• 如何既有的联络人名单上增加日期位?。

    How do I add custom fields to my contacts list?


  • 如果特别日期假期脚本不会增加工作日数计数

    If the particular day or date is a holiday, then the script does not increase the counter for the total working days.


  • 如果年中域名又换人,可以增加月份日期中间字符分开

    If the domain name changes owners in the middle of a year, months and even days can be added, separated from the year by a hyphen.


  • 声明称,交货日期于2011年3月,该公司增加赔偿金额。

    The company may increase the compensation claim again should the delivery date be delayed beyond March 2011, according to the statement.


  • 同时SEC宣称将大幅增加4个热点领域调查内部交易对冲基金次级借贷、倒签期权日期市政金融

    The SEC, meanwhile, reports a big increase in investigations in four areas of interest for enforcers: insider trading and hedge funds; subprime lending; options backdating; and municipal finance.


  • 由于去年工资减税增加失业救济金政策截止日期将至,财政政策GDP增长的影响,此前预计1.4个百分点。

    Fiscal policy was already on course to knock 1.4 points off growth, as last year's payroll-tax cut and extension to unemployment benefits reach their expiry date.


  • 富于弹性:在同意一个截止日期之前估计一下项目吃掉多少时间然后这个时间增加一半

    Be flexible: Before agreeing to a deadline, estimate how much time this project will eat... And add half that to the result.


  • 之前期间之后两个城市住宿难得的。但是这里的旅行者通常也会增加两三

    In both towns accommodation just before, during and immediately after the festivals is very difficult to come by, and rates usually double or treble.


  • 所有日志记录都日志增加日期时间但是插件责任日志中确认本身因为合并文件写入多个插件

    All logging adds a date and time stamp to the log; however, it is the plug-in's responsibility to identify itself in the log due to the multiple of plug-ins writing to the combined file.


  • 最后增加日期作为片段标识符,以便包含同一url情况下加以区分。

    Finally, the date is appended as a fragment identifier in case earlier or later entries contain the same set of URLs.


  • 美国研究证实人们增加的体重一年中的其它时候多。

    A study done in the United States confirmed that people gain weight during the holiday season more than at other times of the year.


  • 每去一个地方——大步流星;截止日期——赶赶忙;工作量——大幅增加,甚至连孩子时间表填满了,工作安排列表也是长长的一串家务事永远也做不…………简直一团糟

    Everywhere you turn, the pace is quick. Deadlines are moved up, workload is increased, kid's schedules are packed, to-do lists are long, housework never ends -it's chaos.


  • 每去一个地方——大步流星;截止日期——赶赶忙;工作量——大幅增加,甚至连孩子时间表填满了,工作安排列表也是长长的一串家务事永远也做不…………简直一团糟

    Everywhere you turn, the pace is quick. Deadlines are moved up, workload is increased, kid's schedules are packed, to-do lists are long, housework never ends - it's chaos.


  • 并且完成目标日期越来越近,你的动力希望都会增加

    And as your list of completion dates grow, your motivationand desire will increase.


  • 苹果公司加大ipad生产数量,增加Target一样的零售伙伴准备日期kindle决一雌雄。

    Apple is ramping up iPad production and adding retail partners like Target in order to dethrone the Kindle during the holiday season.


  • 时间正在流逝,不管由于什么原因如果Boehner不能自己的方案通过随着8月2截至日期邻近,最可能的方案的可能性正在增加

    Time is running out, of course, and if Boehner can't pass his own plan, for whatever reason, then the chances of a plan Z no deal by August 2 gets closer.


  • 同时其他学者兴趣日益增加支撑日期方法

    Meanwhile, he and other scholars are bracing for growing interest as the date approaches.


  • 转船增加费用风险并且可能延误抵达日期如果你们坚持愿意承担额外费用,我们可以试一下

    Transshipment adds to the expenses, risks of damage and may possibly delay arrival. But we'll try if you insist and are willing to bear the extra expenses.


  • 尽管它们向来日期许多美国餐桌特色菜,但美国人这种的日常需求增加

    While they have always made special appearances on many American tables around the holidays, year-round demand for the root vegetables has grown.


  • 功能表内增加状态顶栏模式下),手机信号电量蓝牙时间日期信息一目了然

    The top menu to increase the status bar (vertical screen mode), cell phone signals, electricity, Bluetooth, Time, Date and other information at a glance.


  • 如果你修改日期或者时间鼠标点选使要修改部分高亮显示,然后实用键盘”“下”增加减小数值

    To change any "component" of the date or time, click on it with the mouse to highlight it, then use the up and down arrow keys on the keyboard to increase or decrease the value.


  • 由于霜冻日期不稳定利用开发增加热量资源存在一定风险性设施农业考虑

    Because of the instability of frost date, the increased use and development of energy resources, there were some risks, which could be considered in facility agriculture.


  • 英国公投确定是否脱离欧盟正式日期定,这场争论赢得关注几周持续增加

    With the official date for the UK's referendum about whether or not leave the European Union now set, the debate has been steadily gaining more and more attention in recent weeks.


  • 适当降低高,推迟吐丝日期增加位叶面积有利于提高玉米茎秆含糖量

    Appropriately reducing plant height, extending silking date and increasing ear leaf area might be useful in improvement of stalk sugar content.


  • 我们数据筛选增加快速筛选功能,例如日期筛选完成后,我可以对“利润”这一进行筛选,显示那些大于平均值的的项。

    We have also added "quick filters" for numeric data. For example, after I filter by date, I can then filter my profit column to only show me sales that were above average.


  • 例如下面给出雏形可用实现增加比较两个日期是否相等以及日期输出操作

    For example, the following is given a "prototype" can be used to realize an increase in days to compare two dates are equal, and the output of the date of such an operation.


  • 例如下面给出雏形可用实现增加比较两个日期是否相等以及日期输出操作

    For example, the following is given a "prototype" can be used to realize an increase in days to compare two dates are equal, and the output of the date of such an operation.


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