• 切斯特意识到,一些周日喷洒杀虫剂区域养蜂人失去蜂群

    Dorchester County is aware that some beekeepers in the area that was sprayed on Sunday lost their bee colonies.


  • 艾琳·林德来福,一家位于门奇诺计算机顾问公司合伙人并不担心家庭手机使用

    Elaine Lindelef, a partner at a computer-consulting firm in Mendocino County, says she is not worried about her family's cell phone use.


  • 患者儿童并且来自农村乌贝泽特。

    Most of the patients are children, and the majority come from the rural district of Dogubayazit.


  • 3月13日,宫城贺城男孩走过地震海啸摧毁车辆

    A boy walks past vehicles damaged by the Japan earthquake and tsunami in Tagajo, Miyagi Prefecture, on March 13.


  • 我们踏上通往湖南宁远最后一段路程时,人们告诉我们路30”。

    When we set off on the final leg of our march to the county town of Ningyuan (in Hunan), we were told it was "more than 30 li".


  • 病例该国东部地区阿勒乌贝泽特名4岁男童

    The case is a 4-year-old boy from the district of Dogubayazit in Agri Province in the eastern part of the country.


  • 2008年底,义务教育工程覆盖全部民族96%

    By the end of 2008, the free nine-year compulsory education project had covered more than 96 percent of all ethnic counties.


  • 洪水周一淹没望谟,迫使至少4.5万居民疏散, 3000滞留, 5.500公顷农作物受损冲走了500辆机动车倒塌房屋100个,摧毁了道路桥梁

    000 others are stranded. The floods damaged 5.500 hectares of crops and washed away more than 500 vehicles, toppled 100 homes and destroyed roads and bridges.


  • 一例新确诊病例该国东部地区阿勒乌贝泽特名5岁男童

    The first newly confirmed case is a five-year-old boy from the district of Dogubayazit in Agri Province in the eastern part of the country.


  • 云南昆明禄劝彝族苗族自治西乡皎平渡,位于昆明市区200公里金沙江渡口会理东南方47公里处。

    Kunming, Yunnan Lu Jiao Yi and Miao Autonomous County Jiao Jiao Jiao County, located in Kunming, more than 200 kilometers of the Jinsha River ferry, in Huili County, 47 kilometers southeast.


  • 史蒂芬·墨杰明今年40岁周一早上6时,他未婚妻琳·塔布一同开车聚会位于北部的约克。在路上二人发生了争执。

    Stephen Mujerm, 40, and new fiancee Victorine Taboh began arguing about 6 a. m. Monday as they drove home from the party in northern York County.


  • 太平洋交响乐团整个奥兰治摆放架钢琴,供人们弹奏

    The Pacific Symphony Orchesta has placed pianos in cities throughout Orange County for everyone to play.


  • 口岸蒙古国科布尔万接壤,距对方塔格口岸仅6.5公里,距科布省会科布300公里

    Port and Hovd Mongolia province, which borders Wanxian Boer, the other from the northern port tag is only 6.5 kilometers from the provincial capital of Hovd Hovd city 300 km.


  • 2003~2004年,云南省4个随机抽取968名吸毒人员进行调查进行因素累积比数模型分析

    To investigate 968 IDUs by randomly sample from four counties(cities) from 2003 to 2004, and analyze the data by multifactor accumulative odds model.


  • 山东省地税的金税一、工程各市建立税务征管业务系统

    Shandong Province Local tax I and II projects have established a number of sets of tax collection and management business systems in cities and countries.


  • 这样土豪劣绅几十个,少的也有几个至少要把几个罪大恶极的。

    Every county has these major tyrants, some as many as several dozen and others at least a few, and the only effective way of suppressing the reactionaries is to.


  • 青龙山区农业境内地少,素有一水分田”之称。

    Dragon is a mountainous county of mountainous territory, known as "Eight mountains of water a sub-fields," said.


  • 我省已有70%开展了城市社区卫生服务试点。

    In Zhejiang Province community health service stations have been setup in more than 70 percent of countries, cities and districts.


  • 同时,保靖209国道龙溪公路班地段被淹1交通中断

    At the same time, Baojing County, 209 National Highway Long Xizhen ban the lot flooded more than 1 meter deep, traffic has been disrupted;


  • 摘要除了诺玛谷,加州海岸还有个鲜为人知的葡萄酒产区——门西诺莱克,生产着两种不同风格的葡萄酒。

    ABSTRACT: Besides Napa Valley and Sonoma Valley, there are two more wine regions within the North Coast. Say hello to Mendocino County and Lake County.


  • 过去领导平原石山区的平原山区,重土山轻石山

    In the past, what the county leads Campagna is much, to Shi Shan area little, heavy Campagna is light a mountainous area, barytic hill is pumiceous hill;


  • 人力资源修水人口82万,江西人口大劳动力资源丰富每年外出务工人员达20万人。

    Human resources: With a population of 820,000, Xiushui County is one of the most populous counties in Jiangxi. With rich labor resources, it supplies over 20 million of migrant workers each year.


  • 年前北京慈济人前往距离北京两百公里的保定市涞源进行长期援助

    Two years ago, Beijing Tzu Chi volunteers started to provide long-term support to villagers in Laiyuan County which is over 200 kilometers away from China's capital.


  • 品种福建连城甘薯种植1万公顷80%,龙岩连城地瓜干主要原材料来源

    This variety plants in more than 10,000 hectares in the Fujian Liancheng County sweet potato to account for 80%, is the most main raw material origin of dried sweet potato in Liancheng County.


  • 品种福建连城甘薯种植1万公顷80%,龙岩连城地瓜干主要原材料来源

    This variety plants in more than 10,000 hectares in the Fujian Liancheng County sweet potato to account for 80%, is the most main raw material origin of dried sweet potato in Liancheng County.


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