• 吉伦法国西南一个港湾龙河多尔多涅河形成的,通往比斯开湾。

    An estuary of southwest France formed by the Garonne and Dordogne rivers and opening into the Bay of Biscay.


  • 莫·内特酒庄座落于加仑多尔多涅河之间波尔地区广的葡萄园。

    Chateau Ramonet is the broadest wine yard situated in Bordeaux between Garonne River and Bordogne River.


  • 莫·内特座落于加仑多尔多涅河之间波尔地区最广的葡萄园。

    Chateau Ramonet is the broadest wine yard situated in Bordeaux between Garonne RiverBordogne River.


  • 最后时光家中度过的,是一座位于法国多尔多地区14世纪城堡

    Wack’s last years were spent at his home, a 14th century chateau, in the Dordogne region of France.


  • 最后时光家中度过的,是一座位于法国多尔多地区14世纪城堡

    Wack's last years were spent at his home, a 14th century chateau, in the Dordogne region of France.


  • 这个葡萄酒产区位于多尔多加伦河河岸以及它们共同的形成的吉伦特湾河口一带。

    The wine region follows the banks of the rivers Dordogne and Garonne and their common mouth the Gironde.


  • 举例来说,1944年6月11日,他们多尔多涅省小村子米西当俘获了11名抵抗战士

    On 11 June 1944, for instance, they captured 11 resistance fighters in Mussidan, a small village in the Dordogne.


  • 中世纪城市圣埃米利永位于多尔多涅河谷右岸,迷人的古石和产自周围葡萄园葡萄酒而闻名。

    Nestling on the right bank of the Dordogne, the medieval city of St. Emilion is as well known for its beautiful old stones as for the wine from the vineyards that surround it.


  • 白云石多尔多的利西亚语途径游览勃朗峰欧洲一些最好山脉著名步行路线世界上。

    From the Dolomites to the Dordogne, the Lycian Way to the Tour du Mont Blanc, Europe is home to some of the best mountain ranges and famous walking routes in the world.


  • 上周多尔涅河的一家面包房偶然听到这样一句话:“如果总是觉得很快乐,那其实不是真正的快乐。”

    Overheard in a boulangerie in the Dordogne last week: "If you are always' appy, you are not truly 'appy."


  • 法国多尔多涅河地区拉斯洞穴也许就这些问题答案:在那里一面墙壁上看到红色的母牛,它黑色的牛头高高扬起。

    The Lascaux caves, in the Dordogne region of France, may have the answer. There you can see a painting of a red cow with a black head high on one of the walls.


  • 位于法国西南部流程5'3公里(350英里),大致源于西班牙比利牛斯山西北部波尔北部多尔涅河汇集形成吉伦特海湾。

    A river of southwest France flowing about 5 '3 km (350 mi) generally northwest from the Spanish Pyrenees to join the Dordogne river north of Bordeaux and form the Gironde estuary.


  • 龙河位于法国西南部,流程约563公里(350英里),大致源于西班牙比利牛斯山西北部波尔北部多尔涅河汇集形成吉伦特海湾。

    A river of southwest France flowing about563 km (350 mi) generally northwest from the Spanish Pyrenees to join the Dordogne river north of Bordeaux and form the Gironde estuary.


  • 多尔炎热灰尘迪亚巴村疟疾一个经常存在的问题尤其雨季

    In the hot, dusty village of Diaba in Podor, malaria is an ever-present problem, especially during the rainy season.


  • 坊间流传,普京鄙视多尔科夫斯基,公开场合讥讽窃贼凶手但是多尔科夫斯基从未受到任何谋杀罪指控。

    Mr.Putin has long been said to despise Mr.Khodorkovsky and in public has frequently derided him as a thief and a murderer, though he has never been charged with killing anyone.


  • 古巴没有那么安装必要的电脑路由器

    Mr Perdomo says that Cuba simply lacks the cash to install the necessary computers and routing gear.


  • 多尔科夫斯基2003年克里姆林宫决裂后一直监狱服刑,有观察家预测多尔科夫斯基面临又一段漫长牢狱生活。

    Observers predicted that Mr Khodorkovsky, who has been in jail ever since falling out with the Kremlin in 2003, could receive another lengthy jail sentence.


  • 教皇避暑度假地多尔福堡发表上述讲话。 甘多尔福堡罗马以南山丘上

    The pope was speaking from his summer retreat in Castelgandolfo, in the hills south of Rome.


  • 看起来貌似但是实际上只是比塞塔时代3.5%那么也是为什么国家银行不是担心姆加尔斯的努力部分原因

    That sounds like a lot, but is in fact just 3.5% of what was in circulation on the last day of the peseta's reign. Which is partly why the state bank isn't very concerned about Mugardos' efforts.


  • 心理学家普拉巴·谢米·斯特斯为进一步统一以前各有关研究文献观点,大学开展了一项后续性实验。

    To tighten the focus on those early findings, psychologists Prathiba Shammi and Donald Stuss conducted a follow-up study at the University of Toronto.


  • 善良,贪婪”洛克菲勒传记作者罗恩切尔诺曾说到

    His good side was every bit as good as his bad side was bad, ” the Rockefeller biographer, Ron Chernow, has said.


  • 1999年,特立尼达拉岛个人处以绞刑,其中9个人是多尔.沙地人(多尔·沙地帮是一个臭名昭著贩毒团伙)。

    Ten men were hanged in Trinidad in 1999, nine of them members of the Dole Chadee gang, a notorious drug mob.


  • 蒙特利尔调查之列,蒙特利尔排名垫底排在倒数第五

    Toronto and Montreal were both a part of the survey with the latter finishing at the bottom of the list and Toronto finishing fifth from the bottom.


  • AssociatedPress报道,下加利福尼亚州市 市政防灾主任阿尔弗雷·艾斯科拜(Alfredo Escobedo),麦西卡利市政厅的一座停车场坍塌没有受伤

    The Associated Press, citing the Baja California state civil protection director, Alfredo Escobedo, said a multistory parking structure collapsed at the Mexicali city hall but no one was injured.


  • 里纳尔臣服女巫,人独处时,瓦尔卡罗出来见

    Rinaldo is still captivated by the sorceress, but once he is alone, Ubaldo and Carlo confront him.


  • 最后多尔民尼可能至少接受某些减税案,配合某些大幅消减支出的案子顺利通过。

    In the end, Dole and Dominici are likely to embrace at least some tax cuts to go along with deep cuts in spending.


  • 最后多尔民尼可能至少接受某些减税案,配合某些大幅消减支出的案子顺利通过。

    In the end, Dole and Dominici are likely to embrace at least some tax cuts to go along with deep cuts in spending.


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