• 尼古拉斯•塞罗塔先生(SirNicholas Serota)是英国美术馆主管。他将这个美术馆描述成个充满宝藏论坛

    Sir Nicholas Serota, director of Britain's Tate galleries, describes the museum as "a forum as much as a treasure box".


  • 石碑可以说迄今为止发现著名考古文物。

    The Rosetta Stone is arguably the most famous archaeological artefact ever discovered.


  • 英国学者托马斯·第一认真尝试破译石碑上符号人。

    Thomas young, an English scholar, was the first to seriously attempt to decipher the symbols on the Rosetta Stone.


  • 开始我们甚至知道石碑段文字包含相同信息

    We didn't even know at first that the three texts on the Rosetta Stone contain the same information.


  • 石碑值得重视的,因为正如所说那上面的是三种不同字母系统书写相同文字内容:希腊语通俗语象形文字。

    The Rosetta Stone was remarkable because, as I said, on it was the same text in three different alphabets: Greek, demotic and hieroglyphic.


  • 团队决定他们一个机会看看他们是否真的做到。

    The Rosetta team decided to give them a chance to see if they really could.


  • 没有石碑语言软件作为翻译我们合适就是猜测它们出现的目的

    With no Rosetta Stone to act as a key for translation, the best we can do is guess at their purpose.


  • 有趣的是直到1798年发现石碑多数学者认为象形文字一种插图不是字母组成的字母表。

    Interestingly, until the Rosetta Stone was discovered in 1798, and later translated, most scholars believed that the hieroglyphs were illustrations, not phonetic sounds making up an alphabet.


  • 不过在给出生成10个潜在结构之后,最佳选手就能娴熟挑选出接近优化配置的一个。

    Given a set of 10 potential structures produced by Rosetta, however, the best players were very adept at picking the one closest to the optimal configuration.


  • 大量一类重组超出了能力范围因为转换发生能量变化非常之

    Those sorts of extensive rearrangements were beyond Rosetta's abilities, since the energy changes involved in the transitions are so large.


  • 只有伙伴的情况下要想把一个搬动不是能力范围人类可以胜任

    Shifting every bond by a single partner was beyond Rosetta's abilities, but it's something a human can do trivially.


  • 我们已经取得了一些进步并且已经揭开了石碑上质数的一些意义——但是揭开石碑密码的能力实在还是有限。

    We have made progress and have unearthed something resembling the Rosetta stone of prime Numbers - but the ability to decode the stone still eludes us.


  • 创造者首个这样的镍盘命名为02008,其内容包括了1000种语言文本信息

    The first disc, made in what its creators call 02008, holds descriptions and texts of 1000 languages.


  • 张照片团队机会根据真正太空物体校准仪器并保障一切工作无误。

    The images gave the Rosetta team a chance to calibrate its instruments on a real space object to make sure everything was in working order.


  • 通过从一个配置跳跃到一个差异巨大的配置,然后进行细小的调整来让能量最小化算法以此来处理其需要扫描巨大能量图景

    The Rosetta algorithm handles the huge energy landscape it needs to scan by taking big leaps between different configurations, then attempting to minimize the energy by making smaller tweaks.


  • 结果点子太多其中有许多需要玩家合作,库帕先生希望能借此改善软件

    The upshot is a plethora of novel strategies, many of them reliant on collaboration between players, that Mr Cooper hopes can be used to improve Rosetta.


  • 就是司琴”,颗直径约100公里的小行星。今年七月欧洲太空总署发射的航天器——号近距离飞越了这颗

    This is Lutetia, a 100km-long asteroid visited in July by the European Space Agency’s craft Rosetta.


  • 尽管Foldit没几个有明显生物化学背景到了解决结构问题的时候玩家还是努力要击败

    Though very few of those who played Foldit had any significant background in biochemistry, the gamers tended to beat Rosetta when it came to solving structures.


  • 他们分析去年11月一个包括名为飞行器弹射驱动的数据之后算观察到额外速度的总量。

    They have worked out the exactamount of extra speed that should be observed when they analyse the data from aslingshot last November, which involved a craft called Rosetta.


  • 欧洲空间局探测器预计2014年进入丘留莫夫-格拉西缅科彗星Comet Churyumov-Gerasimenko)的轨道,并部署一个探测器首次登陆彗星。

    The European Space Agency's Rosetta is scheduled to orbit Comet Churyumov-Gerasimenko in 2014 and deploy a probe to make the first landing on a comet.


  • 对于(Rosetta)来说,这个问题执行项任务,找出蛋白质这种名为氨基酸化学物质链接而成的东西,是如何选定最终三维形态的。

    For Rosetta, that problem was the task of figuring out how proteins, which are composed of a chain of chemicals called amino acids, adopt their final, three-dimensional shape.


  • 不幸的是,没有DVD我们学会”。

    Unfortunately, there's no Rosetta Stone DVD to help us learn "dog talk."


  • 我的翻译“最好的玩家五个难题上比先进的软件做的更好三个打平输了两个。”

    The top humans outperformed the state-of-the-art Rosetta software in five puzzles, drew in three, and lost just twice.


  • 追逐着这条狗男孩木头绊倒摔倒跌进了所谓人类进化石碑。”

    Chasing after his dog, the boy tripped over a log and fell smack dab into what some call "the Rosetta stone of human evolution."


  • 算法用于创建部分潜在初始结构此后赋予用户控制权他们拨弄蛋白质结构

    The Rosetta algorithm is used to create some potential starting structures, but users are then given a set of controls that let them poke and prod the protein's structure in three dimensions;


  • 表现最好赢过了公司的软件5条链中成功画出了3条仅仅失误了两次(在比赛软件人都没能接近蛋白链最终形态)。

    The top humans outperformed the state-of-the-art Rosetta software in five puzzles, drew in three, and lost just twice (in both cases neither got close to the final shape).


  • 莱”无法控制下降过程就意味着所有的一切依靠开始推力准确性

    Philae had no ability to control its descent, which meant everything depended on the accuracy of Rosetta's initial shove.


  • 亚当斯经常收到愤怒消费者打来的电话抱怨他们无意间仿冒网上盗版者那里购买的冒牌产品

    Adams said Rosetta Stone regularly gets calls from angry consumers complaining about faulty products they unwittingly purchased from counterfeiters and Internet pirates.


  • 宇宙空间科学家正在研究获得小行星斯特恩斯数据,这样就更好地了解成份起源以及这颗小行星易于反光的原因

    Space scientists will now study the data taken by Rosetta of asteroid Steins in an effort to better understand its composition, origin, and why the asteroid reflects light so well.


  • 宇宙空间科学家正在研究获得小行星斯特恩斯数据,这样就更好地了解成份起源以及这颗小行星易于反光的原因

    Space scientists will now study the data taken by Rosetta of asteroid Steins in an effort to better understand its composition, origin, and why the asteroid reflects light so well.


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