• 结果表明导热性能和钻孔工艺长寿意义重大

    The results prove fatherly that the use of copper cooling stave has great significance to the longevity of blast furnace because of the excellent heat transfer capability of copper …


  • 研究结果表明气固提升管局部颗粒浓度沿径向呈中心低,边不均匀分布

    The results show that the local particle concentrations are distributed non-uniformly in radial direction, with local particle concentrations lower in riser center and higher near the riser wall;


  • 峡谷悬崖为界,而且有可能是断层,用来分隔突岩沟壑的地貌形态相对平滑部分

    The Chasma is bordered by high-walled cliffs, most likely faults, that show spur-and-gully morphology and smooth sections.


  • 尽管两种车型占了市场三分之一江山,不过拉夫西科表示,现代无意于生产这两款车型因为公司专注续航里程的车型。

    While these vehicles make up a third of the market Mr. Krafcik said the company isn't interested in making them because it focuses on high-mileage models.


  • 村庄风雨飘摇地栖息于6000多英尺陡峭的一隅。

    The village is precariously perched on the side of a very steep hill about 6,000ft up.


  • 村庄风雨飘摇地栖息于6000多英尺陡峭一隅。

    The village is precariously perched on the side of a very steep hill about 6, 000ft up.


  • 钻孔倾斜仪由于监测深度、监测点连续性监测可靠性已成为一种主要基坑变形监测手段。

    Due to the great depth, good continuity and high reliability of monitoring, bore inclinometer becomes a main monitoring measure for the deformation of foundation pit walls.


  • CT灵敏性特异性排除栓赛(PE)和主动脉夹层形成非常有效地。

    Ct has been very effective, with high sensitivity and specificity in ruling out pulmonary embolism (PE) and aortic dissection.


  • 结果表明丘里喉部脱硫效率起到关键作用,SO_2浓区位于附近的局部区域

    The results showed that the venturi laryngeal is important to improve the desulphurization efficiency, the higher concentrations of SO_2 locate in the area close to the wall.


  • 平衡活塞几何尺寸精度要求粗糙度要求严格,质量好坏直接决定平衡块的寿命

    Hydraulic valve block balance weight piston sleeve has thin wall, high precision of geometry dimension and strict roughness, and its quality determines the lifetime of balance weight directly.


  • 方法采用雄性日本鹌鹑喂饲胆固醇膳食,造成动脉粥样硬化动物模型动态观察主动脉的中内膜的多胺变化

    Method: the male Japanese quails which had high cholesterol diet were made into the models of atherosclerosis, and the polyamine changes of their aortic media-intima were dynamically observed.


  • 对于一些小型发动机气缸,铬是一种硬度非常金属减少气缸磨损延长使用寿命

    However, in some small engines, the cylinder walls are plated with chromium, a very hard metal, to reduce wall wear and lengthen their life.


  • 庄水库防渗墙加固工程所需性能混凝土,要求和易早期强度后期强度性能好、低抗拉强度。

    The high performance concrete for core wall of earth dam must be good workability, low early strength, high final strength, high seepage resistance, low elasticity modulus and high tensile strength.


  • 结果表明方法精度、使用简单适用于一切玻璃钢管道、贮罐、容器在线自动化检测

    Results show that it is of high precision and simple operation and applicable for automatic on-line wall thickness testing of various fiberglass pipelines and vessels.


  • 研究喷雾干燥法制备包埋率胶囊化二丁基羟基甲苯(BHT)组成工艺条件。

    The composition of wall materials and the technology of spray -drying for the butylated hydroxy toluene (BHT) microencapsulation were studied.


  • 围堰具有结构强度防水性能好的特点,因此,桥梁深水基础得到广泛应用。

    The double-wall steel cofferdam is widely applied in bridge deep water foundation due to that it is of characteristics of high structural strength and good waterproof performance.


  • 设计加工轨迹通过实验研究,对成形路径尤其是一道次进行了优化基础上加工获得为0.5的筒形工件

    The vertical wall cylinder part with 0.5 height-diameter ratio can ultimately be formed in the practical manufacture after the forming track, especially the first optimal forming path.


  • B 205制成聚丙烯具有机械强度透明性透水性小蠕变特点

    The bottle made of speciality resin B 205 possessed characters of high mechanical strength, good transparency, low permeability of water, creep resistance and thin wall.


  • 隧道公共设施环境,可以使用大量具有系数的吸声构造,铺设于隧道拱及轨道铺面,以降低混响时间噪声

    The reverberation time and noise level of tunnel-typed public works can be reduced by adding large amount of acoustical structure with high absorptive coefficient.


  • 塞若。洛伦索只有3706但是差1500米东南5公里,是喜马拉雅式的路线。

    Cerro San Lorenzo might only be 3706m high but the 1500m south east face is 5km long and of Himalayan proportions.


  • 再应用改进了损失激波损失模型最终算出压气机设计点损失沿分布规律

    Finally, the total loss distribution along the blade span of the axial flow compressor is estimated according to an improved end wall loss model and a shock loss model.


  • 稳定性好、比表面积晶化较好的蜂窝状金属氧化物介孔材料催化吸附分离传感器领域有着潜在的应用价值。

    Worm_like mesoporous metal oxides with thermal stability, large surface areas and semicrystalline frameworks have a prospect for using in catalysis, sensors, adsorption and separation, etc.


  • 尤其是老鼠做实验表明肥胖一种菌门的细菌比例存在有关反之,那些窈窕的老鼠肠道内拟杆菌的比例

    In particular, work on mice suggests obesity is associated with having a high proportion of bacteria called Firmicutes, whereas the lean favour another group, the Bacteroidetes.


  • 治疗肺泡腔及组织间隙内充血渗出细胞浸润明显减少,肺泡多数完整

    In the hyperxia solution treated group, the hyperemia, bleeding and cell infiltration in tissue interspace and alveolar cavity were obviously decreased, most alveolar walls were complete.


  • 发现黏度效应区域位于上端附近不是叶片顶部

    Regions of high viscous effects have been found to be located near the shroud rather than the blade tip.


  • 包括晃动,罐应力应变,底板提离以及基底弯矩和剪力。初步分析了浮放储液罐的“象足”变形产生原因及破坏机理。

    The analysis includes the height of sloshing wave, the stress and the strain of the tank wall, the uplifting of the base plate and the base moment and base shearing force.


  • 《照》照仿北京故宫九龙修建2013米,彩釉陶瓷大方砖砌成。

    The Showing Wall the Showing Wall was imitated from Nine dragons Wall of the Imperial Palace in Beijing with a height of 20 meters and a width of 13 meters.


  • 心室增厚,心肌重量增加且左室动力状态

    The left ventricular myocardial masses were raised and left ventricles were in hyperkinetic circulatory state.


  • 笔者对两类载体的研究生产现状了概括,提出开发孔隙率载体材料目前研究的重点

    Its research and production status are generalized in the paper. Simultaneously, exploitation on substrate materials with high porosity and thin wall is the pivot.


  • 笔者对两类载体的研究生产现状了概括,提出开发孔隙率载体材料目前研究的重点

    Its research and production status are generalized in the paper. Simultaneously, exploitation on substrate materials with high porosity and thin wall is the pivot.


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