• 请描述同伙家人外出

    Describe one day out you had with friends or your family.


  • 今,黑木太太每天都和丈夫一起外出,享受鲜花的芬芳和新一天的新鲜空气。

    Now Mrs. Kuroki goes out every day with her husband to enjoy the fragrance of the flowers and the fresh air of a new day.


  • 一天,老师带我们外出,我们在一块曾经是森林的田里野餐。

    One day, our teacher took us out and we had a picnic in the field where the forest used to be.


  • 美国国家饭店协会报告称,母亲节年中外出用餐受欢迎一天

    The U.S. National Restaurant Association reports that Mother's day is the year's most popular holiday for dining out.


  • 美国国家饭店协会报告称,母亲节年中外出用餐受欢迎一天

    The U. S. National Restaurant Association reports that Mother's day is the year's most popular holiday for dining out.


  • 摄影师RichardBedfordz诺福克一天独自外出发现这些鸟儿观看了以上搏斗的场面。

    Photographer Richard Bedford spotted the birds while on a solitary day out in Norfolk and watched the battle unfold.


  • 夕阳不可置疑一天拍摄肖像美丽的时间但是不想简单外出开始拍摄

    Sunset is arguably the most beautiful time of day for portrait light. But you don’t want to simply take your subject outside and start shooting.


  • 早上当地事业成功开发人员妻子女儿外出购物她们穿戴一模一样

    When I went shopping one morning with the wife and daughter of a successful local developer, they were both wearing precisely the same outfits they had worn the day before.


  • 今天谈及一些认为重要的事。那些外出谋生结束一天劳顿之后容易忘掉的事。

    Today I want to touch upon something I think is important, but all too easy to forget when you’re out to make money and cut those day-job shackles from your ankles.


  • 如果不能外出或者你居住足够远,远一天仅有几小时甚至没有白昼北部地区,那么你可以使用全光谱的探照灯,光线或者白色墙壁模式或者是充满生气的重色调色彩来保持光亮。

    If you can't, or if you're so far north as to have little or no daylight, use full-spectrum lights, light or white walls, and perhaps some vibrant accent colors.


  • 美国国家饭店协会报告称,母亲节年中外出用餐受欢迎一天

    The U.S.National Restaurant Association reports that Mother's day is the year's most popular holiday for dining out.


  • 好的主意啊!我们外出的大计划吧。

    What a good idea it is! Let's make a plan for a day out.


  • 晚上汤姆下楼外出时候父亲大厅里喊住了仔细打量着汤姆穿的衣服。

    One evening when Tom came downstairs to go out, his father stopped him in the hall. He looked at Tom's clothes very carefully.


  • 孩子长大后,可以工作当天完成而不是分成天完成,并且周末可以外出用作任何计划好像是要月亮旅行一样

    When the children are grown up, I'll actually be able to do a day's work in a day, instead of spreading over three, and go away for a weekend without planning as if for a trip to the Moon.


  • 16岁兄弟赖安朋友外出回来晚了

    My 16-year-old brother, Ryan, was out late with friends one night.


  • 妈妈爸爸外出度假预期的时间提前返回家中。妈妈和爸爸走进家中的时候,窗帘紧闭,起居室里咕隆咚的。

    Mom and Dad arriveback from vacation a day earlier than expected. The curtains are closed and theliving room is dark when Morn and Dad enter.


  • 我们印象我们越过边界享受周末假期外出走动露营河流边,农村数量

    Our impression when we crossed the border on the first day, was the number of people enjoying the holiday weekend, out and about camping on the side of the rivers and in the countryside.


  • 小鸟像往常一样外出收集用来烧火树枝,碰巧在路上遇见表妹

    One day, while the bird was on his usual trip out to gather twigs for the fire, he ran into his cousin.


  • 罗切斯特先生有事独自外出陌生人马车来到这里,称自己主人老朋友

    One day when Mr Rochester was out alone on business, a stranger arrived in a carriage, and introduced himself as an old friend of the master's.


  • 夜里小偷外出潜入他的家中,发现没什么的,这时禅师回来了,正好小偷撞了个满怀。

    One evening, while he was away, a thief sneaked into the hut only to find there was nothing in it to steal. The Zen Master returned and found him.


  • 邪恶老巫婆暴牙兔外出魔法霸占小木屋小伙伴关押了起来。

    One day, while TT-Bunny was staying away, evil Slyer forcibly occupied the cabin and put his buddies in a secret place with witchcraft.


  • 外出云游时间,临行前交待弟子:要好好照顾寺里兰花

    One day, he has to travel far and wide, to go out for some time, confessed disciples prior to his departure: to take good care of the orchids temple.


  • 西蒙外出看见一个黑猫睡在沙发上。西蒙不喜欢猫。所以拿了个大袋子放在猫的头上,他想要用大袋子把猫抓住。

    Suddenly, Simon shouted, "a big mouse!" and the cat quickly jumped up, but he jumped into the big bag. He want.


  • 希斯克利夫凯瑟琳秘密外出认识邻近画眉田庄的小主人埃德加?林顿。

    One day study of heathcliff and catherine secret out of the neighboring understanding of the thrush farmstead master aidejia? Clinton.


  • 一些绅士邀请母亲外出感觉到了大门关闭震动他们离去声音

    One day some gentlemen called on my mother, and I felt the shutting of the front door and other sounds that indicated their arrival.


  • 农业代表外出时候看到农田农夫

    One day an agricultural representative went outside, when he saw a farmer who was working in the fields.


  • 农业代表外出时候看到农田农夫

    One day an agricultural representative went outside, when he saw a farmer who was working in the fields.


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