• 注意多次往返签证只签发个人

    Please note that multiple entry visas will be issued only to individual visitors.


  • 玩具推车整理箱使清洁工作变得轻而易举——再也无需多次往返后院房间

    Make cleanup a breeze (no multiple trips from yard to house) with a toy cart or bin.


  • 注意无论申请单次多次往返签证申请费一样的。

    Please note that this fee is the same for all Temporary Business entry visas irrespective of whether you are applying for a single entry or multiple entry visa.


  • 外国人最近告知他们不能获得允许年内多次往返商务签证

    Foreigners have been told recently that they can no longer get a business visa that allows multiple entries to the nation over the course of a year.


  • 此外状态很难实现可能导致多次往返数据库来获取本来通常存储会话上下文中的信息

    Additionally, statelessness can be difficult to achieve and can lead to multiple round trips to the database for information that is normally stored within the context of the session.


  • 有关部门简化企业中方人员因公出境手续核定适当人数,办理年内多次往返批件;

    The departments concerned shall simplify the procedure for the approval of Chinese personnel of Enterprises to go abroad on business trips and to allow multiple exits within a one- to two-year period.


  • 新加坡北京大使馆警告公民多次往返签证根据个案单独批准,需要很有力理由才可以

    The Singapore embassy in Beijing warns its citizens that multiple-entry visas would be approved on a 'case-by-case basis with strong justifications.


  • 申请父母祖父母多次往返访问签证申请人必须完成I1项内容。其他申请人必须完成I2I3项内容。

    Principal applicants applying under the parent and grandparent multiple entry visitor's visa policy must complete I1 All other applicants must complete I2 and I3.


  • 2014年26日起,加拿大的旅游签证多次往返签证,到你护照有效日期结束前个月,最高十年。

    Starting on February 6, 2014 (00:01 EST), all visa applicants will automatically be considered for a multiple entry visa.


  • 绝大部分旅行者获得常规签证是从签证批准日起一年内有效多次往返,每次停留时间不超过个月

    The visa "Standard Product" issued to the majority of visitors to Australia is 3 months stay, with multiple entry, valid for 12 months from the grant of the visa.


  • 多次电话传真往返之后,非常高兴终于见到Mitchell先生递出名片),请收下的名片。

    S: It’s very nice to finally meet you, Mr. Mitchell after so many phone calls and faxes. (offers his business card first) I’d like you to have my business card.


  • 便是,立法委员每年能到选区巡览40多次往返列车费用可以全他们退休金累积也是文职公务员倍。

    On top of this, lawmakers get 40 round trips a year to their constituencies and free train travel, as well as pension benefits that accumulate twice as fast as those of civil servants.


  • 这种方式需要多次往返同步请求这不适合GoogleCode

    This method requires numerous synchronous round trip requests, and is unsuitable for use in Google Code (1).


  • 可以减少每个传入WebSpherePortal请求多次获取相同数据往返次数。

    This may reduce the roundtrips for fetching the same data over and over again for each incoming request to WebSphere Portal.


  • 我们多次电邮往返讨论后,现在定案作品完成附呈

    After several times of email communication back and forth between us, now the final work is done and attached.


  • 多次国家迁移往返,多个环境新挑战,这一切的经历只是坚定了成为一个医生的决心。

    Moving a number of times from one country to another, facing new circumstances and challenges, only confirmed my aspiration to become a physician.


  • 卧底经济学家》一书作者蒂姆?哈福尔德休假增加往返旅途带来压力

    Tim Harford, the author of Dear Undercover Economist, said that taking an increased number of trips would only increase the stress associated with travelling to and from a holiday destination.


  • 卧底经济学家》一书作者蒂姆·哈福尔德休假增加往返旅途带来压力

    Tim Harford, the author of "Dear Undercover Economist, " said that taking an increased number of trips would only increase the stress associated with traveling to and from a holiday destination.


  • 卧底经济学家》一书作者蒂姆·哈福尔德休假增加往返旅途带来压力

    Tim Harford, the author of "Dear Undercover Economist, " said that taking an increased number of trips would only increase the stress associated with traveling to and from a holiday destination.


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