• 本文简介经编网眼织物、双面织物双轴向多轴向复合织物土工布特点应用

    This article introduces the characteristics and application of warp-knitted geotextiles that lacework, reversibles, biaxial and multiaxial compound fabric.


  • 研究一种用耐高温玻璃纤维织物阻燃织物层压而成新型防护复合织物

    A novel thermal protective fabric is studied, which is a composite product by laminating a kind of high temperature resistant glass fibre fabric and a flame retardant cotton cloth.


  • 分析复合织物组分形态基础上,研究了针刺深度针刺密度复合织物性能的影响。

    Based on morphology analysis of composite fabric, the effects of needle punching depth and density on properties of composite fabric were investigated.


  • 用于测定针织物、机织物非织造布、复合织物其他工艺制造各种织物强力

    Used for testing the bursting strength of knitted , nonwoven , compound fabric and all other fabric.


  • 根据针刺复合织物结构分析其拉伸过程中的内部应力场,说明拉伸应力应变预测计算困难

    The stress field in the composite fabric which made by needle punching during tensile test, and the difficulty of calculating the stress - strain property are analyzed from the fabric structure.


  • 复合纱线各组分性能差异复合纱线织物性能将产生极大的影响

    The difference of constituent property in composite yarn can much affect the properties of composite yarn and its fabric.


  • 论述纳米复合材料通过浸渍涂层方法整理织物服装产品上,使具有抗紫外线性能

    This paper is related to the method of coating cotton fabric and apparels by used of the nano composite materials for the UV blocking function.


  • 窄幅织物工业的,用于生产复合塑料

    Narrow fabrics, industrial, for plastic composite production.


  • 集圈联接间隔织物一种具有一定厚度针织产品,可以用作增强复合材料布。

    The weft knitted spaced fabric is a kind of knitwear with a certain thickness. It can be used as a base structure for the fiber reinforced composite material.


  • 且证明PBT/PET并列型复合纤维捻变形后其卷曲、卷曲收缩率、卷曲模量、卷曲稳定性处于最佳状态,经机织织物弹性23%以上。

    After false texturing the degree of crimp, crimp contraction, crimp modulus and crimp stability of PBT/PET fiber are all in the optimum condition, the elasticity of its woven fabric can be over 23%.


  • 这样一个技术复合材料挤出板材织物材料基片材料一起。

    In one such technique, a sheet of composite material is produced by extruding a base material together with a sheet of fabric material.


  • 另外可用构造近优复合模型求解优度方法评价织物

    In addition, constructing the premium composite grey element model and solve for the premium degree can also be used to evaluate the fabric hand.


  • 论述国内外碳纤维及其织物浸料、 复合材料测试方法标准化国内有关测试单位及专业技术人员参考

    The testing method and standardization of carbon fiber and its fabric, prepreg, CFRP are illustrated both at home and abroad, for some testing units reference.


  • 试验结果分析表明三种功能纱线复合织物温升性能得到了加强找出最佳温升效果的纱线排列

    Trials and testing indicate the temperature rising function has been strengthened after they are compounded and the best arrangement ratio can also be get.


  • 微细铝粉加入含有OH单体HPMA的聚合体系中,代替了无机粒子依靠粘合剂织物复合

    The micro aluminium powder adding into polymer system contained OH monomer HPMA is investigated and fabric is macerated with binder by inorganic particle.


  • 复合工艺的退浆效果优于汽蒸工艺,织物度、毛效不及汽蒸工艺。

    Compared with the cold batching process, fabrics treated with steaming process feature better whiteness and capillary effect, while less desizing percentage.


  • 本文多向无皱褶纤维织物复合材料结构性能进行了分析,并传统的方格布等织物复合材料进行对比

    The structure and properties of multiaxial non-crimp fabrics and composite are discussed, the comparison with traditional woven fabrics is also carried out in this paper.


  • 进一步提高单一酶对棉织物精练效果复合生物酶精练日益受到重视

    In order to improve the enzymatic scouring effect, compound enzymes have received growing attention.


  • 对于织物风格评价这一灰色系统评价问题,可以构造复合模型靠求解优度的方法评价织物

    Grey system Theory, used as fabric hand evaluation system, constructing premium composite grey element model and obtaining the solution of premium degree can be used to evaluate the fabric hand.


  • 碳纤维织物浸渍-涂层酚醛-缩醛粘结剂树脂加压固化后制备出碳纤维织物复合材料

    The carbon fabric composites were prepared by dip-coating of the carbon fabric in a phenolic resin and solidified under pressure.


  • 结果表明组合式3d织物增强复合材料具有接近正交3d机织物增强复合材料弹性模量抗拉强度

    The results show that the Young's modulus and tensile strength of the combinational 3d woven fabric reinforced composite are close to that of the 3d orthogonal woven fabric reinforced composite.


  • 结果表明,复合材料变形性能与增强纤维的含量,织物组织结构参数拉伸方向等因素有关

    The experiment results indicate the deformation properties of composites are affected by fiber volume fraction, fabric structure and parameter, tensile direction etc.


  • 采用挤压铸造法制备出碳纤维织物增强复合材料对其基本性能进行了研究。

    Two dimensional carbon fiber fabric reinforced magnesium matrix composites were prepared by squeeze casting technology, and their basic properties were studied.


  • 这种织物用作热塑性纺织增强复合材料件的预型件。

    The fabric is used as a preform for thermoplastic textile-reinforced composite modules.


  • 多层织物作为纺织复合材料增强体有着广泛的发展前途,特别是军工航空产业用纺织品领域应用广泛。

    As reinforcement in textile composites, multi-layer woven fabrics have bright developing room, especially in industrial textiles field such as military industry, aviation and so on.


  • 这种织物用作热塑性纺织增强复合材料件的预型件。

    The fabric is used as preform for thermoplastic textile - reinforced composite modules.


  • 丁基橡胶胶乳电线电缆涂层织物复合材料极好绝缘材料

    In latex form it is an excellent insulating material for wires and cables, as well as for coating fabrics and composites.


  • 生物整理试验表明L86复合比较适合用作羊毛织物生物整理用酶

    The test of wool textile decrement indicated that the L86 compound enzymes was an ideal decrement agent for wool decrement.


  • 生物整理试验表明L86复合比较适合用作羊毛织物生物整理用酶

    The test of wool textile decrement indicated that the L86 compound enzymes was an ideal decrement agent for wool decrement.


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