• 来自多哥F知道如果我们食物注入等离子体将会发生什么

    F from Togo: I want to know what would happen if we inject some plasma water into the food?


  • 多哥前锋阿德巴约想到即将面对自己阿森纳的队友亨利,就特别的兴奋。

    After SOT Togo striker Adebayor is especially excited. at the prospect of playing against his Arsenal strike partner, Thierry Henry.


  • 多哥已婚同居男人37% 的不忠比率位居榜首紧随其后是象牙海岸的男人。

    Married or cohabiting men in Togo top the list at 37 per cent, followed closely by those in the Ivory Coast.


  • 德巴约被捕就发生太阳报的采访之后,他幸运逃脱祖国多哥犯罪生活

    Adebayor's arrest comes after he told The Sun he was lucky to have escaped a life of crime in his native Togo.


  • 铜牌获得者包括阿尔及利亚女子柔道埃及男子柔道,摩洛哥女子800里球斯的拳击多哥皮划艇

    Bronze medal-winners included Algeria in women's Judo, Egypt in men's Judo, Morocco in the women's 800-meter race, Mauritius in boxing and Togo in kayaking.


  • 2004年12月多哥类似活动使家庭至少拥有经处理蚊帐百分比8%上升62%。

    A similar campaign across Togo in December 2004 succeeded in raising the overall percentage of households owning at least one treated net from 8% to 62%.


  • 水泥的行情很火爆:多哥价格是200美元/,这个价格就像妖迷人的歌声引诱来自遥远港口的水泥货船。

    Cement’s going rate is glorious, too: $200 per metric ton in Togo, a sum like a siren song luring clunky cement ships from their distant ports.


  • 来自多哥佛罗伦斯先生提到,世界上还有很多需要帮助美国人们应该照顾宠物花费,去帮助他们周围那些无家可归的人。

    Florence from Togo noted people in the world who need help. She wrote that Americans should reduce their pet care spending and help people around them who are homeless.


  • 多哥近期局势掩盖塞拉里昂安哥拉和平局面、坦桑尼亚经济增长加纳的房地产繁荣景象,”南卡尼道出了近期取得的一些成就。

    "Recent events in Togo shouldn't obscure peace in Sierra Leone or Angola, growth in Tanzania, or a housing boom in Ghana," says Nankani, pointing out some recent gains.


  • 并不表示美国给予联合国安全理事会否决行动的权利,抑或逼迫英国多哥自己喜欢做的。

    This would not mean giving the UN Security Council a veto over its actions, or rounding up Britain and Togo and doing as it pleased.


  • 他们不仅要一起过生日还要共同为法国队与新秀多哥队进行的最后一场小组赛效力。

    They will not only share a birthday, but also celebrate it by playing for their national team against newcomers Togo in their final group match.


  • 尽管中国富裕中方将会认真履行自己庄严承诺继续包括多哥在内的非洲国家提供力所能及的经济援助

    Although China is still not rich, it will seriously fulfill its solemn commitments and continue to offer economic assistance within its available resources to African nations including Togo.


  • 然而多哥巴约这样的球员们可能不同答案因为他们已经看到将来

    However, players like Togo's Adebayor will likely offer a different answer, because they have seen the future.


  • 喀麦隆刚果加蓬苏丹多哥乌干达正在报告越来越病例

    Increasing number of cases are being reported from Cameroon, Congo, Gabon, Sudan, Togo and Uganda.


  • 非洲13个感染风险最高国家贝宁布基纳法索喀麦隆中非共和国、科特迪瓦、加纳几内亚利比里亚马里尼日利亚塞内加尔塞拉利昂多哥

    The 13 highest-risk countries in Africa are Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Côte d'Ivoire, Ghana, Guinea, Liberia, Mali, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone and Togo.


  • 6月份审批塔吉克斯坦多哥也门请求

    In June, requests will be processed for Tajikistan, Togo, and Yemen.


  • 2008年4月以来贝宁布基纳法索加纳尼日尔马里多哥发现了尼日利亚北部病毒基因关联1脊髓灰质炎病例

    Since April 2008, cases due to type 1 polio genetically linked to viruses from northern Nigeria have been detected in Benin, Burkina Faso, Ghana, Niger, Mali and Togo.


  • 多哥国家队遇袭,《爱尔兰独立报》专栏作家Vincent Hogan说:“世界上有多少得出多哥首相名字?”

    How many people worldwide could name the Prime Minister of Togo? Wrote Vincent Hogan, a columnist with the Irish Independent, after the attack on the Togolese national team.


  • 一些流行地区接受疫苗接种的旅行者(例如巴西澳大利亚美国秘鲁多哥)中,在免疫接种后出现严重不良事件报告并不多见。

    Serious adverse events have been reported rarely following immunization in a few endemic areas and among vaccinated travelers (e.g. in Brazil, Australia, the United States, Peru and Togo).


  • 西非贝宁加纳尼日利亚多哥2007年爆发了禽流感。

    In West Africa, Benin, Ghana, Nigeria and Togo have had outbreaks in 2007.


  • 一些背井离乡多哥贝宁谋生年轻人回到了家乡

    The young men who had left to work in Togo or Benin returned home.


  • 知道他们(科特迪瓦多哥足协)也非常希望自己队员尽快归队集训,但是这件可以坐下来讨论,商讨大家都接受的结果。

    I'm sure they [Ivory Coast and Togo] will push hard but it's a case of having those discussions and waiting to see what comes back from them.


  • 上赛季阿德约表现不佳令其名声受损,休斯这位多哥球员2007-08赛季打进30表现印象深刻。

    Adebayor's reputation plummeted during a disappointing last season. But Hughes is mindful the Togo international scored 30 goals in the 2007-08 campaign.


  • 阿德上周日参加了多哥队友丧礼之后返回曼城 在安哥拉举行的非洲期间 多哥乘坐的大巴遭遇了恐怖袭击并造成死亡

    Manu flew back on Sunday after his compassionate leave following thehorrific atttack on the Togo team bus at the African Nations Cup inAngola in which three people were killed.


  • 今年早些时候,由安哥拉主办非洲杯足球赛,其表现预期。美中不足的是,发生了一次针对多哥的残酷的的枪击事件。

    Earlier in the year, Angola did better than expected at organising the Africa Cup of Nations, aside from a lethal gun attack on the team from Togo.


  • 今年早些时候,由安哥拉主办非洲杯足球赛,其表现预期。美中不足的是,发生了一次针对多哥的残酷的的枪击事件。

    Earlier in the year, Angola did better than expected at organising the Africa Cup of Nations, aside from a lethal gun attack on the team from Togo.


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