• 有些人来说,达到西塞罗修辞高度(西蒙·夏马金融时报历史学家)。

    To some it hit the rhetorical heights of Cicero (Simon Schama, a historian, in the Financial Times).


  • 开始一天的回顾或调整我的目标意味着我更好认识一整天。 正如罗宾·所说:了更好的认识可以做出更好的选择你做出更好的选择,你看到更好的结果

    With better awareness you can make better choices and when you make better choices, you will see better results.


  • 瑞利会议过后又了几句,我们觉得我们所讨论问题是正确的。

    Marilyn, Shane and I talked after the meeting, and we all felt that we were on the right rack.


  • 可能希望尽可能关注健康不是纠缠体重,”博士,“肥胖管理并非只关乎体重上的数值,它关系到如何改善健康。”

    "You might want to focus on being as healthy as you can and not obsess about your weight," Dr. Sharma said. "Obesity management is not about treating Numbers on a scale."


  • 博士如果腰部肥胖,那么,首要目标停止

    If you have a large waist, your first goal should be to stop gaining weight, Dr. Sharma said.


  • 莉娅你们无法知道是多么你们。

    Sasha and Malia, I love you both more than you can imagine.


  • 主管摩根斯坦利促进市场股票卢舍,“那些公司有着接近死亡的经历”。

    Companies were caught in a near-death experience, ” says Ruchir Sharma, the head of emerging-markets equity at Morgan Stanley.


  • 茱丽六月底乘坐直升机抵达莱瓦尔医院。此前,皮特带他们的其他四个孩子德克斯帕克斯、扎哈啦洛伊一直住在普罗旺斯的一幢别墅里。

    Jolie arrived at the Lenval hospital in late June by helicopter from the Provence villa where she and Pitt had been staying with their four other childrenMaddox, Pax, Zahara and Shiloh.


  • 的目标是在下个月短信发送的数量增加300 000条。把他的接二连三的把短信发送给他的亲朋好友这些人声称支持他的这种努力

    Sharma aims to increase his messages to 300,000 in the coming month, he sends his rapid-fire messages to his relatives and friends, who purport to fully support his endeavor.


  • 了个纸条野营了,然后给套上鞍子,从狭窄小道北朝无去。

    Leaving a note saying she was going camping, she saddled her horse, and rode northward up the narrow trail toward Never-Summer Mountain.


  • 1993年,约瑟夫·史蒂格利兹阿兰·布林德CEA就职并且最后被广为引用的大卫·卡特勒和修·皮罗因为在其中担任高级经济师,让平均分达到了736.5。

    For 1993, when Joseph Stiglitz and Alan Blinder were members of the CEA, and the senior economists included the eventually much-cited David Cutler and Matthew Shapiro, the average score is 736.5.


  • 尽管经历千辛万苦,还是无怨无悔,直到获知她没有及格。

    Despite all the hassles, Ms. Sharma had no regrets — until, that is, she learned a few weeks later that she hadn't passed the exam.


  • 英国"杜克"195.6厘米有望成为世界最高

    A shire horse from Britain named Duke is expected to become the world's tallest horse, with a height of 195.6cm.


  • 在一八三一这年秋之间,那个服侍吕斯老妇告诉说,邻居,一个叫容德雷特的穷苦人家,将要走。

    Towards the middle of this year 1831, the old woman who waited on Marius told him that his neighbors, the wretched Jondrette family, had been turned out of doors.


  • 要让这个设置运行放在废气中。做实验时,蜡烛燃烧产生的废气。

    For the device to work, it first needs to be exposed to exhaust. In his demo, Sharma uses the flame of a candle.


  • 阿尼鲁德·不仅除掉空气中的有害物质,希望创造一种便宜普通打印机油墨,解决墨水价格高昂问题。

    Anirudh Sharma doesn't just want to pull harmful carbon from the air. He wants to offer a cheaper alternative to the exorbitant costs of ordinary printer ink.


  • 这次行,一方面面临我登山经历最大挑战另一方面,担负着汕大师生团导师教练职责

    Other than being a climber facing the most challenging climb I have faced, I have another role during this trip, the coach for the student group in their experiential learning.


  • 希望手持装置点,能用到主流系统上:比如捕集空气隐藏的炭的巨型风扇

    Sharma hopes that his handheld device could scale to a size that sits on par with leading carbon-capture systems: huge walls of fans that trap carbon lurking in the air.


  • 正如罗宾·所说有了更好认识可以做出更好的选择你做出更好的选择,你看到更好的结果

    As Robin Sharma says: With better awareness you can make better choices and when you make better choices, you will see better results.


  • 莉娅你们无法知道是多么你们。你们现在可以得到一只新的小狗了,它将我们一起新的白宫。

    Sasha and Malia, I love you both more than you can imagine. And you have earned the new puppy that's coming with us to the new White House.


  • 最近看到一个顾客哥伦布圆环全食超市给人打包货品。

    Recently, he said, he saw a client bagging groceries at the Whole Foods in Columbus Circle.


  • 最近看到一个顾客哥伦布圆环全食超市给人打包货品。

    Recently, he said, he saw a client bagging groceries at the Whole Foods in Columbus Circle.


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