• 产区:智利中部山谷葡萄品种风格金黄色中透橄榄绿色融合带有柠檬香草味菠萝番木瓜果热带水果芳香

    Region:Central Valley Grape Variety:Chardonnay Style: Gold yellow notes with Olive greenish hues; very harmoniously tropical flavors like Pineapple and Papaya with citric notes and a touch of vanilla.


  • 辛西娅第二天早上上班时候,帕特丽那个便利店经理,把到了店铺后面用作办公室的一个房间里。

    When Cynthia arrived for work the next morning, Patricia, the store manager, asked her to come to the small room in back of the store that served as an office.


  • 害羞童子军那里接受仪式领巾的时候,站得如同队伍中的任何一个年轻人一样笔直。

    As he accepts the ceremonial neckerchief from a shy girl scout from Lancashire, he is as straight-backed as any of the teenagers on parade.


  • 发现临近女儿学校套房子价格下跌了20%的时候,随即就决定签约购房。

    Xia found out that the price of the unit, near his daughter's school, had dropped 20%, he signed the deal.


  • 特在距开罗150公里(90英里)远殖民地阿马尔奈发掘工地尊半身像一刻,知道手里攥着的是稀世珍宝

    Borchardt knew as soon as he had dug out the bust from his site at the old settlement of Amarna, 150 kilometres (90 miles) south of Cairo, that he had a treasure in his hands.


  • 面对现实金融服务行业女性旁观者,”问及皮罗拜尔的相似之处时,沃伦解释说

    "Let's face it, women in the financial-services industry are outsiders," explains Warren when asked what unites her with Schapiro and Bair.


  • 出来他用一部苹果做交易买下了黑人婴儿电影中的很多东西你们没有发现

    Once Sacha came out and told them he traded an iPod for the black baby, there are a lot of things in the movie you didn't see.


  • 抛来时,挥棒击中,打出一记滚地球,球缓慢滚向投手。

    As the pitch came in, Shay swung at the ball and hit a slow ground ball right back to the pitcher.


  • 所以游戏可能会故事集中在科根,思古特,食人魔,海里卡,瓜沃种族的时候,一个尔族角色要在瓜沃思古特和食人魔族之间选择

    So, while the game may have stories that focus on the quaggan, skritt, ogres, hylek, and grawl, a charr character chooses between grawl, skritt and ogres.


  • 格林伯格拉比之后讲话,已经做好了准备让大家转换一下情绪

    And so, when Rabbi Greenberg followed Shari, he was ready to change the mood.


  • 体系容易报,H1N1猪流感2009年之占据新闻头条时,谷歌搜索量很多病倒之前大幅攀升。

    The system is also prone to false alarms. When the H1N1 swine-flu pandemic stole headlines in the summer of 2009, Google searches went through the roof long before most people fell ill.


  • 去秋有一天清晨查理没有通常站点等候

    The summer went by, and autumn was closing in, when one morning Charlie wasn't waiting at his usual stop.


  • 弗雷迪主人帕特丽思维利对此表示:“弗雷迪第一次看到西时,就飞快地院子一下子跳到了戴西背上。”

    Owner Patricia Swinley said: "When he first saw Daisy he rushed across the yard and just jumped straight on her back.


  • :“同事们告诉作品选中时,简直都不敢相信,我以为他们在和我开玩笑。”

    When colleagues told me my piece was chosen, I was too surprised to believe it, ” Xia said. “I thought it was a joke.”


  • :“同事们告诉作品选中时,简直都不敢相信,我以为他们在和 我开玩笑。”

    When colleagues told me my piece was chosen, I was too surprised to believe it,” Xia said. “I thought it was a joke.”


  • 那位父亲继续他的演讲。 “我相信,一个恩这样心理身体上残疾孩子迈入社会真实人性有机会展现于世,取决于其它如何来对待这个孩子。”

    who was mentally and physically disabled comes into the world, an opportunity to realize true human nature presents itself, and it comes in the way other people treat that child.


  • 印度知名的开发商DLF去年进入证券市场时,其成为了初次发行量最大的新股。

    When DLF, India's best-known developer, floated on the stock exchange last summer, it was India's biggest-ever initial public offering at the time.


  • 2008年Gentry正在IBM实习时候,猛然觉悟

    In the summer of 2008, when Gentry was interning at IBM, he had an Epiphany.


  • 2005年1月听取最后证供报告预定公开

    The final witness was heard in January 2005, and the report was scheduled for publication that summer.


  • 想知道长大后是否记得时的情景。

    I wonder if Sasha will remember that moment when she is grown.


  • 弗罗多探索将终,回到,这时的像是征服世界的英雄,倒是个厌倦战火的老兵

    When Frodo returns to the Shire, his quest at an end, he resembles not so much the conquering hero as a shellshocked veteran.


  • 普尔曼垃圾堆那里回来时,已是快半夜了,可工作着。

    When Templeton got back from the dump, around midnight, the spider was still at work.


  • 看到窘迫尴尬的样子时,建议她们运动部看看,因为运动员通常会普通中国女人大个一点

    When Xia saw that Sadie was embarrassed, she suggested that they go to the athletic store, since women athletes tend to be larger than average Chinese women.


  • 谈到独特的编舞创作时,指出依据各类不同题材分别考虑而不会拘泥于严苛古典芭蕾

    When refering to her unique choreography, Charlene pointed out that she would take into account of the various of topics, not circumscribed by the severe classical ballet.


  • 蒂向展示那双小鞋时然后说起了话

    When Sadie showed her the little shoe, Ma turned her face away and spoke to Xia again.


  • 走以实马利时,亚伯拉罕经历信心上严峻考验

    Abraham underwent a sever test of faith when the Lord told him to send Ishmael and Hagar away.


  • 走以实马利时,亚伯拉罕经历信心上严峻考验

    Abraham underwent a sever test of faith when the Lord told him to send Ishmael and Hagar away.


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