• 的废纸最终被丢进垃圾,甚至废物填埋场,在那里会产生有害气体。

    A great deal of wastepaper ends up in rubbish and even landfills, where it can produce harmful gases.


  • 原子反应发出大量热能

    The atomic reactor generates enormous amounts of thermal energy.


  • HAT工具单个转储具有大量实例数据类型生成统计信息并且可以比较两个转储标识数量增加的数据类型。

    The HAT tool produces statistics for data types that have large number of instances in a single dump and can also compare two heap dumps to identify data types which have increased in number.


  • 应用特点存在大量活跃数据线程级别的并发并且往往运行高端多核处理器上

    These sorts of applications are characterized by large amounts of live heap data and considerable thread-level parallelism, and are often run on high-end multi-core processors.


  • 对于经常产生大量存活数据线程级别数据的大规模服务器应用来说非常棒的。

    This is a good fit for large-scale server applications which often have large amounts of live heap data and considerable thread-level parallelism.


  • 侦听器jvm缺省大小192MB但是处理大量并发连接时,增加512 MB。

    The default setting for the listener JVM is 192 MB, but you should increase it to 512 MB when dealing with large Numbers of concurrent connections.


  • 此外单个JVM无法缓存大量数据(比如32JVM只能提供2GB可用空间)。

    In addition, a single JVM is not sufficient for caching large amounts of data (for example, a 32 bit JVM can only guarantee a maximum of 2 GB of usable heap space).


  • 现在花费大量时间来构建一大东西但是jQueryMobile为什么还要那么麻烦呢?

    Now you could spend a lot of time building all that stuff for yourself, but why do that when there is jQuery Mobile?


  • 反应活动区将原子一分为二,从中产生大量能量,同时作为副产品,会产生大量的发射性很高物质

    The active core of a nuclear reactor splits atoms in two to produce bursts of energy and, as a byproduct, large masses of highly radioactive particles.


  • 比如说如果出现大量排序操作,导致排序溢出磁盘上,那么性能就会受到影响

    For example, if there were an excessive amount of sorting such that the sort heap spilled to disk, performance would suffer.


  • 水蚤大量之前从未见过基因人类身上就发现相同基因,数量是至今科学家所知昆虫甲壳类生物中最多的。

    Daphnia has a large number of never-before seen genes, as well as a big chunk of the same genes found in humans, the most of any insects or crustacean so far known to scientists.


  • 原子反应相对自身的体积提供大量能量设计太空系统主要特性

    Fission reactors provide a lot of power for their size, which is a key attribute in designing space systems.


  • 注意托管分配对象方面非常有效垃圾回收在收集大量生存期小型对象方面非常有效。

    Note that the managed heap is very efficient at allocating new objects, and the garbage collector is very efficient at collecting lots of small and short-lived objects.


  • 由于大量辐照核燃料放射性释放可能25年前切尔诺贝利反应灾难糟。

    Given the large quantity of irradiated nuclear fuel in the pool, the radioactivity release could be worse than the Chernobyl nuclear reactor catastrophe of 25 years ago.


  • 不过现实结果却是:许多机构购买了额外存储设备大量的成本节约并未成为现实——至少未达到预期数量

    The result: A lot of organizations bought additional tiers of storage, but not a lot of savings materialized -- at least not nearly the amounts anticipated.


  • 他们的行动相当果断撤离居民,并且大量海水冷却反应遏制热度上升

    They have also been decisive; evacuating people and flooding reactors with seawater to contain the build-up of heat.


  • 他们知道如果一个核反应熔化这会成为影响巨大范围大量人民主要灾难,他们牺牲自己生命试图阻止一切。

    They know that if there is a reactor meltdown it could be a major disaster affecting huge areas and massive Numbers of people, and they are risking their lives to try and prevent that.


  • 然而为了登录网站,不得不甚至隐私律师都搞规则放弃可以识别个人身份的大量信息的保护权。

    Yet in order even to sign on, I have to give up a rich source of personally identifiable information under a set of rules that a privacy attorney can't even follow.


  • 鼓风机将氦气反应经过核裂变释放出大量能量的小球,加热

    Blowers move helium gas through the reactor and over the pebbles, where nuclear fission releases large amounts of energy, heating up the helium.


  • 文件夹文件可以批量重命名外加有用命令使得处理大量文件变得简单。

    Files within a folder could be renamed using Batch rename, plus a bunch of other helpful commands that made working with a high volume of files much easier.


  • 反应芯,自由中子连续撞击原子,从而产生大量热量

    In the core, uranium atoms are bombarded with free neutrons producing immense heat.


  • 很多人总结由于法国的这一绝反应昂贵,因为需要考虑大量安全因素

    The country's flagship reactor, many concluded, was too costly, mainly due to its wealth of safety features.


  • 完成棘手案子,现在正在会议厅里被一司法碎屑包围着大量法律委托辩护和物证

    I had just finished a tough trial and was in my Chambers surrounded by judicial detritus: legal briefs, scores of exhibits.


  • 带有语句历史功能事件监视器适用于所有应用程序会增加DB 2数据库管理程序监视器大量使用

    A deadlock event monitor with statement history capabilities affects all applications and increases the monitor heap usage by the DB2 database manager.


  • 而现金付款大量医疗设备反应铀矿军事器材都是协议一部分

    Cash payments, vast medical facilities, a nuclear reactor, uranium mining, and military equipment were part of the package, said Saif.


  • 糟糕的是,大量的机密信息也许意外丢失,跑到垃圾

    At worst, a drawerful ofconfidential information might be thrown away by accident and end up on arubbish dump.


  • 印度那时便将其一反应标明民用而且愿意接受检查其他的反应大量炮制燃烧过的富含用于武器制造的燃料

    India has since designated some of its reactors as civilian, and open to inspection, but others still churn out spent fuel richly laden with weapons-usable plutonium.


  • 大约240,000清理反应方圆30公里之内地区进行大量清理活动受到最高剂量核辐射

    About 240 000 liquidators received the highest radiation doses while conducting major mitigation activities within the 30 km zone around the reactor.


  • 1986年乌克兰一座反应发生了爆炸并且持续10喷发大量放射性物质。

    The Ukrainian reactor blew up and spewed huge amounts of radiation for 10 days in 1986.


  • 美国核能管理委员会反应项目主管大卫·马修斯说:“我们预计由于反应特殊设计,其将会带来大量额外效果”。

    "We anticipate that [reviewing the reactors] will take a great deal of additional effort because of the uniqueness of the designs," said David Matthews, head of the new reactor program at the U. s.


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