• 作用防止液体沿外界空气泵壳内。

    Role is to prevent the pump shell leakage of liquid along the axis or outside air leakage into the pump shell.


  • 吸热吸收外界空气中的热量转化气轮机动力输出

    The heat from external air which is absorbed by the heat absorber is converted into the power output of the gas turbine.


  • 如果作品外界空气重新燃着了一丁点的火花,那么最终只能得到灰烬

    If the work catches alight again in the open air then you definitely end up with a pile of ash.


  • 排水管路上设一小迂回管段防止外界空气进入蒸发器内有利于冷凝水排出

    A short passage of return pipe on the water discharge pipe may be placed to prevent outside air into evaporator and facilitate the outflow of condensate.


  • 发电机密封系统的作用为了防止外界空气进入发电机内部阻止发电机内氢气出。

    Generator sealing oil system is designed to prevent outer air from entering the generator and avoid leakage of hydrogen from the generator.


  • 自然制冷系统利用外界空气回水温差,使回流系统之前先水温降到一个低值

    Free cooling takes advantage of the temperature difference between the outside air and the return water to cool the water before returning it at a lower temperature to be chilled.


  • 乔亚记者带领记者参观了黑色塑料,它覆盖着一座游泳池大小水泥猪粪池防止外界空气接触

    Ochoa showed the journalists a black plastic lid that covered a swimming pool-size cement container of pig feces to prevent exposure to the outside air.


  • 必要密闭隔离功能防止隔离空间外界空气直接对流减少被隔断受保护的空间受到外界污染

    It is necessary to close the isolation function to prevent the isolated space and the outside air directly convection, to reduce the partition, protected space by external pollution.


  • 一层层堆积起来,外界空气隔绝着,经过细菌分解以及地层内的高温、高压作用,生物遗体逐渐分。

    They piled and were separated from the air. Germs decomposing the bodies, along with the high temperature.


  • 现代技术战争中人员直接暴露外界空气中的机会越来越少,大多数时候处于各种作战运输装备的舱室内。

    In modern high technical wars, there is less and less opportunity for personnel directly exposing to exoteric air, they are usually disposed in cabins of various campaign and transport equipment.


  • 壁纸增添了复古韵味只不过很少有人保留旧的厨房,厨房里一个冰箱,嵌入内,完全外界空气制冷

    Wallpaper also adds vintage charm, though few would preserve the dated kitchen, which still has an ice box, cooled solely by the outside air, tucked into a wall.


  • 说白了就是大山因为害怕外界空气破坏其中的文物,秦陵至今没有进行发掘。

    Essentially just a large hill, Qin Shi Huang's mausoleum is yet to be excavated due to fears it may be destroyed by the outside atmosphere.


  • 根据发表昆虫行为杂志上的研究成果,蚂蚁能够精心制造一种有气孔的土塔,空气能够在这些墙和外界之间流通

    According to a study published in the Journal of Insect Behaviour, the ants carefully create the turrets with highly porous walls which allows air to flow through the Chambers.


  • 外界因素生活地域气候寒冷干燥工作环境空气粉尘化学气体污染烟酒辛辣饮食长期刺激易得慢性咽炎

    External factors: life region climate, dry, cold working environment air is dust, chemical gas pollution, alcohol and tobacco, spicy food stimulation, are easy to long-term chronic pharyngitis.


  • 空气较冷一边时会放热外界压缩,并蓝色活塞左边

    The air on the cool side loses heat to the outside world and contracts, pulling the blue piston to the left.


  • 即使这样空气不足的舱位里外界一无所知的好。

    Even so, it was better here where he could see than down below locked in some airless cabin.


  • 我们血管里血液流动一样,在蚁穴里的空气也是外界气温压力控制的。

    Rather like blood circulating in our veins, inside the termites nest it is air that is moved by external temperature and pressures.


  • 现代主要功能室内可调控舒适的湿度温度与外界令人难受的空气隔离开来。

    The main function of today's wall is to separate possibility unwelcomed outside air from the controlled comfortable conditions of temperature and humidity inside.


  • 编程分析了筒式减振器缸体结构参数外界激励以及空气流速油液温升影响规律

    The influence rules of absorber structure parameters, exterior excitation and air speed on the increased oil temperature are also analyzed.


  • 成立的,有没有能力控制温度湿度所有基于外界空气条件下

    It is not established and there is no ability to control temperature or humidity it is all based on the outside air condition.


  • 空气过滤器用于空气可能需要加以宣泄直接外界特别是禁止吸烟客房打印复制室和其他地方包含许多化学物或污染物。

    Air filters can be used or air may need to be vented directly to the outside, especially from smoking rooms, print rooms, copy rooms and other places that contain many chemicals or contaminants.


  • 采用聚四氟乙烯不锈钢制造,根据外界温度切断空气气体液体

    The TV/SC-A can be used to turn on steam, air, gas or liquids compatible with Teflon? and stainless steel in response to ambient temperature change.


  • 空气弹簧阻尼特性空气弹簧本身结构有关,同时还外界激扰频率振幅的影响。

    The damping characteristic is relevant with the air spring structure and is influenced by external excitation frequency and amplitude.


  • 这些冰晶空气中的水蒸气冷凝而来,通常被灰尘其他外界物质所包围。

    These grow directly from condensing water vapor in the air, usually around a nucleus of dust or some other foreign material.


  • 隔热性方面:“鑫缘”蚕丝有效地隔绝外界空气入侵防止体温流失;

    Xinyuan brand silk blanket can isolate the inbreak of the outside cool air effectively and keep the warm body temperature in the heat insulation;


  • 隔热性方面:“鑫缘”蚕丝有效地隔绝外界空气入侵防止体温流失;

    Xinyuan brand silk blanket can isolate the inbreak of the outside cool air effectively and keep the warm body temperature in the heat insulation;


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