• 这些数据是关于英格兰威尔09年十二的被废除的法规(警告到牢性)。 所有的季度简介里的统计例子都是暂时的,并将以后季度受到改变。

    The figures relate to disposals (from cautions to custodial sentences) in England and Wales during the period October to December 2009.


  • 威尔开始,为每塑料袋购物者将要支付5便上周北爱尔兰还举行了一场塑料袋收费使用的咨询会

    In Wales, shoppers will be charged 5p per bag from this October, and a consultation on charging for bags kicked off in Northern Ireland last week.


  • 今年卡塔尔威尔海岸的南湖克建立了最大欧洲液化天然气接收站,为英国供应其五分之一天然气需求

    In May this year Qatargas opened the largest European LNG import terminal at South Hook on the Welsh coast, supplying a fifth of Britain's gas needs.


  • 英格兰威尔苏格兰推行类似法律之后2007年7酒吧餐馆其他公共场所实行禁烟

    Smoking in pubs, restaurants and other public Spaces was banned in England and Wales in 2007, a year after similar laws were introduced in Scotland.


  • 讨论进行,届时,国际足联理事会威尔首府召开会议商讨足球比赛新规则的启用。

    The issue will be taken up in July, in Cardiff, Wales, when the International Football Association Board meets to discuss rule changes.


  • 今年威尔费德警方透露过去该郡已经发生了14起飞碟目击事件,同时还有26起鬼魂事件,11女巫事件,僵尸事件两起吸血鬼事件。

    In April, police in the Welsh town of Dyfed-Powys revealed that 14 UFO sightings had been reported in the past five years - as well as 26 ghosts, 11 witches, two zombies and two vampires.


  • 五号摩根丹利计划以后几个1,500名员工

    On May 5th Morgan Stanley said it planned to chop 1,500 jobs in the next few months.


  • 澳洲以及新南威尔交叉地区显示绿色很深,这表明该地区的植物生长量激增

    The intersecting corners of South Australia, Queensland, and New South Wales are intensely green, indicating explosive plant growth during March.


  • 摩根坦利资本国际全球股市指数中旬以来跌幅15%。

    The MSCI index of global stocks has fallen by over 15% since mid-April.


  • 初七(七十译本初一日)也要误犯罪愚蒙犯罪如此行,为殿赎罪。

    And so thou shalt do the seventh day of the month for every one that erreth, and for him that is simple: so shall ye reconcile the house.


  • 开始,整个威尔都是颜色鲜艳因为水仙开始开花了

    All across Wales around the beginning of March, the country comes alive with meadows of richly coloured flowers as the Daffodils begin to bloom.


  • 十二日俄国厄尔布鲁顶点完成了这趟迂回旅行

    He finished his circuitous journey on the summit of Russia's Mt. Elbrus on July 12.


  • 根据公司提供数据2003年11以来印尼巴厘岛已经连续18信用卡消费保持持续增长

    According to data from Visa, the Indonesian island of Bali has shown 18 consecutive months of positive growth in credit card spending since November 2003.


  • 2008年1214日,重庆一位训练穿戴整齐抵御严寒狗狗

    A woman trains her dog, outfitted against the cold weather, on Dec. 14, 2008, in Chongqing.


  • 66日,位于大马边界最大难民营Yarmouk发生了冲突。

    On June 6th there were clashes in Yarmouk, the biggest refugee camp, on the edge of Damascus.


  • 一些便7走上雅加达街头,他们自己成为“Cicak ”,印尼语壁虎 ”(注1)之义,也是印尼,爱KPK”的首字母缩略。

    Some such spirited forces took to the streets of Jakarta in July, calling themselvesCicak”, the Indonesian for gecko, but also an acronym for “Love Indonesia, Love the KPK”.


  • 630日,南北堡一地集结,而这场最终成为美国内战转折点战斗因此一触即发

    By June 30, both armies were converging upon Gettysburg and the battle, which would be the turning point of the war, was set to commence.


  • 去年9阿富汗北部昆都重大丑闻,一名德国指挥官下令劫持两个油罐车人群进行轰炸

    Last September there was a major scandal at Kunduz in the north of Afghanistan when a German commander ordered the bombing of a crowd looting two hijacked fuel tankers.


  • 32号摩根·丹利媒体电信会议所作的报告微软首席财务彼得·克莱因做了上述披露。

    Peter Klein, Microsoft's chief financial officer, made the disclosure during a presentation to the Morgan Stanley Media and Telecom Conference on March 2.


  • 尽管目前矿业能源股是主要股指重头板块,也于事无补。85日摩根·丹利资本国际全球指数(MSCI world index)中,能源股较高峰期下降21%。

    It has not helped that mining and energy stocks now have such big weights in the major indices; on August 5th energy stocks within the MSCI world index were 21% below their May high.


  • 这位富豪最终挑选了8面谈,并打算接下来32到3见面

    The woman picked eight of the men for interviews and is expected to meet two or three of them per month over the next three months.


  • 皇家邮政位发言人说:“披头乐队系列邮票于明年1发行,到时一定会全世界披头歌迷中引起轰动。”

    "The Beatles special stamps promise to be a big hit with fans the world over when they go on sale in January 2007," a Royal Mail spokesman said.


  • 研究最后,在211日内科医学档案馆里公布了结果,970位90岁以上

    At the end of the study, which was published Feb. 11 in the Archives of Internal Medicine, 970 men had survived into their 90s.


  • 如果威尔议会5能获得新的授权的话,他包括教育在内的20个领域制定法律

    The Welsh Assembly will be able to initiate laws in 20 areas, including education, when it gets the new powers in May.


  • 英国皇家邮政宣布明年1发行披头乐队邮票

    The Beatles are to appear on a set of stamps in January, the Royal Mail has announced.


  • 公司3一项调查显示旅游者仍然受灾地区卫生安全和基础设施状况表示担忧。

    According to a Visa survey conducted in March, travelers are still concerned about health and safety, as well as the state of the infrastructure in the affected areas.


  • 523日星期二主旨发言人威尔亲王殿下

    On Tuesday 23 May the keynote speaker will be His Royal Highness, the Prince of Wales.


  • 伦敦·威尔凯特往西去7加州

    LONDON - Wills and Kate are heading west, off to California in July.


  • 伦敦·威尔凯特往西去7加州

    LONDON - Wills and Kate are heading west, off to California in July.


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