• 你找到了自己所爱,那就完全取决于你有努力了。

    Once you find what you love, it's all a matter of how hard you try.


  • 认识并喜欢上他们,我们就会想我们当时如果错过了这个机会,那该有糟糕。

    Once having met and liked them, we think how terrible it would have been, had we missed the chance.


  • 米利班德星期日太阳报开始发行可能是8月份进一步加大默帝国英国媒体市场渗透力

    Miliband said that once a Sunday Sun was launched, possibly in August, this would add further to the Murdoch empire's penetration of the UK media market.


  • 开始可能这样认为因为需要学习如此工具但是拥有了一个适当XML解决方案,那么站点管理琐事显著减少

    You might not think so when you get started, since you need to learn so many new tools, but once you have an XML solution in place your site management chores will be dramatically reduced.


  • 没有问题也很但是开始节食,你必需停止浏览观看那么

    This is all fine and dandy, but once you start your diet, you have to stop reading and watching so much.


  • 着手去做就会发现它们花去时间精力并非想象那么

    Once you get to them you realize that they take less of your time and energy than you thought.


  • 然而完了电影,再来看这些海报好象是一次体验的延伸,因为那么的内涵精华凝聚封印其中

    But once you've watched the film, looking at the poster is like prolonging the film experience, because there's so much fossilised in it.


  • 可是我们完成测量工作他们获得如此信息感到惊讶。

    But once we carry out the measurements, they are surprised how much information can be obtained.


  • 一环节上要花费所需要尽可能时间因为开始运用用完了写作素材,你就要开始从你倒出来东西里挑选要的进行写作。

    Spend as much time as you need on this step, because once you run out of things to write, get started picking the parts of the “barf” you want to use for your book.


  • 它们全部订阅尽可能设置RSS阅读器检查这些更新,一它们出现,作第一申请这些工作新兼职的人。

    Subscribe to them all, set your RSS reader to check for updates as often as possible, and be the first to apply for new jobs and gigs as they go up.


  • 拥有那么客户之后,问题就是:你该如何某件人人都有效的事情进行工业化呢?

    When you've got that many customers, the big question is: how do you industrialise something that works for each one?


  • 但是离开感觉饥饿会变成食物头号敌人可能会需要的量或者饥饿想不受控制地大吃的愿望。

    But fall out of touch, and hunger becomes diet enemy number one: you may eat more than you need or get too hungry and stoke out-of-control cravings.


  • 供应中断石油市场到底易受冲击

    How vulnerable is the oil market to an interruption in supply?


  • 发现不管恩爱,一说出“好好谈谈几个字的时候,男人的眼神都会带有一丝恐慌因为他们不知道接下来会怎么样

    'However well a relationship is going, I always find men get that panicky look in their eyes when you say you want to talk, because they know what's coming next.


  • 最坏情况发生政策制定者到底善于应对危机

    And how well can policymakers cope with a shock if the worst happens?


  • 发现不管恩爱,一说出“好好谈谈几个字的时候,男人的眼神都会带有一丝恐慌因为他们不知道接下来会怎么样

    However well a relationship is going, I always find men get that panicky look in their eyes when you say you want to talk, because they know what's coming next.


  • 决定了,他们就可以以内新品摆上货架上,有部分原因是他们用空运。

    If they decide to make it, they can put it on the shelf in Toronto in two weeks or less, partly because they ship by air.


  • 孩子们意识比起用到最近一个突如其来的念头,钱还有的用途时,他们就会要去一些大于他们手头上物品价值的东西了。

    Once they realize that there's more to money than just spending on whatever their latest impulse is, they'll want to buy something larger than the amount they have on hand.


  • 责任大,犯错误的机会也犯了不会错误

    More responsibility means more mistakes. There is no minor mistake once you do something wrong.


  • 可以调试尽可能内核映像(位于目标计算机上),调试开始对于用户来说就是透明的。

    You can debug as many kernel images (which are residing on target machines) as you want to debug; it becomes transparent to users once debugging starts.


  • 劳动力开始下降大概2020年开始,雇佣者不再那么选择

    Once Labour forces start declining, from about 2020, employers will no longer have much choice.


  • 相对来说事故危险性但是发生就是非常严重的事故。

    The risks of a nuclear accident are small in comparison. But when one of them happens, it does so big time.


  • 如此冲突即使目前限制住了,到了明年,外国资本运营的油田开始生产也会很快失控

    Such conflicts, though limited so far, could quickly get out of control once the foreign-run fields start producing next year.


  • 定义模型部分重要的是执行一轮验证这需要包含尽可能来自不同环境涉众

    Once this part of the model has been defined, it is important to perform a round of validation, involving stakeholders coming from as many different environments as possible.


  • 这种黑色小螺纹巴伐利亚瓦克·城外工业园里出现,成本大大降低

    More significant cost reductions are to be achieved once the black mini-threads arrive in an industrial park outside the town of Wackersdorf in Bavaria.


  • 3D印制机器能够生产如此产品那么制造商有望采用这项技术。

    Once 3D printing machines are able to crank out products in such numbers, then more manufacturers will look to adopt the technology.


  • 开始不管琐碎有些东西能让你坚持到最后。

    Once you've made a start, however trivial, there's something drawing you on to the end.


  • 当选通常会成为第24内阁成员”!

    Once elected, Murdoch was often referred to as the '24th member of the Cabinet'!


  • 做到一步将会拥有强大的动力,了解的东西学校学到的要,而且不想停下来

    Once you make it this far, you'll have some serious momentum going. You will understand more than you ever did in school and you won't want to stop.


  • 做到一步将会拥有强大的动力,了解的东西学校学到的要,而且不想停下来

    Once you make it this far, you'll have some serious momentum going. You will understand more than you ever did in school and you won't want to stop.


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