• 建筑师舞台设计师乔瓦尼·尔凡多尼巴黎设计了大型展览,以色彩鲜艳寺庙凯旋门著称

    The architect and stage designer Giovanni Servandoni composed grand displays in Paris, featuring colourfully painted temples and triumphal arches.


  • 尔凡多尼举办的烟花表演设计安排成像歌剧一样甚至分为不同的几

    A fireworks display staged by Servandoni would be structured in the same way as an opera, and was even divided into separate acts.


  • 博士对赫库兰尼人群健康营养有了深入了解。

    Dr. Bisel was able to gain greater insight into the health and nutrition of the Herculaneum population.


  • 然而加利福尼亚大学安德鲁·派尼尔俄勒冈大学的爱莉娅·斯坦茵提出,现实中,一个种族感知实际上是变化的。

    Moreover, Andrew Penner of the University of California, Irvine, and Aliya Saperstein of the University of Oregon have shown that perception of a person's race can actually change in the real world.


  • 上个月艾德里安·一块儿去了伦敦皇家艺术院,赶上安尼施·卡普尔展览最后一

    Last month I took a trip to the Royal Academy in London with Adrian Searle, to catch the Anish Kapoor show in its final days.


  • 作为一个年轻作家林格有女人缘。他曾乌娜·尼尔约会(尤金·奥尼尔女儿查理·卓别林未来妻子)。

    As a young writer, Mr. Salinger was something of a ladies' man and dated, among others, Oona o 'neill, the daughter of Eugene o 'neill and the future wife of Charlie Chaplin.


  • 所以当看到一些年轻球员崭露头角,比如维利亚和平杯上,青年边锋马克·奥尔·布莱顿惊艳表现,奥尼尔如释重负

    Thus it must come as a relief to the manager that a promising group of young players is emerging including Marc Albrighton, a teenage winger who caught the eye during the Peace Cup in Sevilla.


  • 斯邦水产克里斯尼尔索,一个海鲜加工经销商表示说公司现在的财政收入大概1999年的一半,捕鱼船的数量减少

    Chris Nelson of Bon Secour Fisheries, a seafood processor and distributor, said the firm’s revenue is around half what it was in 1999.


  • 这么年轻可能有助于解释该国脆弱性这种脆弱性正在经受维奥•鲁斯科尼乱七八糟尴尬统治重新考验

    This youthfulness may help to explain the country's fragility, which is being tested anew under the messily embarrassing rule of Silvio Berlusconi.


  • 斯邦水产克里斯尼尔索,一个海鲜加工经销商表示说公司现在的财政收入大概1999年的一半,捕鱼船的数量减少

    Chris Nelson of Bon Secour Fisheries, a seafood processor and distributor, said the firm's revenue is around half what it was in 1999.


  • 50多年来林格先生一直隐居新罕布什尔州康尼什小镇

    For more than 50 years Mr. Salinger has lived in seclusion in the small town of Cornish, n.h..


  • 瑞安塔图姆·奥尼尔分别扮演斯和埃迪,他们是一对萧条时候流窜美国各处的诈骗犯,各种毫无抵抗能力和容易上当受骗的人下手。

    Ryan and Tatum o 'neal play Moses and Addie, a con team who travel around the us during the Great Depression preying on the vulnerable and credulous.


  • 夏天回到加拿大故乡期间,我最好朋友看卢罗(Lucero)乐队的歌手尼尔克斯(BenNichols)那张才华横溢的专辑西部最后一缕淡薄的》(The LastPale Lightin the West),张专辑就是这部小说为基础的。

    While visiting my hometown in Canada over the summer, my best friend pointed me towards Lucero singer Ben Nicholsbrilliant albumThe Last Pale Light in the Westwhich is based on the novel.


  • 日报十月十九日星期二作者尼尔

    Mises Daily: Tuesday, October 19, 2010 by Ben o 'neill.


  • 林格的在世亲人有奥尼尔女士儿子马修,他的女儿玛格丽特3名孙儿

    Mr. Salinger is survived by Ms. O’Neill; his son, Matt; his daughter, Margaret; and three grandsons.


  • 然而保罗认为琼斯的故乡温斯顿·勒姆,数控最有名已故纳撒尼尔孙子的。

    Yet, Paul believes that in his hometown of Winston-Salem, NC, he is best known as the grandson of the late Nathaniel Jones.


  • 布罗基博内拉还有·吉尼奥不错他们现在没有很多比赛,但是他们表现出他们能够一直得很为什么他们使用

    Brocchi, Bonera, and Serginho all did well, they haven't played a lot until now but they showed they can always do well, that's why they will be used more.


  • 舍甫琴柯于1999年来到俱乐部·阿尔塔菲尼配合之后现在米兰第三个创记录的前锋。

    Shevchenko, who arrived at the club in 1999, is now the joint third all-time hitman for the Rossoneri after he matched Jose Altafini's tally.


  • 这种损坏摧毁温哥华西海岸社区超过400包括阿尔·伯尼

    This damaged or destroyed more than 400 homes in communities on the west coast of Vancouver Island, including Port Alberni and Zeballos.


  • 朱莉代表律师劳拉表示,朱莉不要离婚后的配偶赡养费。瓦最近刚帮约翰尼德普打完了和艾梅伯•希尔德的离婚官司。

    Jolie, who is being repped by Laura Wasser, is not asking for spousal support in the divorce. Wasser most recently represented Johnny Depp in his divorce from Amber Heard.


  • 今天次机会第二·吉尼奥的助攻认为进了。

    Today I had two chances, the second one on Serginho's assist I thought would go in.


  • 马尔蒂尼流感已经康复但是迪达库·洛夫斯基和·吉尼奥仍然无法出场。

    Paulo Maldini has recovered from the flu, but Dida, Marek Jankulovski and Serginho are all still out with long-term injury problems.


  • 切尔西足球俱乐部首席执行官皮特·肯尼恩主教练·穆里尼奥今天(周四)感谢埃杜尔·古德约翰森年来为俱乐部做出的贡献

    Chelsea Football club chief executive Peter Kenyon and manager Jose Mourinho today (Thursday) thanked Eidur Gudjohnsen for his six year contribution to the club.


  • 总是找寻最佳解决方法现在内斯塔·吉尼奥已经归来。

    I always look for the best solution and now we have Nesta and Serginho on the way back.


  • 作为一个国家我们非常荣耀拥有诺贝尔文学奖获得者威廉姆·巴特勒·叶芝乔治肖伯纳廖尔贝克谢默斯·希尼。

    As a small country, we have been privileged to have four winners of the Nobel Prize for literature - William butler Yeats, George Bernard shaw, Samuel beckett and seamus heaney.


  • 拉·是个叛从如果巴尔拿到圣物进入山中发泄他的破坏力量!

    Nihlathak is a traitor! If Baal gets the Relic, he shall enter the mountain and wreak havoc there!


  • 提醒人们布拉格曾经说三种语言城市,”

    "I wanted to remind people that Prague was once a city of three languages," Mr. Cerny said.


  • 格鲁吉亚人的搭档雅普·斯塔姆,达里奥·西米奇·吉尼奥职边卫。

    The Georgian was partnered by Jaap Stam while Dario Simic and Serginho occupied the full-back positions.


  • 格鲁吉亚人的搭档雅普·斯塔姆,达里奥·西米奇·吉尼奥职边卫。

    The Georgian was partnered by Jaap Stam while Dario Simic and Serginho occupied the full-back positions.


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