• 外汇管理局办理登记手续1个工作日

    6 working days of the foreign exchange administration for registration.


  • 银行税务外汇管理局工商打交道

    Deal with bank, taxation office, SAFE, AIC etc.


  • 掌管国家外汇储备外汇管理局没有透露细节

    The State Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE), which manages the country's reserves, does not disclose such details.


  • 以上请海关外汇管理局外汇指定银行遵照办理。

    Each customs, administrations of foreign exchange and designated foreign exchange Banks shall act upon this circular accordingly.


  • 所有汇款资金资金运作时,符合外汇管理局相关规定。

    All remittance funds, when processing, ought to adapt relevant stipulations by SAFE.


  • 执行如遇问题及时国家外汇管理局经常项目管理司反馈。

    In case of any question in the implementation, please timely inform it to the Department of Current Account Administration under the State Administration of Foreign Exchange.


  • 负责处理银行外汇管理局和其它相关部门的沟通协调工作。

    To communicate, deal and intermediate with banks, SAFE, and any Bureau related supporting PAFM.


  • 以上事项涉及外汇管理对外支付事项同时抄报国家外汇管理局

    If any of the above circumstances involves foreign exchange administration or external payments, the report shall also be copied to the State administration of foreign exchange.


  • 普遍认为外汇管理局并不市场为标志因而储备规模数字规避了损失

    It is widely thought that SAFE does not mark to market, so official reserve figures conceal the hit.


  • 中国获得所有利润,在外汇管理局出具完税证明后,就可以往国外。

    The profit get in China can transfer to the off-shore bank account if WFOE company show the Pay-Off-Tax prove files issued by China TAX government to exchange control administration in China.


  • 中国外汇管理局--- “中国面临投机性资金大规模流入风险。”

    China Foreign Exchange --- "China faces massive hot money inflows of funds and other speculative risk."


  • 公司所有外汇交易通过中国银行国家外汇管理局授权其他银行办理

    All transactions of the Company's foreign exchange shall be handled through the bank of China or other Banks authorized by the State Administration of exchange Control.


  • 国家外汇管理局分局要对今年以来审批资本项目外汇支出,进行逐笔复查

    The branches of State Administration of foreign exchange shall recheck the approvals and all the foreign the payments under capital account transaction by transaction.


  • 税务局外汇管理局财政登记开设外汇账户海关等部门办理相关登记手续。

    Tax registration. Transaction foreign exchange registration certificate. Transaction finance registration certificate. Opens a bank account of foreign currency. Customs registration.


  • 金先生国家外汇管理局继续国家外汇储备管理重点放在提高资金收益率

    Jin said that the State Administration of foreign exchange would continue managing the country's foreign exchange reserves with an eye to maximizing the return on them.


  • 第三国家外汇管理局及其分、支局(以下简称外汇)企业外汇登记管理机关

    Article 3 the State administration of foreign exchange and its branches and sub-branches (hereinafter SAFE) are the administration organs in charge of foreign exchange registration.


  • 由于此举涉及外汇交易,因此中国人民银行国家外汇管理局可能需要参与套利机制

    Since foreign-exchange transactions would be involved, the Peoples Bank of China and State Administration of foreign exchange might have to play a role in this arbitrage mechanism.


  • 国家外汇管理局上海分局保税区内企业行政机构个人外汇收支进行监督检查

    SAEC Shanghai Branch exercises supervision over and examination of the financial operations in forex of the enterprises, administrations and individuals in the bonded area.


  • 国家外汇管理局批准者外,他们之间其它企业个人等的业务结算应该人民币

    Except where otherwise approved by the SAEC, Renminbi should in all cases be used in the settlement of transactions between them and other enterprises or individuals residing in China.


  • 合同,双方执一份,经国家外汇管理局潍坊中心支局批准生效,至还清借款失效

    2 copies of the contract, one for each party, become effective when it is approved by Foreign Exchange Control Bureau WeiFang branch, become invalid after paying off all loans.


  • 国家外汇管理局透露,客户借贷资金主要用于购买燃油交付土地使用保证金出口关税等等

    According to the State Administration of Foreign Exchange, the bank's clients had been borrowing mostly to buy fuel, cover deposits for land-use fees and pay export duties.


  • 移动摇杆向左350QX2时针或逆时针(分别环形同心向国家外汇管理局

    Moving the right stick to the right or left will send the 350QX2 in a clockwise or counter-clockwise (respectively) circular path concentric to the SAFE Circle.


  • 人民币汇价中国人民银行制定,国家外汇管理局对外发布由国家外汇管理局行使外汇管理职权

    RMB exchange rates are decided by the People's Bank of China and issued by the State Administration of Foreign exchange, the latter exercising the functions and powers of exchange control.


  • 外汇管理局关系紧密人士中国已经持有数量可观”的希腊国债,因此对增持债务抱谨慎态度。

    But people close to Safe said China already held a "significant amount" of Greek debt and was wary of adding to that.


  • 第七条国家外汇管理局根据有关外汇管理规定负责对发债资金非居民人民币专用账户及其结、售汇进行管理。

    Article 21 The issuer shall report to the State Administration of Foreign Exchange its use of funds raised by RMB bond issuance, collection of loans and withdrawal of investment.


  • 银行总行根据《个人结售汇系统网络接入原则》(附件1要求建立国家外汇管理局网络连接。

    I. The head offices of all banks shall, under the requirements of the Principles for the Network Access to the IFESSMIS (see Annex 1), establish network connection with the SAFE.


  • 银行总行根据《个人结售汇系统网络接入原则》(附件1要求建立国家外汇管理局网络连接。

    I. The head offices of all banks shall, under the requirements of the Principles for the Network Access to the IFESSMIS (see Annex 1), establish network connection with the SAFE.


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