• 包括使用传统更新方法现有程序能够利用存储过程调用外部接口

    This includes existing programs using traditional update methods and external interfaces capable of utilizing stored procedure calls.


  • 清单9包含用于将一个R PG程序注册外部存储过程SQLCREATEPROCEDURE语句代码示例

    Listing 9 contains a code example of the SQL CREATE procedure statement used to register an RPG program as an external stored procedure.


  • 清单10包含已经注册外部存储过程现有RPG程序代码

    Listing 10 contains the code for the existing RPG program that has been registered as an external stored procedure.


  • 加密阶段当前输入事件文本存储磁盘上然后一个外部程序进行加密,加密后的文件读入并发送到Google服务器

    In the encryption stage, the currently entered event text will be stored on disk, an external program will encrypt it, and then the encrypted file will be read in and sent to Google's servers.


  • 服务器处理程序中,必须这些合作伙伴ID存储外部存储中,通过从此处读取合作伙伴ID来使用附件

    And in the server-side handler, you have to store these partner IDs in an external storage and consume the attachment by reading the partner IDs from there.


  • 内部应用程序资产检索一个用户图片存储本地内部内存外部内存中,呈现屏幕上

    A picture of the user is retrieved from internal application assets, stored in local internal memory and external memory, and rendered on the screen.


  • 通过使用示例应用程序现在应该地理解如何公共数据使用设备外部存储

    Through the use of the example application, you should now have a good understanding of how to use the device's external storage for public data.


  • 常常使用外部存储过程访问遗留数据存储遗留应用程序系统

    External stored procedures are often used to access legacy data stores and legacy application systems.


  • 另外外部存储过程程序可以以子程序形式调用现有应用程序从而重用现有的业务逻辑

    Additionally, external stored procedure programs can reuse existing business logic by calling existing applications as subprograms.


  • 使用SQLiteAPI可以存储复杂数据利用内部外部存储,您可以存储应用程序私有或者其他应用程序公共可用文件

    Using the SQLite API, you can store more complex data, and with the internal and external storage, you can store files that are private to the application or publicly available to other applications.


  • 这种外部存储过程方法允许浏览器客户端外部应用程序利用DB 2fori扩展指示符支持

    This external stored procedure approach also allows external applications such as a browser client to also take advantage of DB2 for I extended indicator support.


  • 选择减轻导致系统超载的要求应该清理不想要文件使用外部USB存储运行较大Ajax应用程序

    To alleviate the strain that could result in system overloads, you should, for example, clean up unwanted files or plug in an external USB disk drive to store and run your larger Ajax applications.


  • 一种方法外部程序注册存储过程然后使用SQLCall语句调用存储过程运行程序

    One method is to register the external program as a stored procedure and then use the SQL Call statement to run the program with a call to the stored procedure.


  • Web服务可以一个程序,它用于外部应用程序数据存储收集数据,数据传送服务器程序,服务器程序创建基于HTML的web页面,这些Web页面都是Web客户端可以访问的。

    A web service can be a program that gathers data from external application data stores and passes the data to a server program that builds HTML-based web pages accessible to a web client.


  • 下面模式说明讨论个人扩展(PPR)的安装应用程序(PPI)的持续-外部存储前景

    Below, the Mode Descriptions discuss Personal Persistent Repositories of extensions (PPR) or Installed applications (PPI) - those are prospects for external storage.


  • 运行程序外部存储内存建议因为连接PC外部可以系统认不出来

    Running the program from external storage memory is not advised since when connected to PC the external card could be unrecognizable by the system.


  • 端口0也是低位地址利用外部程序数据存储器的数据总线

    Port 0 is also the multiplexed low-order address and data bus during access to external program and data memory.


  • 系统中的外部存储其中包含页面形式而存在活动程序特定的时刻,系统去访问它所需要指定页面。

    In virtual storage systems, external storage that contains active programs in the form of pages and provides access only to the particular pages required by the system at a particular time.


  • 硬件设计主要介绍系统组成中的外部存储模块视频输入输出模块,介绍了使用片上支持库编写DM642中视频驱动程序方法,以及编写过程中DM642中断直接存储存取DMA应用

    The hardware chapter introduces the external memory module and video I/O module, programs video-driver for the DM642 by using CSL, discuss the applications of interrupt and direct memory access (DMA).


  • 通过动态属性可以应用程序某些属性存储外部文件应用程序运行时进行加载

    With dynamic properties you can store some of an application's property values to an external file and load them when the application runs.


  • 指定一种程序执行期利用资源(外部设备、文件存储),编码提供标识符程序设计动作

    The programming operation of designating a resource (peripheral; file; area of storage) that will be used by a program during execution and providing its identifier in the source coding.


  • 装载程序接收新的应用程序存储单片机外部 ROM 中。

    Thedownloading program receives the new application program and loads it into a readonly memory external to the microcontroller.


  • 信道接收器提供程序存储一个中,在信道构造函数传递外部信道接收器提供程序之前用户负责所有信道接收器提供程序链接在一起

    Channel sink providers are stored in a chain, and the user is responsible for chaining all channel sink providers together before passing the outer one to the channel constructor.


  • 信道接收器提供程序存储一个中,在信道构造函数传递外部信道接收器提供程序之前用户负责所有信道接收器提供程序链接在一起

    Channel sink providers are stored in a chain, and the user is responsible for chaining all channel sink providers together before passing the outer one to the channel constructor.


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