• 因此,从内部比较外部比较方面进行湘方言词汇研究具有一定必要性重要性

    That is why it is of the necessity and importance to do the research on the two kinds of comparison mentioned above. Under the guideline of Mr.


  • 外部比较考察汉语诗歌白话倾向世界文学尤其是梵语诗歌作用于中国文学的结果

    As examined from the Angle of the external comparison, the vernacularization of Chinese poetry is the outcome of the influence exerted by the world-literature, especially by the Sanskrit poetry.


  • 第三部分湘方言长益片否定副词外部比较,分别湘方言其它片、普通话汉语否定副词进行比较

    The third part is external comparison of Chang-Yi dialects of Xiang dialects, compares with other Xiang dialects, Mandarin and ancient Chinese.


  • 因此如果想要获得两个数据库数据不同点需要使用一个进程外部XML文档文件比较工具

    Therefore, to obtain the difference between the two databases' data, you need to use an XML document file comparison tool external to the process.


  • SOA环境趋向拥有使用率可能比较核心服务(外部服务使用者企业使用者使用)。

    SOA environments tend to have a core set of services that might be highly utilized, either by external service consumers or inter-enterprise consumers.


  • 甚至还可以超出字符串本身边界比较外部条件一致性库存目录当前公司股票价格

    They can even go outside the bounds of the string itself to compare its consistency with external conditions, such as the inventory of a warehouse or the current stock price of a company.


  • 要找到成功地外部调用DCOMIIOP任意台计算机几率比较请参阅参考资料)。

    The odds of two random computers being able to successfully make DCOM or IIOP calls out of the box are fairly low (see Resources).


  • 细分多维板块可帮助您在几分钟内完成数据查找、模型评估假设测试工作。 您可将现在绩效以前的绩效外部基准数据进行比较

    Quickly explore data, evaluate models, test assumptions and compare current performance with historical actuals and external benchmarks using drill-down and multidimensional cube slicing-and-dicing .


  • 累积了巨额外债美国不同,欧元区整体外部(负债)状况比较健康

    Unlike America, which has accumulated huge foreign debts, the eurozone as a whole has a healthy external position.


  • 计时器节点外部启动方法比较

    Comparing timer nodes to external flow-starting methods.


  • 通常情况下,文档数据来源可能是外部(比如数据库文件系统蜘蛛网站上的抓取),这些通常都比较耗时,尽量优化获取它们的性能。

    Speed up document construction. Often the process of retrieving a document from somewhere external (database, filesystem, crawled from a Web site, etc.) is very time consuming.


  • 那么保存数据对象XML表示形式外部配置文件驱动测试似乎比较明智

    It seems wise, then, to drive the tests away from external configuration files holding XML representations of the data objects.


  • 图像比较重量级对象具有外部OS资源的引用(3)。

    They are relatively heavyweight objects with references to external OS resources (Figure 3).


  • 所以通过比较这两双胞胎自闭症罹患使研究者得以对遗传因素相同外部环境因素的影响做出比较

    So comparing autism rates in both types of twins can enable researchers to measure the importance of genes versus Shared environment.


  • 为了进行比较创建一个带有 NUMROWS 的外部

    To compare, create an external table with NUMROWS


  • 又一次外部条件作比较按照对现存秩序的信任来衡量他的思想

    Again Ruth measured his thoughts by comparison of externals and in accordance with her belief in the established.


  • 接着通过各种外部技术获取方法比较技术寻求型跨国并购优势分析,提出了技术要素服务效应概念

    Then, by comparing various exterior technology acquiring ways and the advantage of acquisitions of seeking technology, it puts forwards a new concept calling technology factors' serving effect.


  • 第一第二种架构一般而言比较具有挑战性因为并行接口需要大量连接外部隔离

    The first and second architectures are generally challenging due to the significant number of connections and the external isolation required for the parallel interface.


  • 采用外部电流好处IOFFSET可以等于甚至大于仪器满量程只要IOFFSET -ISUPPRESS 比较即可。

    The advantage of using an external current source is that IOFFSET can be as large or larger than the full-range value, and only IOFFSET – ISUPPRESS need be small.


  • 首先本文回顾产业集群外部经济效应理论后续比较研究分析提供理论基础

    First of all, this paper reviews the industrial cluster external economy effect theory; offer the theoretical foundation for subsequent comparative study and analysis.


  • 顶级产品模拟部分完全兼容所有领域简介2.0品质内部外部零部件如何比较标准蓝光播放器

    Featuring a top of the line analog section, full compatibility with all areas of Profile 2.0, and high quality internal and external parts, how would it compare to a standard Blu-ray player?


  • 如果答案是是曾经比较内部销售队伍外部销售队伍的业绩吗?

    If you do, have you ever compared the results to an inside or outside sales force?


  • 外部熟练鉴定实验室内部测量误差提供了时时比较程序。

    External proficiency testing also provides an ongoing comparison of inter-laboratory measurement error.


  • 但虚拟企业这种组织形式是以付出协调努力为代价的,边界取决于内部交易成本外部交易成本比较

    Its cost is putting a lot of coordination and its boundary depends on the comparison between the inter transaction cost and the outer transaction cost.


  • 比较对照管理目的用于外部报表损益表

    Compare and contrast income statements prepared for managerial use and those prepared for external reporting.


  • 可以比较驱动另一个驱动,没有外部名称差异散乱比较结果

    I can also compare one driver with another without having extraneous name differences clutter up the comparison results.


  • 重要的是,传达出一个强劲的深层次质量意识选料了良好坚实的前瞻性(如果比较)优等外部

    Above all else, it conveys a sense of robust, deep-seated quality, from the classy cabin with its well chosen materials to the solid-looking (if rather plain) exterior.


  • 作者本文重点对美日中小银行市场定位外部管制环境比较和分析上。

    Then a special emphasis is placed on the comparison of market location and the related environment of small-medium Banks.


  • 中国经济近年来呈现出比较明显外部失衡内部失衡,人民币汇率低估不无关系。

    Chinese economy has been in a state of external and internal imbalances for some years, which has something to do with the undervaluation of renminbi (RMB).


  • 中国经济近年来呈现出比较明显外部失衡内部失衡,人民币汇率低估不无关系。

    Chinese economy has been in a state of external and internal imbalances for some years, which has something to do with the undervaluation of renminbi (RMB).


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