• 特雷喊道但是没有丝毫回应除了地上巨响。

    Trevor shouted, but there was no answer but a thud on the ground.


  • 如果房子卖掉了希望能够把家里任何一片风景一点、一段宝贵的记忆打包起来珍藏,母亲得一样,现在的了。

    If our house is sold, I wish that I could pack up its sights, sounds, smells and store of memories as easily as my mother's old Waterford, now mine.


  • 仍然呵呵地笑着,往壁炉里一些粉末,然后跨进翠绿色火苗,呼的消失了。

    Still chortling, Fudge had thrown some powder into the fireplace, stepped into the emerald flames, and vanished with a whooshing sound.


  • 基督山嘴上微笑,可在内心里发出了一怒吼,要是维尔听到这个音,一定会也似的逃走的。

    Monte Cristo with a smile on his lips, uttered in the depths of his soul a groan which would have made Villefort fly had he but heard it.


  • 突然一阵脚步嗵嗵嗵地上楼梯,一眨眼间,马尔拨拉一边四个穿着黑袍破门而出,拥到了围墙边。

    But suddenly footsteps were thundering up the stairs, and a second later Malfoy was buffeted out of the way as four people in black robes burst through the door onto the ramparts.


  • 艾伦弟弟斯科特,托才能认识塔拉,想你说谢谢

    This is Aaron's brother Scott. I wanted to say thank you for introducing Tara to me.


  • 裂开大地倏然合上了,依然阳光灿烂绿草如茵除了天空回荡着佩尔·塞涅的呼救好像什么也发生过

    All of the earth suddenly split up, and still are a bright and sunny, green grass and the sky apart from the also echoed Persephone outside crying for help, as if nothing had happened.


  • 圣约翰急救中心医护人员,事发当天一直在下大雨他们海岸看到一道巨大闪电附近海面上,还伴有。 。

    Staff fat the St Johns Ambulance service said there had been heavy rain all day before they witnessed a big flash of lightning and a loud clap of thunder over the sea off the Suffolk coast.


  • 圣约翰急救中心医护人员,事发当天一直在下大雨他们海岸看到一道巨大闪电附近海面上,还伴有

    Staff at the st Johns Ambulance service said there had been heavy rain all day before they witnessed a big flash of lightning and a loud clap of thunder over the sea off the Suffolk coast.


  • 维尔夫人提醒先生,”,“一点钟已经过了,法院是十二点钟开庭。”

    "Madame de Villefort wishes to remind you, sir, " he said, "that eleven o'clock has just struck, and that the trial commences at twelve. "


  • 听到呼救郭亲来不及细想,朝着呼救方向拔腿就跑。看见小孩落水,郭亲迅速短袖衫, 往地上跳进河里施救

    Saw a child falling into the water, air jordan boots, the pro-Fu Guo quickly took off his shirt, threw the floor and cried, jumped into the river rescue.


  • 2011年03月15日日本经济产业省原子能安全和保安院表示,当地时间156点10分左右,岛第一核电站二号机组附近传来爆炸

    2011-03-15 Japan's Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency said Tuesday that an explosion was heard at the No. 2 reactor of Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant at 6:10 a. m. Tuesday (2110 GMT).


  • 一切都开始1848年,当时纽约州海德姊妹开始透过神秘敲击房子底下的一个男子灵魂沟通

    It all started in 1848 when the Fox sisters of Hydesville, New York began 22 communicating, through mysterious 23 rapping noises, with the spirit of a man buried under the house.


  • 一切都开始1848年,当时纽约州海德姊妹开始透过神秘敲击房子底下的一个男子灵魂沟通

    It all started in 1848 when the Fox sisters of Hydesville, New York began 22 communicating, through mysterious 23 rapping noises, with the spirit of a man buried under the house.


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