• 经济增长因素分析就是通过研究经济增长因素寻求经济增长有效途径

    The analysis of economic growth factor is in order to seek the effective ways of realizing economic growth.


  • 将贡献于经济增长因素用来构造指标体系综合增长因素分析AHP、综合指标评价聚类分析,构造新的综合评价系统。

    A new comprehensive evaluation system based on congregating approach of growth elements analysis, cluster analysis and AHP is presented in the paper.


  • 如果股票预计增长并未发生的话,你必须对此作出一系列的分析评估股票走势下降的风险。 风险因素有哪些,宏观方面的?

    One might have to do some scenario analysis to evaluate the downside risks if the projected growth does not take place.


  • 印度卢比今年已经下跌20%,分析师们,这一因素使印度科技企业利润增长最多可提高10个百分点。

    The nearly 20% drop in the Indian currency this year has helped tech companies add as much as 10% to their profit growth, analysts say.


  • 分析加德纳(richard Gardner)写道信贷缺乏公司利润率不断下滑、失业率上升以及美元走强这些因素都对公司消费者个人电脑销售增长产生了负面影响。

    Analyst Richard Gardner wrote that 'lack of credit, declining corporate profit margins, rising unemployment and a stronger dollar are all negatively affecting corporate and consumer PC growth.'


  • 通过对影响我国中央空调制冷机组市场需求量市场因素分析得出了其需求量大幅增长的结果。

    Through the analysis of the factors that affect the market demand of central air conditioning refrigeration chiller, it is concluded that the demand will increase greatly in China.


  • 通过因素分析税收增量分解为实际GDP增加物价上涨宏观税负提高带来税收增长

    Through factor analysis, it separate the increase of tax revenue into tax revenue increase from growth of actual GDP and rise in price and macro tax burden.


  • 分析影响我国农民收入增长主要因素提出提高农民收入基本思路保障措施、基本对策

    This paper analyzes influence of our country peasant main factors that income increases, propose and raise peasant the basic train of thought, ensure the measure, basic countermeasures of income.


  • 尽管华尔街在对只股票进行评级时,“买入”依然占了压倒性优势,但是,已有一些分析师表示因素可能阻止这家全球最大的汉堡连锁店增长势头。

    While Wall Street overwhelmingly maintains a 'buy' position on the stock, some analysts are beginning to point to factors that could start to work against the world's largest burger chain.


  • 体重增长为依据研究4~12月婴儿能量摄入摄入量以及乳类与其它食物产能比,分析相关因素

    To investigate the energy intake, energy from milk and other foods in the infants aged 4 to 12m and analyze the factors related the energy intake.


  • 采用间歇式活性污泥测定自养细菌最大增长速率分析了测定过程中的影响因素

    The batch activated sludge method was used to determine autotrophs maximum growth rate. In addition, affecting factors were also investigated.


  • 本文日本作为研究对象采用恒定市场份额模型分析中国蔬菜出口日本增长影响因素

    Uses the constant market share model to analyze the influence factor of Chinese vegetables to Japan in the article.


  • 本文利用包含人力资本生产函数农业经济增长影响因素进行了实证分析

    Using production function incorporating human capital, this paper makes empirical investigation to the factors influencing agricultural economic growth.


  • 通过阶段方法利用DEATobit模型分析中国城市增长效率及其影响因素

    Using the two-stage method, DEA and TOBIT model, this paper gives an analysis of China's urban growth efficiency and its influencing factor.


  • 利用CSH理论方法美国经济增长因素进行了分析2010年的经济增长做出预测

    The paper analyses factors of America New Economy Growth, applies the method of CSH theory, and predict its treads in 2010.


  • 最后利用江苏省1997年2002年投入产出分析了江苏省经济增长需求因素

    At the end of this chapter, by using the Input-Output Table 1997 and 2002, this paper analyzes the demand factor of economic growth in Jiangsu Province.


  • 制度经济学将制度因素引入经济学分析框架,指出制度变迁一国经济增长重要因素

    Institutional factors are introduced into the analysis of economics, and institutional changes are considered as important dynamics in economic growth by New institutional economics.


  • 分析影响电力需求主要经济因素建立计量经济模型,对分析预测电力需求的增长具有现实意义。

    Through discussing the factors that affect the electricity demand and setting up the calculating economical model to analyze and forecast the increase of the electricity demand.


  • 分析影响城市电网短路水平各种因素导致短路电流水平增长的原因。

    The various factors influencing the short-circuit current level of city grids and causes! of the short-circuit current increase are analyzed.


  • 通过影响我国农村居民消费需求不足的原因分析认为我国农村居民收入水平偏低增长缓慢导致需求不足关键因素

    By analyzing the factors which led to the consumption demands of Chinese countryside inhabitant insufficient, this article pointed that the low-level and slowly increasing income was the key reason.


  • 第三部分三个方面分析东周时期影响人口增长因素

    The third part analyzes the population growth factors from three aspects.


  • 这些分析帮助用户在连续油管发生严重损坏之前提前诊断连续油管的直径增长排除减少引起直径增长因素

    These analyses will help operators detect early CT diametral growth before severe damage occurs, and eliminate or reduce operational factors that contribute to growth.


  • 本文引入人力资本平等作为经济增长影响因素,首先从理论方面分析人力资本不平等影响经济增长途径和作用

    Introducing human capital inequality as a factor of effect on economic growth, this paper theoretically explained the mechanisms of effect on economic growth of human capital inequality.


  • 论述了近年我国居民生活用电增长趋势分析影响居民生活用电增长有关因素

    Discusses the trend of growth in household use of electric power in China in recent years, and analyses the factors having effect on the growth in household use of electric power.


  • 有些分析认为沙特阿拉伯领导人允许萨利赫返回政坛,尤其各种不稳定因素不断增长历经数月痛苦努力诱使下台的情况下。

    Some analysts said Saudi Arabia's leadership would not allow Mr. Saleh to return to power after months of frustrating efforts to cajole him to step down amid growing instability.


  • 结果发现,以1952—2003年样本分析表明两者间存在任何长期关系,仿真检验亦显示出口引导经济增长假说不成立,经济增长非促进出口贸易的因素

    The results show that there exists no long-run level relationship between export and economic growth for the period 1952—2003 and the exported-led growth hypothesis is not supported either.


  • 市场竞争部分我们重点分析市场整体发展趋势、细分市场容量未来增长估计主要影响因素

    Competition in the market, we focus on the overall development of analysis of market trends, market segments, the capacity of the estimated future growth, the impact of the main factors.


  • 最后分析企业财务可持续增长内外部因素现代企业可持续增长动因

    The final I have summed up the internal and external factors and the three styles by which the enterprises grow and the cause of the sustainable growth.


  • 其次利用PAGANO模型金融功能理论分别宏观微观两个角度分析金融因素促进经济增长机制

    Secondly, from the perspective of macro and micro, this paper points to the financial mechanism promotes economic growth trough PAGANO model and the theory of financial function.


  • 其次利用PAGANO模型金融功能理论分别宏观微观两个角度分析金融因素促进经济增长机制

    Secondly, from the perspective of macro and micro, this paper points to the financial mechanism promotes economic growth trough PAGANO model and the theory of financial function.


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