• 公司注册科技气氛浓厚深圳南山软体,致力于用户提供卓越稳定的整套家庭数字多媒体解决方案

    Our company is located at Nanshan Software Park of Shenzhen, and to provide you with excellent and stable home digital multimedia products and solutions.


  • 公司产品组合包括专门针对运营商企业客户媒体行业移动网络固定网络基础设施电信服务软件宽带多媒体解决方案

    The company's portfolio comprises mobile and fixed network infrastructure, telecom services, software, broadband and multimedia solutions for operators, enterprises and the media industry.


  • IMS解决方案系列文中第1部分中,我们介绍了IP多媒体子系统(IP Multimedia Subsystem, IMS)的概念

    In the first article of the IMS solution series, you learned the concepts of IP Multimedia Subsystems (IMS).


  • IBM提供了以服务开发部署执行设备为核心的基于IMS的多媒体服务(IMS - based Multimedia Services)解决方案

    IBM delivers an IMS-based Multimedia Services solution that focuses on service development, deployment, execution, and the device.


  • 海啸解决方案提供多媒体网页设计服务以及英国冰雹全部范围

    Tsunami Solutions offer a full range of multimedia and web design services and hail from England.


  • 本文基于SIP集中式多媒体会议系统上,利用媒体流混合提出了自己的解决方案

    Though two times media mix, we put forward an solved method for Private Conference in multimedia conferencing system for SIP.


  • 根据工程学”课程特点,通过研究分析目前网络教学应用相关技术,提出了建立课程多媒体网络教学站点的解决方案

    According to the research on CAI techniques and the character of engineering drawing, the resolve of Web-based multimedia teaching system of engineering drawing is found.


  • NAS设备使用一种高效多媒体文件存储解决方案

    Utilization of NAS equipment is an efficient multimedia file storage solution.


  • 无线at M网络作为宽带多媒体通信解决方案近年来得到了广泛研究

    Wireless ATM (WATM) networks as one of techniques to provide broadband multimedia communication have been studied extensively in recent years.


  • 开发视频音频编解码引擎实现多媒体soc解决方案

    Develop the video or audio codec engine (lib) to realize the multimedia SOC solution.


  • 本文详细论述了利用媒体视频点播技术实现多媒体资料网络化阅览具体解决方案

    The paper discusses concrete solution for multimedia resource's network reading using flow media video on demand technology.


  • 拥有银行金融多个行业的《WOS多媒体信息发布系统软件解决方案满足了不同领域的个性化信息发布管理需求

    To meet the personalized demand in information publishing and management, we have developed our own "WOS digital signage software" and solutions for industries like bank and financial etc.


  • 本文论述了目前CAT V宽带多媒体解决方案简要介绍先进的吉位路由交换机技术

    This article discusses the settled plan of CATV wide band medium at present, and introduce the advanced router swap technique of Gbps concisely.


  • 全文主要围绕远程多媒体信息实时播放系统开发展开,给出了一个具体解决方案

    The full text launch around the the remote real-time broadcast system of multimedia information, provide one and have the solution concretely.


  • 专业的老师多媒体测试体系准确测定英语水平提供详细的分析与解决方案

    Our professionals and test system will measure and test your current english level and accordingly prepare a detailed solution.


  • 基于IP多媒体子系统(IMS)语音呼叫连续性解决方案实现固定移动融合(FMC)的一种方式可以实现从电路交换方式IMS方式的过渡演进。

    The Voice Call Continuity (VCC) -based IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) solution can accomplish Circuit Switched (CS) -ims handover and is a approach to Fixed-mobile Convergence (FMC).


  • BF 561集成通用数字图像处理外围设备数字图像处理多媒体应用创造了一个完整系统级片上解决方案

    BF561 integrates a common set of digital image processing peripherals for digital image processing and multimedia applications to create a complete system-on-chip solutions.


  • 如果少数HDMI(清晰度多媒体接口)遵守设备希望连接单一的高清晰度电视,那么可能一个很好的解决方案

    If you have few HDMI (High Definition Multimedia Interface) compliance devices and wish to connect it to a single HDTV, then this could be a good solution for you.


  • 专业会务经理自始至终关注会议的每个细节,确保会议活动的顺利进行。IT解决方案经理全力提供会议所需的各种多媒体设施技术支持。

    The Event Manager is ready to handle every detail with creativity and precision, while the it Solutions Manager is on hand to deliver all the multimedia and technology requirements needed.


  • 多媒体信息服务MMS全新移动数据业务,是一个涉及终端设备制造商网络运营商内容应用提供商的综合性移动解决方案

    The Multimedia Messaging Service(MMS) is a new mobile business, and a synthesized solution involved terminal device maker, network service provider, content and application provider.


  • 权威的ELLIS多媒体测试体系准确测定英语水平提供的详细分析与解决方案

    The ELLIS computerized test system will assess your current English level and provide a detailed solution.


  • 开发银行金融多个行业的《WOS多媒体信息发布系统软件解决方案满足了不同领域的个性化信息发布管理需求

    To meet the personalized demand in information publishing and management, we have developed our own "WOS digital signage software" and solutions for industries like bank and financial etc.


  • 数字水印技术作为重要信息安全手段多媒体著作保护提供一个强有力的解决方案

    But, as a very important information security technology, digital Watermark technology has provided a strong solution for the protection of digital multimedia work.


  • 介绍了基于H 32 3协议多媒体会议技术提出一种煤炭企业生产调度可视化解决方案

    Based on the multi medium conference technology of H. 322 agreement, the paper provided a production dispatching visualization solution plan for coal enterprise.


  • 通过文本到语音(通常称为TTS),JBI多媒体翻译解决方案增加了一个具有成本效益选项

    With text-to-speech (commonly known as TTS), JBI adds a cost-effective option to its roster of multimedia translation solutions.


  • 权威的ELLIS多媒体测试体系准确测定英语水平提供的详细分析与解决方案

    The ELLIS computerized test system will assess your current English level and accordingly prepare a detailed solution.


  • TIOMAPV 1035解决方案款存在丰硕多媒体性能本钱解决方案无疑一代高级GPRSEDGE手机当然之选

    The OMAPV1035 solution of ti is a low cost solution that has rich multimedia function, it is new generation undoubtedly of advanced GPRS or EDGE mobile phone of course anthology.


  • TIOMAPV 1035解决方案款存在丰硕多媒体性能本钱解决方案无疑一代高级GPRSEDGE手机当然之选

    The OMAPV1035 solution of ti is a low cost solution that has rich multimedia function, it is new generation undoubtedly of advanced GPRS or EDGE mobile phone of course anthology.


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