• 迅速发展中的国家政府废物最小化的思想纳入目前正在规划设计建造的运输基础设施和储存设施

    Governments of rapidly developing countries incorporate waste minimisation thinking into the transport infrastructure and storage facilities currently being planned, engineered and built.


  • 只要可以维持那种关系,您就能避免自己代码耦合基础设施中去,这使您能够轻易地改变架构设计

    As long as you can maintain that relationship, you prevent coupling your code to the infrastructure, allowing you to make changes to both architecture and design more easily.


  • 这些资源应该用来尝试可行的方案,不是消耗错综复杂的软件设计代码优化基础设施升级

    These resources should be spent trying to figure out what is going to work and not on intricate software designs, code optimization and infrastructure upgrades.


  • 组织结构能力包括组织团队方法以及他们如何相互作用设计开发部署培训维护门户基础设施

    Your capabilities in organizational structure include the way your teams are organized and how they interact to design, develop, deploy, train, and maintain your portal infrastructure.


  • 一个普通解决方案里,架构基础设施设计可以很快被解决,但是人力资源部门获取企业需求我们觉得需要两次那么

    In a normal solution the Architecture and Infrastructure design can be sorted out very quickly, however capturing the business needs for Human Resources let's say could take twice as long.


  • 概念层次非常抽象模式空间划分业务模式解决方案设计模式基础设施模式。

    Conceptual tiers divide the pattern space at a very high level into business domain patterns, solution design patterns, and infrastructure patterns.


  • 作为工作一部分基础设施工作企业分析工作比率出现显著差异时候,我负责设计开展会议

    As part of the work I do, I am engaged in Design and Scoping sessions where the ratio of Infrastructure work to Business Analysis work is dramatically different.


  • 设计实现安全分布式基础设施并不容易

    Designing and implementing a secure distributed infrastructure is not easy.


  • 定义设计流程基础设施组件总体框架

    Defining the design process, infrastructure components, and overall framework.


  • 公司官员哈里斯公司根据合同负责设计安装验证这九个地点主要通信子系统以及各自基础设施

    Under the contract, Harris will design, install and certify major communications subsystems and their respective infrastructure at nine initial sites, company officials said.


  • 该项工作设计用于帮助实现美国陆军欧洲信息基础设施的无缝化,提高网络一体化安全性

    The effort is designed to help streamline the Army’s European IT infrastructure and improve network integrity and security, company officials said.


  • 这种城市范围基础设施体系设计目的是,推动循环利用采用可替代能源解决方案

    Such city-wide designs of infrastructure systems aim to enhance recycling and use of alternative energy solutions.


  • 服务包括基础设施设计修改设备软件采购以及现有基础设施搬迁安装认证、许可维护

    Services will include infrastructure designs/modifications, equipment and software procurement, migration of existing infrastructure, installation, certification and accreditation, and maintenance.


  • 建立服务注册库,让其成为周边基础设施中心,使得服务所有者设计可以通过它。

    A service registry is established as a central part of the surrounding infrastructure and is used by service owners and designers to.


  • 应用程序系统架构师如今具备Internetintranet基础设施设计多层冗余硬件软件终端等广博知识

    Application and system architects today have a broad base of knowledge from Internet and Intranet infrastructure designs to multi-layered redundant hardware and software backends.


  • 最近的一则招聘信息中,微软交互娱乐业务部门(IEB)寻找高级技术主管领导“构建未来电视”的测试团队-架构设计扩展电视内容电视设备的测试基础设施

    The post adds: “We are looking for a senior technical leader to help us architect, design and extend test infrastructure that scales across TV content and TV device types.”


  • 设计WebSphere InformationIntegrator Classic Federation客户机的目的是用来现有主机工具应用程序基础设施一起工作提供企业就绪(enterprise - ready)两阶段提交事务吞吐量无缝集成。

    It is designed to work with existing mainframe tools and application infrastructure, and offers enterprise-ready 2-phase commit, transactional throughputs, and seamless integration.


  • 学说文本只是后续文件法案的制定提供框架基础有助于针对关键性信息基础设施设计基本法案。

    The theory text only provides the framework and foundation for the subsequent documents and bills, which is helpful for the design of key information infrastructure.


  • 设计一个公共交通网络,用以连接滨海经济技术开发区区域相邻以及联接现有整个城市基础设施

    A public transport network has been designed that will link the waterfront with adjacent land USES of the new ETDZ and the existing city wide infrastructure.


  • 这些房屋这样方式进行设计能够提供必要结构支撑,包括下水道天然气这些基础设施能够完全保持不变

    These houses are designed in such a way that the structural support, as well as the sewage or gas infrastructure, can remain entirely unchanged.


  • 这种基础设施定型为延长时限不仅专业设计也是用户作为设计师之间的调解人,并且设计师以“基础设施”的方式从来没有项目预见过

    This infrastructure is shaped over extended timeframes, not only by professional designers, but also by users as mediators and designers who "infrastructure" in ways never envisioned at project time.


  • 第五提出企业诚信营销体系模型企业诚信营销环境战略基础设施设计

    Chapter 5 put forward the model of enterprise trust marketing system and makes the design for enterprise environment, tactics and basic establishment.


  • 电车线基地内相互交叉自行车步行路线以及基础设施方案寄予了优先车辆的设计定位。

    Two tram lines intersect the site, and cycle and pedestrian routes and infrastructure is prioritised over the vehicular alternative.


  • 利用公钥基础设施PK I技术设计实现了XML数据安全交换系统

    A security data exchange system based on XML was designed and realized by the use of public key infrastructure (PKI) technology.


  • 土木工程师一手设计社会交通系统基础设施系统

    The infrastructure of our society's transportation, utility, and water systems is designed by civil engineers.


  • 介于内外之间回音壁通过局部扩大设计适应项目基础设施其他部分建筑结构与功能。

    The acoustic cavity in-between the inner and outer layer is locally enlarged to fit the buildings infrastructure and additional program.


  • 室内空间设计元素包括空间、装饰材料照明装饰能源节约室内空间基础设施合理使用

    Interior space design elements, including space, decorative materials, lighting, decoration, energy savings and indoor space for the rational use of infrastructure.


  • 威胁防御服务包括安全设计实施基础设施测试

    Threat mitigation services include secure design, implementation, and testing of infrastructure.


  • 作为加大建筑学院名教授如何景观都市化景观基础设施的理论应用指导设计课程中的呢?

    QG: as a professor in USC School of architecture, how do you apply landscape urbanism and landscape infrastructure in the studio you instructed?


  • 作为加大建筑学院名教授如何景观都市化景观基础设施的理论应用指导设计课程中的呢?

    QG: as a professor in USC School of architecture, how do you apply landscape urbanism and landscape infrastructure in the studio you instructed?


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