• 重力式挡墙,对该基坑的外部稳定进行验算;

    The gravity retaining wall theory is adopted to proceed exterior stability analysis;


  • 外部稳定加强脚跟,而不会影响使舞者感到支持安全灵活性

    External stabilizer reinforces the heel without compromising the flexibility of the shoe enabling the dancer to feel supported and secure.


  • 开发微生物细胞外部稳定存在纤维素酶使真菌酵母纤维素水解产物上培养了可能。

    Development of celluloses that are stable outside the cells of microorganisms enables the culturing of fungi and with yeasts on cellulose hydrolyzates.


  • 多余燃料销售外部市场当地社区提供稳定收入来源

    Surplus fuel will be sold to outside markets to provide a steady source of income for the community.


  • 而且一些外部施加的政策一般很难成功施行,例如关于欧元区域稳定增长协定规定

    And rules imposed from outside, as with the euro zone's Stability and Growth Pact, are less likely to succeed.


  • 此外可以访问外部应用程序提供稳定的文档管理特性

    In addition, it makes it accessible to external applications and provides robust document-management features.


  • 中心对焦对许多相机而言更为精确敏感所以最好使用中心对焦而不是外部对焦——即便对焦后需要重新调整稳定

    The central focus point is more accurate/sensitive in many cameras, and so it is best to use this (instead of the outer focus points) — even if using it requires having to recompose afterwards.


  • 塔锡奥蒂博士指出,更为重要的是,技术提供足够的稳定而取消常常引起感染外部固定器械

    More important, Dr Tasciotti says, the technique would provide enough stability to do away with external fixation devices, which often cause infections.


  • 过去几十年来经验说明土耳其艘航船需要强硬外部稳定不会漂浮危险水域

    Turkey’s experience of the past few decades suggests that the country needs firm external anchors to stop it drifting into dangerous waters.


  • 不管怎样我们应该意识国内外部状况依然复杂的和基础是稳定的,但是经济进步仍然需要加强,”

    "However, we should also be aware that the domestic and external conditions are still complicated and the foundation for a stabilized but progressing economy should be further consolidated," he said.


  • 同时L LLionis和他的研究人员猜测这种后加稳定也许可以使这种转化需要外部电荷

    And the Illinois researchers suspect that this added stability reduces the need for applying an external charge to do the job.


  • 可以接收Ku波段信号频率范围10.7 ~ 12.75GHz通过使用一个外部10MHz参照物改进频率的稳定

    It receives Ku frequency band signals from 10.7 through 12.75 GHz with improved frequency stability by using an external 10 MHz reference.


  • BSD一个真正工作外观非常稳定外部工作特点结合起来。

    The BSD is a true working dog with great working characteristics, combined with stabilized exterior appearance.


  • 外部力量——美国,中国俄罗斯对中亚地区稳定很大兴趣

    All three big external powers in Central asia-america, China and russia-have a big interest in the region's stability.


  • 再者外部力量应该致力于稳定货币,这个国家货币的通货膨胀已经超过40m %,这可不是简单任务

    Next, outsiders must help stabilise a currency whose annual inflation rate may have surpassed 40m %; not an easy task.


  • 我们采取弹性的谨慎宏观经济政策适应外部变化保证快速稳定经济增长同时保持较低的通胀

    We need to adopt a flexible and prudent macroeconomic policy to adapt to external changes in order to ensure very fast and steady economic growth and at the same time keeping inflation down.


  • 主要目标通过增加盈利减少依赖稳定外部因素实现股东创造更大的价值

    Its main aim is to create value for its shareholders through increasing profit and reducing its dependence on volatile external factors.


  • 假设期望轨迹某一稳定外部系统产生利用中心流形理论,证明了系统内部动态存在的。

    Supposing that the reference trajectory is generated by a stable system, the bounded solution of non hyperbolic internal dynamics is existed by using center manifold theory.


  • 贵州民间美术独特的文化表述包括材料工艺外部形式相当长的时期内保持稳定状态

    The distinguished cultural expression including material and technique of Guizhou folk fine arts has remained stable for a long time.


  • 仿真结果表明比率算法较单比率算法,具有外部故障稳定,而内部故障时,也有很高灵敏度

    Simulation results indicate that dual slope algorithm is of high stability during external faults and is very sensitive to high impedance internal faults.


  • 大多数开关主机都通过触发输入进行外部触发并且继电器稳定之后输出一个触发脉冲

    Most switch mainframes can be triggered externally via the trigger input and can send an output trigger pulse when the relay contacts have settled.


  • 过大外部EGR导致发动机燃烧极度稳定甚至失火

    However, overexcessive amount of external EGR could lead to an extremely unstable combustion or even misfiring .


  • 联动具体观察外部世界自己感觉使我们能够获得一个稳定的,否则存在稳定连续性

    A sense of linkage to the concrete and observable world external to ourselves permits us to obtain a sense of stability and continuity in an otherwise less stable existence.


  • EL2142稳定一个增益1,需要两个外部电阻设置电压增益。

    The EL2142 is stable for a gain of one, and requires two external resistors to set the voltage gain.


  • 稳定运行良好营销渠道需要厂商多年时间才能建立起来,渠道成为厂商越来越重要一种外部资源

    Steady and well running marketing channel needs manufacturers many years to establish, so channel becomes a sort of more important exterior resource for manufacturers.


  • 稳定高效外部供应网络企业建立保持竞争优势重要保证。

    Stable and effective external supplier-network is critical for the firm in manufacturing sector to build and sustain the competitive advantage.


  • 稳定边界指,模拟流场外部环境通过进行的物质能量信息交换具有重要影响且交换规律难以准确刻画的边界。

    Substance, energy and information can exchange between simulation area and outside through non-stable boundaries and it is difficult to describe the exchanging rule accurately.


  • 不仅仅灵魂伴侣相见还有爱的频率稳定那样关系能力开始直到永恒,不外部影响干扰

    Not just the meeting of the soul mate, but the ability to stabilize that relationship in that loving frequency from the beginning until eternity with out that external influence or interference.


  • 网络组织一种企业内部等级制度灵活,又比企业外部市场稳定的组织形式。

    Network organization is more flexible than hierarchy inside the enterprise and stabler than the market outside the enterprise.


  • 网络组织一种企业内部等级制度灵活,又比企业外部市场稳定的组织形式。

    Network organization is more flexible than hierarchy inside the enterprise and stabler than the market outside the enterprise.


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