• 德国多森海姆民间艺术团成立于1922年,目前有80名成员其中30名青少年

    Dossenheim Folk Art Group was founded in 1922 and at present consists of around 80 members including 30 children and teenagers.


  • 佩罗特有些重要信件官方文件送到多森所以那天下午又买来狗。它们是名叫比利和的俩兄弟

    Perrault had important letters and official papers to take to Dawson City, so that afternoon he bought two more dogs, two brothers called Billee and Joe.


  • 美国赚钱医院阿拉巴马多森市的弗拉沃斯医疗中心Flowers Medical Center),拥有235张床位,营运利润率高达惊人的53%。

    The most profitable hospital in the country, 235-bed Flowers Medical Center in Dothan, Ala., recorded an incredible 53% operating margin.


  • 先生答应扩大组织活动范围

    Mr. Dobson promised to widen the organization's scope of activity.


  • 责备激进派法官们通过赞成同性婚姻裁决破坏家庭

    Dobson blames activist judges for undermining families with favourable gay-marriage rulings.


  • 棒的地方啊!”艾莉的爸爸说。

    "What a great place!" Alison's dad said.


  • 最近一天,一位叫丹尼尔·纳医生埃里·斯科特谷类食品货架徘徊一些建议,告诉她如何养育一直拒绝吃任何健康食物孩子

    On one recent day, this doctor was Daniel Nadeau, wandering the cereal aisle with Allison Scott, giving her some idea on how to feed kids who persistently avoid anything that is healthy.


  • 县长·沃德份声明中说:“看到这么蜜蜂死亡难过。”

    County manager Jason Ward said in a statement, "I'm not pleased that so many bees were killed."


  • 克尔顿、斯科特阿蒙他们巨大的英雄主义,使新大陆阴影中浮现那个英雄时代,一个世纪已经一去不复返了。

    By their tremendous heroism, men such as Shakleton, Scott, and Amundsen caused a new continent to emerge from the shadows, and yet that heroic age, little more than a century old, is already passing.


  • 现在到了根,这里是瑙河源头

    I'm now in Donaueschingen, the source of the Danube.


  • 经受了如此损伤威尔逊”吗?格雷告诉我们,威尔逊知道艾伯特国王比利时人的国王”,可是又能令人得到安慰

    With such massive impairments, was Wilson stillthere?” Grayson tells us that Wilson knew that King Albert was “King of the Belgians,” but how comforting is that?


  • 财务信息显示科赫家族基金会乔治·捐赠了三千万美元,这笔款项绝大数流向非盈利组织莫卡特斯中心

    Financial records show that the Koch family foundations have contributed more than thirty million dollars to George Mason, much of which has gone to the Mercatus Center, a nonprofit organization.


  • 这里所谓的“空洞不是字面含义,并不存在任何处平流层完全没有臭氧科学家们空洞说法描述这些臭氧浓度低于历史读数220单位区域

    The hole isn't literal; no part of the stratosphere is empty of ozone. But scientists use the hole metaphor to describe the area where ozone drops below a historical concentration of 220 Dobson Units.


  • 夫曼先生38岁,妻子赫尔女士35岁他们使用自然清洁产品,“一直碧然德水罐中的水,所以不用一次性水瓶

    Mr. Dorfman, 38, and Ms. Holzen, 35, use natural cleaning products, and areconstantlydrinking out of their Brita pitcher, so there is no need for disposable water bottles.


  • 美国公民联合会高级顾问克里·斯A .问题不是出在检测公司方面,而是出自专利办公室

    Christopher A. Hansen, senior national staff counsel for the civil liberties union, said the problem was with the Patent Office, not the company.


  • 埃里公道话。“计算”一词如此背景迥异场合,如此频繁地炒作,也的确像是一种昙花一现时尚潮流

    To be fair to Ellison, the words "cloud computing" have been hyped so often in so many different contexts it does have the ephemeral air of a passing fashion.


  • 出席会议加勒比海领导人中的位- - -巴巴岛的大卫·汤普伯利兹城的迪安鲍最近选举担任公职

    Two of the Caribbean leaders who took part in the meeting were recently elected to office, David Thompson of Barbados, and Dean Barrow of Belize.


  • 克莱姆山地区安东尼•教堂教友理·赫德谈论起临近教区学校片荒芜的地方

    In the Cramer Hill district Brother Jerry Hudsonof the st Anthony of Padua church talks about the run-down place next door to the parish school.


  • ·莱尔,就俄罗斯关系到底应当保持紧密问题,北约不可避免地继续进行激烈的内部辩论

    Jason Lyall says NATO inevitably will continue to have intense internal debates on how close the alliance's relationship should be with Russia.


  • 如果一幕电影的话,也许杰克·尼科尔,少有其他人,能把握住台词中的咄咄逼人黑色喜剧效果

    If they make a movie of the scene, perhaps Jack Nicholson could capture the glowering menace and dark comedy of some of the older Mr Murdoch's lines, but few others.


  • 汤姆,尤数学天文学上的成就著称。出生于爱尔兰的汤姆身材高大、不苟言笑、面容消瘦、目光敏锐

    A well-rounded man, known for his work in astronomy and mathematics, the Irish-born Thomson was a tall, austere figure with a narrow face and keenly penetrating eyes.


  • 斯坦福大学霍普金斯海洋萨尔瓦·乔根博士发现冬天,食人鲨会离开海豹聚居地(整个夏天它们在那里以海豹为),动身前往温暖水域

    Dr Salvador Jorgensen, of Stanford University's Hopkins Marine station, found that in winter, sharks leave seal colonies, where they feed all summer, and set off for warmer waters.


  • 科学家们空洞词表示臭氧浓度低于220个单位单位是用来度量大气臭氧柱尺度单位。

    Scientists use "hole" as a metaphor for the area in which ozone concentrations drop below the historical threshold of 220 Dobson Units.


  • 首先我们需要台当提出关于美国城市问题不会给出作为答案的计算机,就危险边缘》总决赛首轮闹出的让人印象深刻的笑话那样

    First we need a computer that doesn't give Toronto as an answer to a clue about "U.S. Cities," as Watson memorably did for Final Jeopardy in the first game.


  • 马克2010年夏天波尔转会之后展现了惊人的能量。仅仅只是一个开始,现在也很享受酋长球场生活

    Chamakh enjoyed an impressive start to his Arsenal career following his move from Bordeaux in summer 2010 and the striker is enjoying life at Emirates Stadium.


  • 很棒詹金自己也没有预料到他这么上场机会,但是他发挥地好,总是虚心学习一点太重要了。

    He is doing very well,” said Walcott. “I don't think he thought he would be playing quite this much but Carl's got in there and he always wants to learn, which is great to see.


  • 的真名其实里卡•伊泽克斯·桑托斯·雷特,但是却有一个全世界都耳熟能详昵称卡卡

    His real name is Ricardo Izecson DOS Santos Leite, but he is known to the world by his catchy nickname: Kaka.


  • 的真名其实里卡•伊泽克斯·桑托斯·雷特,但是却有一个全世界都耳熟能详昵称卡卡

    His real name is Ricardo Izecson DOS Santos Leite, but he is known to the world by his catchy nickname: Kaka.


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