• 相反罗德里格斯征求居民们的建议他们告诉应该汉堡里放些什么以及他应该如何度过这个下午

    Instead, Rodriguez solicits residents' advice on what he should get on his cheeseburger and how he should spend the afternoon.


  • 助产及时回来她亲眼看到弟弟降生。

    The midwives called her back in time to see her brother come into the world.


  • 莱佛猪笼来自婆罗洲丛林它产出花蜜吸引昆虫,又形成一个光滑表面昆虫无法找到着力点

    Raffles' pitcher plant, from the jungles of Borneo, produces nectar that both lures insects and forms a slick surface on which they can't get a grip.


  • 黄山旅行我想起披头乐队的流行歌曲《漫漫长路》。

    Going to Mount Huangshan reminds me of the popular Beatles' song "The Long and Winding Road".


  • 到我跛了,其中一位女礼貌地说:“哦,不用了,谢谢。”并给了我一张椅子,我在她们工作时坐着。

    Seeing I was lame, one of the ladies politely said, "Oh, no, thank you." and offered me a chair to just sit while they worked.


  • 罗伯斯本来拒绝这份工作妻子坚持接受因为哈萨克斯坦威尔几个月了,渴望新的冒险经历

    He says that he was about to decline the offer when his wife pushed him to accept; she longed for another adventure, months after repatriating from Kazakhstan back to Wales.


  • 1949年,朋友威尔买下一座房子回家;不久,一个朋友为他安排一次去美国巡回演讲。

    In 1949, a friend bought him a cottage in Wales so he could go home, and another friend arranged for him to make a lecture tour in America.


  • 不过,现在要按照我誓言,你把血喝个够。”关于居鲁最终结局还有许多故事我上面讲的认为可信的说法

    Now as regards the end of the life of Cyrus there are many tales told, but this which I have related is to my mind the most worthy of belief.


  • 事实上,许多年后,哈佛广场看到位女在独自午餐,我走上前去,打了声招呼在餐巾上写下了名字电话号码有空联系

    In fact, a couple of years later I saw a woman eating lunchalone in Harvard Square, walked up, said hello, wrote my name and number downon a napkin and asked her to call me.


  • 披头乐队个人喜欢一面他们录音音响效果。

    One aspect of the Beatles that I personally enjoy is the sounds of their recordings.


  • 如果每天这个程序,靠,多捐点他买得起吉汉堡吧。

    And if you use the program every day, heck, make it a cheeseburger.


  • 神社坐落他用先前好的用来相扑沙子的土包上。

    It sits on a mound he formed from sand spread earlier to allow wrestlers' feet to slide.


  • 这次刻意没用西红柿融化,因为它们所有匹萨表面吃起来都是一个味儿不管再加什么料进去。

    This time I avoided the mixture of tomato and melted cheese that seems to guarantee all pizza toppings taste the same whatever else you add.


  • 薪水可以买得起一些高级服装而且由于名字照片出现在杂志页面上,读者们记住你的时尚

    The salary can allow you to buy luxury clothes and, with your name and photo appearing on pages, readers will remember your fashion tips.


  • 坐落在瓦伊河畔丁登修道院威尔最富丽堂皇的建筑,甚至亨利八世解散修道院的过程中还对垂涎欲滴。

    Beside the River Wye, Tintern Abbey was the richest monastic foundation in Wales. This made it a tempting prize for Henry VIII during the Dissolution of the Monasteries.


  • 新南威尔大学朱利安·金先生结合数据向我们解释了这一新结论他们十分震惊

    Mr Julian King from the University of new South Wales explained how, after combining the two sets of measurements, the new result 'struck' them.


  • 为了更快提供更多文章,新百科两位成员拉里·桑格吉米·威尔点子利用维基技术所有人都编辑词条

    To speed up the production of articles, two members of the Nupedia team, Larry Sanger and Jimmy Wales, had the idea of allowing anybody to edit entries, using "wiki" technology.


  • 利用谷物(全麦面团全麦面包),蔬菜瘦肉可以这些饭食变得更加美味健康

    Using whole grains (like whole wheat pasta or whole wheat bread), vegetables, lean meats or beans, and reduced fat cheese can all make these meals more flavorful and healthful too.


  • 现金支付ATM机取钱然后真真切切看到账户会余额花额外的时间考虑该不该买。

    Tip: Pay in cash. Going to the ATM and physically seeing your bank balance gives you that extra time to consider.


  • 摩根·丹利的员工自己救生——那天世贸中心几乎没有别处在这么做。

    He got Morgan Stanley employees to take responsibility for their survival — which happened almost nowhere else that day in the Trade Center.


  • 这家商店屋顶另一位大叫游过去。

    Another man climbing on to the roof of the shop was Shouting follow me climb up here.


  • 觉得与其这些东西抽屉里无人欣赏,还不如真正热爱披头歌迷拥有它们

    "She feels that rather than these things being stuck in a drawer with nobody enjoying them, real enthusiasts (could) get their hands on these things," Muston said.


  • 科学家1616位女45分钟之内20张《纽约客》杂志上卡通画写出幽默的配图文字

    Scientists had 16 male and 16 female subjects write funny captions for 20 New Yorker magazine cartoons in 45 minutes.


  • 如果接受那些充满敌意尖刻威胁之谔谔之的话,将会丧失勇气他们控制动机得逞

    Lose momentum and your forward thrust will be curtailed. If you ingest the animosity and acrimonious threats of the nay sayers you will be discouraged, and indeed that is their controlling motive.


  • 或者这项活动其实面向所有的? 不管你是想环保做出任何改变,还是想通过方面的努力世界变得更绿色,更洁净有志之,都可以随时加入?

    Or is the movement open to anyone who wants to make a difference, anyone who is trying in some way to make the world a greener, cleaner place?


  • 蛋糕工厂一位发言人坦承他们股票代码的确股民们觉得好笑,确实会牢牢印他们的脑子里

    A Cheesecake Factory spokesperson acknowledged that the ticker may amuse newcomers but said that it does stick in their minds.


  • 二氧化碳比作是蛋糕:“如果知道自己每一蛋糕增加无法减掉的体重,我自己会许多蛋糕。”

    She compared CO2 to cheesecake: "If I knew that every pound of cheesecake that I ate would give me a pound that could never be lost, I think I would eat a lot less cheesecake."


  • 医生,”位女进屋大声说道。“坦率地到底得了什么病。”

    "Doctor," a lady said loudly, bouncing into the room, "I want you to say frankly what's wrong with me."


  • 医生,”位女进屋大声说道。“坦率地到底得了什么病。”

    "Doctor," a lady said loudly, bouncing into the room, "I want you to say frankly what's wrong with me."


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