• 哗啦倒了。

    The tree fell with a great crash.


  • 喀嚓一刮断了。

    The wind had snapped the tree in two.


  • 几乎每隔一分钟就会听见又有一棵倒下发出的折断噼啪

    Every minute or so I could hear a snap, a crack and a crash as another tree went down.


  • 啁啾来自丛茂密冬青满了鲜红的浆果,十分明亮玛丽以为知道是谁的了。

    The chirp came from a thick holly bush, bright with scarlet berries, and Mary thought she knew whose it was.


  • 水分不足时,一些会发出咔哒

    Some trees make clicking noises when there is not enough water.


  • 麻雀噌的飞上

    The sparrow whizzed up into a tree.


  • 但是好像并没有听到只有窗外吹拂过的沙沙雨点屋顶上的滴答打破了诡异安宁

    But he seemed not to hear. Only the shiver of wind in the trees and the tittering of rain on the thatched roof broke that eerie silence.


  • 只有窗外吹拂过的沙沙雨点屋顶上滴答打破了诡异安宁

    Only the shiver of wind in the trees and the tittering of rain on the thatched roof broke that eerie silence.


  • 突然,听到枪响一个一棵等着

    Then she heard a shot. There was a man waiting near a tree.


  • 听到普通鸟叫漂亮灰喜鹊发出的咯咯常常搜查种的山楂

    The most common bird-sound I used to hear was the clack of a handsome azure-winged magpie as it rummaged through my crab-apple tree.


  • 正在这时倒了下来随着可怕断裂,这个和蔼的老人击倒无法动弹

    But just then the tree fell; and with a terrible crash it struck the good old man to the ground, where he lay unable to move.


  • 轰隆倒下了

    The tree fell with a thunderous crash.


  • 说话再次响起时,讨论应该河岸还是应该退回多的山坡上。

    When they spoke again it was to discuss whether they ought to sleep on the bank or retreat back up the wooded slope.


  • 麻雀噌的飞上

    The sparrow whizzed up into a tree .


  • 他们身边慢慢稳定下来的时候,传出一阵巨大的嗖嗖

    There was a powerful swishing sound as the tree settled around them.


  • 上火车去往北方那里还大,如果不得不选择我选择的。

    I took a train that took me north and it's the place where trees speak louder than the people and if I have to pick that's what I'll choose.


  • 了看后面,又听到了飒飒

    He looked behind the tree and heard another whisper.


  • 后看了看,又听到了低响

    He looked behind the tree and heard another whisper.


  • 劈成了半。

    One of the thunders cut a tree in two.


  • 狂风发出而单调一棵枝干过道的一扇窗户上,发出可怖的「啪嗒好像无形精灵在附近

    The wind roared with its long, monotonous voice, and the branches of a tree beating against a window in the passage gave a ghastly tap-tap, as if unseen spirits were near.


  • 乡愁没有年轮永远不会衰老但愿在您的心目中:故乡月亮永远皎洁明亮,故乡的行永远清远悠长

    Nostalgia is a tree without age and doesn't aged forever. I wish that moon of hometown is dear and bright. I wish the tone of fute is light and long forever in my heart.


  • 此后不久狂风大作芦苇顺势摆动,随风俯仰,轻易躲过了狂风的侵袭,橄榄则奋起对抗,咔擦一了。

    Then, not long after this, the wind blew violently. The reed, shaken and bent, escaped easily from it, but the olive tree, resisting the wind, was snapped by its force.


  • 田鼠已经舒舒服服地地底下楼房睡着了,猫头鹰安坐在沼地深处空心里面,兔子、松鼠狐狸躲在家里安居不动。 看家的狗在火炉旁边安静地躺着,牛羊在栏圈里一不响地站着。

    The meadow mouse has slept in his snug gallery in the sod, the owl has sat in a hollow tree in the depth of the swamp, the rabbit, the squirrel, and the fox have all been housed.


  • 田鼠已经舒舒服服地地底下楼房睡着了,猫头鹰安坐在沼地深处空心里面,兔子松鼠狐狸躲在家里安居不动。 看家的狗在火炉旁边安静地躺着,牛羊在栏圈里一不响地站着。

    The meadow-mouse has slept in his snug gallery in the sod, the owl has sat in a hollow tree in the depth of the swamp, the rabbit, the squirrel, and the fox have all been housed.


  • 听到清脆断裂

    He heard the sharp crack of the tree.


  • 在那里静静地享受份悠闲,流水溅溅,鸟鸣啾啾耳。我还喜欢那片竹林。

    There I would enjoy the peace and quiet, watch the water rush downstream, and listen to the chirps of birds and the rustling of leaves in the trees .


  • 轰隆地上

    The tree fell to the ground with a thud.


  • 了一,又底露根地上了。

    With a squeal, the poor little cicada was knocked back to the foot of the tree.


  • 铁皮了以后,立刻动手时间内,听到砰礴一响时,便倒下来了。稻草人衣裳,也了下来,落到地面上。

    As soon as he had spoken, the Tin Woodman began to chop, and in a short time the tree fell over with a crash, whereupon the Scarecrow's clothes fell out of the branches and rolled off on the ground.


  • 铁皮了以后,立刻动手时间内,听到砰礴一响时,便倒下来了。稻草人衣裳,也了下来,落到地面上。

    As soon as he had spoken, the Tin Woodman began to chop, and in a short time the tree fell over with a crash, whereupon the Scarecrow's clothes fell out of the branches and rolled off on the ground.


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