• 报道,阿多博利还通过虚构的相抵消交易掩盖亏损

    The losses were reportedly masked with falsified entries showing offsetting trades.


  • 列车开行三个小时后到了多博车站我们进入波西·尼亚塞族控制地区,等待调换火车头

    At Doboj station, three hours into the trip, we entered the Serb-controlled part of Bosnia and waited as the locomotive was changed.


  • 瑞银宣称因未授权交易损失23亿美元,随后交易员奎库•阿多博利因涉嫌欺诈被捕。 该案尚未进入答辩阶段。

    Kweku Adoboli, a trader who was arrested and charged with fraud after the bank said it had lost $2.3 billion from unauthorised trades, has not yet entered a plea.


  • 瑞银交易员奎库•阿多博利便是身处这种两难境地最新证明。9月15日,奎库•阿·被捕现在正面临欺诈账目造假两项指控

    The latest example of this dilemma comes from UBS trader Kweku Adoboli, who was arrested on September 15 and is now facing charges of fraud and false accounting.


  • 公园大道上举办费尔南·特罗雕塑户外展览纽约可是第一次

    It is a first for New York. An outdoor exhibition of Fernando Botero's sculpture on Park Avenue.


  • 其他地方美食包括鳗鱼寿司,鳗鱼豚骨拉面——在猪脊骨高汤中下入拉面。

    Other regional delicacies include anagomeshi, or sea eel rice, and tonkatsu ramen from Hakata, a pork-bone white soup with ramen noodles.


  • 西奥·研究并未提出生命可能地球上出现

    Theobald's study does not address how many times life may have arisen on Earth.


  • 佛罗里达州梅恩财务计划师史提夫··诺斯通过采用提供额外责任保险范围的保护伞政策进一步减少成本

    You might be able to lower your costs further by picking up an umbrella policy, which provides additional liability coverage, said Steve Podnos, a financial planner in Merritt Island, Fla.


  • 那里最近的城镇要在泥路骑行一个小时

    The nearest town, San Bernardo, was an hour's ride down a mud track.


  • 新闻网上发布时,我们很难预测广的范围内被所关注,也不知道这样的关注会持续

    When a piece of news breaks online, it's hard to predict how widely it will be discussed in blog posts or tweets and for how long.


  • 诧异自己的话还是亨利·那儿拣来的。

    I wondered if it was her own or if she had pulled it from Henry Bordeaux.


  • 正如纳所称,“坚决认为他们预算削减问题上付出应该承担。”他今夏五角大楼预算遭到削减。

    As Boehner put it, "I would argue that they've taken more than their fair share of the hits," referring to the budget cuts the Pentagon was hit with this summer.


  • 挥动手臂就像是挥手让车辆停下来,直到先生的名字方才罢休。

    She waved her arm like she was flagging down traffic until Mr. Porto called on her.


  • 来自意大利大学科学家认为尼亚马之地陨石撞击形成的。

    However, Italian scientists from the University of Padova believe that the Wembo-Nyama feature is an impact crater.


  • 到目前为止相当驻京外国使馆和国际组织已经通过大量服务商注册他们账号

    So far, a large number of foreign embassies and international organizations in Beijing have registered their accounts on China's various micro blog service providers.


  • 不仅发现自己真实粉丝的数量朋友之外,发现空头账号”的数量远远超过自己的想象

    Not only did he find that he had more real micro blog followers than his friend, he also discovered that there were far more null micro blog accounts than he had imagined.


  • 伊斯罗伯特林赛写畅销书雪人”的灵感来源,也是电影版的启发者。 伊斯通过朋友安德鲁尔顿列为机密的公报出卖苏联

    Boyce, who was inspiration for Robert Lindsey's best seller The Falcon and the Snowman as well as the film adaptation, sold classified communiqués to the Soviets through his friend Andrew Dalton Lee.


  • 我们

    We can do more with less.


  • 报告重要发现之一西希告知私人侦探已经将伯恩·西班牙的房子出去了

    Among the report's most important findings is that Mr. Borsig was informed that the private investigators had rented out Mr. Bohndorf's home in Spain.


  • 如果了解别人项目艰难容易觉得只有自己在做重要的事情,”斯沃思

    "It's easy to think you are the only one doing something important if you don't know how tough everyone else's projects are," Bosworth says.


  • 新浪曾经花费相当时间体会作为公共媒体的微代替即时通信工具

    Sina has spent a considerable amount of time to understand microblog as a form of mass public media instead of a communication tool.


  • 融合如此功能,任何内容访问都无需离开的世界。

    It combines so many features (IM, social networking, e-commerce, videos, etc) that no one has to jump out of Weibo-world to access other content.


  • 不管皮肤,从出生那天起骨子里就是黑人。”写道

    "No matter how white his skin was, underneath he was still just as black as the day he was born," wrote the blogger.


  • 这家位于奥兰公司客上进行促销起家,去年他们将业务拓展到了

    The Orlando company began by promoting brands on blogs and last year expanded to Twitter.


  • 1718年,成为海盗仅仅擒获,被处死

    In 1718, a little more than one year after he decided to take up piracy, Bonnet was captured and executed.


  • 关于采用敏捷这个主题,JamesShore2010年撰写了文,其中为如何采用大规模的敏捷提出了一些有效建议

    On the theme of agile adoption James Shore blogged in 2010 with some practical advice on how to bring about Large Scale agile adoption.


  • 这个Web应用程序允许主跨快速查询评论删除包含可疑内容的评论。

    The Web application allows a blogger to quickly query the comments across his blogs and delete comments that contain questionable content.


  • 1984年,位于印度尔的农药厂联合碳化物公司发生事故,40甲基异氰酸盐泄漏造成两万丧生。世界上后果最严重化学灾难

    More than 40 tons of methyl isocyanate spilled from a Union Carbide-owned pesticide factory in Bhopal, India, in 1984, killing more than 20, 000 people in the world’s worst chemical disaster.


  • 1984年,位于印度尔的农药厂联合碳化物公司发生事故,40甲基异氰酸盐泄漏造成两万丧生。世界上后果最严重化学灾难

    More than 40 tons of methyl isocyanate spilled from a Union Carbide-owned pesticide factory in Bhopal, India, in 1984, killing more than 20, 000 people in the world’s worst chemical disaster.


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