• 这份1915年的食谱要求从当地采购原料尤其是新泽西番茄

    Dorrance's 1915 recipe called for locally sourced ingredients, specifically New Jersey tomatoes.


  • 多伦番茄加水,汤里的所有液体来源于牛排里汁水番茄浆液

    No water was added to Dorrance's tomato soup formula. The liquid that makes the soup is entirely from beefsteak juices and pulp.


  • 伊姆·霍夫表示:“我们希望通过这种做法表达对伦斯博士敬意而且汤里重要原料就是番茄。”

    "We wanted to honor Dr. Dorrance in what we were attempting to do and the most important ingredient in the soup is the tomato," Imhoff said.


  • 接手第一个项目研究浓缩做法,由于化学数学教育背景很快就完成了这个任务。

    The younger Dorrance's first project was to try to figure out how to make a condensed soup, a recipe he quickly solved with his educational background in chemistry and mathematics.


  • 1897年,约翰·入职金宝公司。当时叔叔亚瑟他进来,是因为家里他给侄子一些指导

    John Dorrance was first employed by Campbell Soup in 1897, hired by his uncle Arthur as a family favor to give his nephew some direction.


  • 今年58岁一个来自艾尔郡的贝市场研究员,正在试图回到现在居住多伦家里

    Ann Cochrane, 58, a market researcher originally from Beith in Ayrshire, was trying to get home to Toronto, where she now lives.


  • 网站相片来自世界城市包括北京孟买多伦布鲁克林、纽约以及瓦西拉阿拉

    Photos on the site have come from cities all over the world, including London, Beijing, Mumbai, Toronto, Brooklyn, N.Y., and even Wasilla, Alaska.


  • 志愿者营救小组成员刘雷来到特农业市场附近的一处田间,这里地处多伦西部,距多伦45英里

    One of the volunteer search and rescue team, Ray Lau, was in a field near a farmers' market on the edge of Ancaster, a small town about 45 miles west of Toronto.


  • 《心理学》杂志报道说,加拿大多伦大学伊恩·思朋领导小组进行了一个测试,展示人们辨认出现他们视野中的不同寻常物体能力

    Writing in PsychologicalScience, a team led by Ian Spence of the University of Torontodescribes a test performed on people's ability to spot unusual objects thatappear in their field of vision.


  • 这也恰恰多伦公司帕顿资源正在研究的。

    And that is exactly what Sparton Resources, a firm based in Toronto, is doing.


  • 心理学家普拉巴·谢米·为进一步统一以前各有关研究文献观点,多伦大学开展了一项后续性实验。

    To tighten the focus on those early findings, psychologists Prathiba Shammi and Donald Stuss conducted a follow-up study at the University of Toronto.


  • 特亚甘德难民收容所里呆了两个星期之后尼基塔神甫领走了。尼基塔神甫一位俄罗东正教牧师,多伦开办了一家收容俄罗难民的中转站。

    Kostya spent two weeks in the refugee shelter in Gander before he was claimed by Father Nikita, a Russian Orthodox priest who operated a halfway house for Russian refugees in Toronto.


  • 频道设在多伦哈利法克温尼伯卡尔加里工作室播放新闻简报

    This channel broadcasts news bulletins from studios located in Toronto, Halifax, Winnipeg and Calgary.


  • 0607年间,林应摩尔复杂关系城市博物馆——安大略湖多伦美术馆之邀,创作了名叫《感染作品

    In 2006-07, Starling created a work called Infestation Piece for the Toronto Art Gallery of Ontario, a museum and a city with a complex relationship with Moore.


  • 也使得湖人队教练菲尔·杰克逊(Phil Jackson)记者分享早期科比对话是科比与当时的多伦前锋·卡特(Vince Carter)的一场对决之后的一段对话。

    That prompted Lakers Coach Phil Jackson to share with the press corps a conversation he and Bryant had earlier in his career a night after a one-on-one matchup with then-Toronto forward Vince Carter.


  • 雇佣关系社会地位健康观念量度选择评估分析》,卡尔·穆塔讷等,加拿大多伦大学公共卫生学院。

    Employment relations, social class and health: a review and analysis of conceptual and measurement alternatives.


  • 麦蒂多伦猛龙奥兰魔术火箭纽约尼克底特律活塞亚特兰大鹰队马刺队效力

    McGrady played for the Toronto Raptors, Orlando Magic, Houston Rockets, New York Knicks, Detroit Pistons, Atlanta Hawks and Spurs.


  • 贾妮·杜·蒙特多伦女子大学研究院科学家多伦大学达拉拉公共卫生学院副教授

    Du Mont is a scientist at the Women's College Research Institute in Toronto and an associate professor at the Dalla Lana School of Public Health at the University of Toronto.


  • 网站相片来自世界城市包括北京孟买多伦布鲁克林、纽约以及瓦西拉阿拉

    Photos on the site have come from cities all over the world, including London, Beijing, Mumbai, Toronto, Brooklyn, N. Y. , and even Wasilla, Alaska.


  • 镇子位于安大略湖,距美国几个城市100英里左右同伴选择乘飞机多伦然后再租车高速路,前往特拉特福德。

    Both Ontario towns are about 100 miles or less from several U. s. cities. But my companion and I chose to fly to Toronto, pick up a rental car, and hit the highway for Stratford first.


  • 不同的球队打球——多伦迈阿密安东尼奥菲尼克

    He has played with four different teams-toronto, Miami, San Antonio and Phoenix.


  • 15岁时,开始充裕的时间多伦一家著名的喜剧俱乐部。亚克·亚克进行表演,在那儿他使自己的表演技能得以完善。”后来他前往洛杉矶,在那里开始俱乐部巡回演出。

    At 15 though, he had enough time to start performing at Yuk Yuks. a famous Toronto comedy club where he began to perfect his ability he moved to LA and did the club circuit there.


  • 然后贾尔轮流多伦所有隐含服务员漫画可能性

    And then Giles turns up in Toronto with all the attendant comic possibilities implied.


  • 加拿大多伦大学德拉·纳吉技术老鼠人类皮肤细胞使用了这项技术,发现编程的iPS细胞表现出胚胎干细胞一样的特性。

    He and Andras Nagy from the University of Toronto used the technique in both mouse and human skin cells and found the reprogrammed cells behaved just like embryonic stem cells.


  • 维尔公园设计竞赛多伦在世纪之交举办的一次国际性的设计竞赛,曾引起广泛的国际关注。

    The Design Competition of Downsview Park is an international design competition between 1999 and 2000 in Toronto.


  • 维尔公园设计竞赛多伦在世纪之交举办的一次国际性的设计竞赛,曾引起广泛的国际关注。

    The Design Competition of Downsview Park is an international design competition between 1999 and 2000 in Toronto.


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