have not even begun the rule-makingprocess.


  • 过去年里许多日本企业获得了创纪录的利润它们并未将巨财富员工分享

    In the past five years many of Japan's big firms made record profits, but they have not been sharing their good fortune with their workers.


  • 六岁棕色奶牛——已经养得足够肥可以拿屠宰——五月24日慕尼黑东北50英里桑柏格的养殖场里逃跑了出来。

    Having been fattened up for slaughter, the six-year-old brown dairy cow escaped from her field in the village of Zangberg, 50 miles North-East of Munich, on 24 May.


  • 贝尔美国“五投资银行最小一家。

    Bear was the smallest of the "big five" American investment Banks.


  • 周五添加了罗里达的沼泽地马达加斯加热带森林使名单增加31个,增强人们的环保意识。

    On Friday it added Florida's Everglades and Madagascar's tropical forest to the 31 sites already on the list, which aims to boost environmental protection.


  • 此次比赛全程共26.2英里,起跑点为史坦顿终点设在曼哈顿中央公园,途经纽约市行政区。

    The 26.2-mile course travels through all five boroughs of the city, starting on Staten Island and finishing in Manhattan's Central Park.


  • 此次地震至少有1,300丧生是过去一百年里第五严重地震。

    At least 1,300 people were killed by the earthquake, the world's fifth most powerful in the past century.


  • 星期五,美国职业棒球联盟克克来夫地美国领头职业棒球队的主场揭幕战开始时,底特律老虎球迷里●克弗朗西斯头上戴着一个老虎玩具

    Detroit Tigers fan Rick Francis wears a tiger toy on his head before the start of their MLB home opener against the Cleveland Indians in Detroit, Mich., on Friday.


  • 此次地震至少有1,300丧生,这是过去一百年里第五严重地震。

    At least 1, 300 people were killed by the earthquake, the world's fifth most powerful in the past century.


  • 巴西是世界国土面积第五国家530万平公里森林覆盖面积——部分是亚马逊流域——但其中只有170万平方公里的森林国家保护

    Brazil, the world's fifth largest country by area, has 5.3 million square kilometers of jungle and forestsmostly in the Amazon river basinof which only 1.7 million are under state protection.


  • 有七分之一的手机用户浏览手机网站是手机广告的第二反馈来源;iPhone手机用户里,每五个人中就有个浏览手机网站。

    One in seven mobile phone users visit a mobile Web site, the second most popular response; this rises to one in five for iPhone users


  • 明年二月Gucci专卖店纽约第五闪亮摩天楼TrumpTower开张

    Gucci will open its biggest shop in February in Trump Tower, a shiny skyscraper on New York's Fifth Avenue.


  • 星期五(4月16日),火山活动引发洪水卷到下游冰块冰岛首都雷克雅未克以东120公里处的马卡弗约特(Markarfljot)河岸上。

    Ice chunks carried downstream by floodwaters caused by volcanic activity lie on the Markarfljot river bank Friday April 16, some 120km east of the capital Rejkavik, Iceland. AP / Brynjar Gauti


  • 2005列出前十名城市五个Mercer里。

    Five of its top ten cities for 2005 were also in Mercer's top ten.


  • 旧金山以北七十英里加利福尼亚盖尔·纳维尔,有间哈科特酿酒实验室。实验室一个五加仑玻璃罐子中,装着数亿只酵母细胞

    A 5-gallon glass jug containing hundreds of millions of Cano's yeast cells is sitting on the back porch of Hackett's brewpub in Guerneville, California, 70 miles north of San Francisco.


  • 劳伦斯河城市倡议执行主管.尔里希

    "They just eat so much, " says David Ullrich, executive director of the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Cities Initiative. "They're like the locusts of the river."


  • 如果相信那些各传来传电子邮件里的话,那么你就会相信在今年7月份里出现的5个星期五星期六星期日连续排列似乎过去800多年里所没有过的。

    If you believe the chain emails that are going around, this Friday, Saturday and Sunday are like none other in the past eight centuries.


  • 的时候,我们藤萝覆盖房子搬到了新建房子里。

    When I was about five years old we moved from the little vine-covered house to a large new one.


  • 应对这些新型防空系统的挑战,五角研发精确打击武器,它们数千英里之外击中任何目标

    To counter these new air defenses, the Pentagon wants to build a host of precision weapons that can hit any target from thousands of miles away.


  • 航空南溪所在川南地区机场密度距宜宾五粮液机场40公里,距泸州机场50公里。

    Aviation: Large density of Sichuan regional airports, Nanxi is 40 km away from Yibin wuliangye airport, and 50 km away from luzhou airport.


  • 突然间整个第五街灯都点亮了,萧索空气里晕开雾朦朦光芒。

    Suddenly the lights came on up the whole length of Fifth Avenue, chains of misty brilliance in the blue air.


  • 远处果园,园子里果树上结满了五颜六色果子

    In the distance, there is a big orchard and a lot of colourful fruits.


  • 远处果园,园子里果树上结满了五颜六色果子

    In the distance, there is a big orchard and a lot of colourful fruits.


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