• 这种相辅相成积极风险TOGAF -SABSA集成根本基础

    This complementary positive view on risk is an essential basis for the TOGAF-SABSA integration.


  • 不犯错误,否则把这些基础东西搞错或者根本什么不干,这些就是失败秘诀

    Make no mistake, getting these basics wrong, or not doing them at all is a recipe for failure.


  • 因为对于一个已存在技术根本改变尤其是飞机引擎来说,大规模基础专业知识数量繁多的规章制度使得来者很难取得进展

    As with any radical change to an existing technology, especially a jet engine, a large installed base of expertise together with lots of regulation mean it can be hard for a newcomer to make headway.


  • 提到淡水既是人类根本也是生态系统的基础,但雨水所有错误原因下到了错误的地方

    He noted that while freshwater is essential to humans and ecosystems, the rain is falling in all the wrong places, for all the wrong reasons.


  • 测试工程师们可能他们基础结构看作所有问题理想解决方法,但是某些情况下甚至根本不是一个解决方法。

    Test engineers may start to see their infrastructure as the ideal solution to every problem, even if, in some cases, it is not a solution at all.


  • 自我意识一个区别于周身环境该环境中其他人根本东西这种意识也是其它复杂层次知觉存在的基础

    A sense of self is what makes a person distinct from his environment and from other people in it. It is also the thing upon which more complex layers of consciousness appear to rest.


  • 简单,除非征收一种新的基础广泛税种,否则根本无法这些新的开销买单

    Simply stated, there's no way to finance all this new spending without an additional, broad-based tax.


  • 过分痴迷根本不存在威胁华盛顿一直制造真正问题——正在蚕食我们国家基础的大规模失业——而且更为糟糕。

    And by obsessing over a nonexistent threat, Washington has been making the real problem - mass unemployment, which is eating away at the foundations of our nation - much worse.


  • 重要一点是回到基础研究根本然后基础之上谋求制胜

    It's important that we go back to the roots of doing fundamental research and then winning on the basis of that.


  • 分支esb基础设施转换策略安全性服务注册中心集中创建管理的,很少根本没有本地自定义

    The branch ESB infrastructure, transformations, policies, security, and service registry entries are all created and managed centrally with little or no local customization.


  • 因为根本上来说,黄金力学效率取决于黄金与黄金为基础的信贷之间的比例

    For the mechanical efficiency of gold is, per se its ratio to the credit built on it.


  • 一些较小网站根本无法承受世界各地重建数据中心基础设施需要工程周期财力

    Some smaller sites simply can't afford the engineering and financial resources it takes to duplicate their infrastructure in data centers all over the world.


  • 欧洲区域转型期卫生系统标准化研究基础,利用科学证据分析能力,处理了欧洲境内健康差距根本因素

    Standardized studies of health systems in transition brought the power of scientific evidence and analysis to bear on a fundamental cause of health disparities in Europe.


  • 这些确定性谜团正是科学研究的最根本基础动力,正是促使人们不断挑战、努力研究。

    Such uncertainty is at the very heart of science and is what makes it such a challenging enterprise.


  • 根本教育人力资源开发主要形式或途径人力资源能力建设基础

    Fundamentally speaking, education is not only the major means and charnel for human resources development but the foundation for human capacity-building as well.


  • 也就是说要控制市场流动性根本消除通货膨胀基础

    That will root out the fundamental cause of inflation.


  • 针对一系列攻击ModSecurityweb应用提供了强大的保护HTTP流量进行监测实时分析这些都只是很少或是根本没有影响系统的基础设施

    ModSecurity provides protection from a range of attacks against web applications and allows for HTTP traffic monitoring and real-time analysis with little or no changes to existing infrastructure.


  • Wii控制器基础上继往开来,创造了一个根本无需控制器、人体动作作为输入手段系统

    It has taken the torch from the Wii controller by creating a system that doesn't require a controller at all, it instead USES the motion of the human body as its input device.


  • Placebase原始地图数据顶端可以抽取出基础服务这样用户可能根本不会注意除非当然还有性能准确性容量问题)。

    Placebase layers on top of raw map-data would abstract a new underlying service so that users may not even notice it (unless, of course, there are performance, accuracy or capability issues).


  • 美术基础电脑设计根本,电脑是设计优秀作品先进工具

    The art basis is the foundation of computer design, while computer is an advanced tool for making designs.


  • 变化根本原因在于经济基础变动

    This change's basic reason was the alteration of the economic foundation.


  • 奥巴马需要回顾那个从根本变革新政创造了数以百万记的的工作机会,来建设基础设施如桥梁、参与田纳西流域的开发管理以及修建道路和隧道。尽管这些基础设施现在已经破烂不堪并充满危险。

    Obama will have to look back to the transformative New Deal, which created millions of jobs building infrastructure-bridges, TVA, roads, tunnels-infrastructure now crumbling and often dangerous.


  • 基础地理空间数据库建设解决问题根本措施

    So, the building of spatial database is a fundamental measure to solve the problem.


  • 亲人去世动摇生命根本基础

    This death has shaken the very foundations of my life.


  • 从社会生活中基础根本层面给予法域内每一个个体财产人身利益切实法律保护

    It is one of the most important forms which renders every individual in the legal domain the most basic and fundamental protection of law, both in the aspect of personal benefit and property benefit.


  • 掌握大量词汇扎实语言基础必要前提扎实的语言基础提高语言交际能力根本保证

    A good command of large vocabulary is prerequisite for laying a solid language foundation which is a basic guarantee of improving language communicative competence.


  • 安装到路基尤其基础张应力很高情况下,吸收根本减弱有裂缝交通产生张应力

    Installed on the subgrade, especially when the basic tensile stress is very high, which can absorb and fundamentally weakened cracks or traffic and the tensile stress of the joint values.


  • 安装到路基尤其路基基础应力很高情况下,吸收根本减弱有裂缝交通产生的张应力

    Installed on the subgrade, especially when the basis of subgrade stress is very high, which can absorb and fundamentally weakened cracks or traffic and the tensile stress of the joint values.


  • 安装到路基尤其路基基础应力很高情况下,吸收根本减弱有裂缝交通产生的张应力

    Installed on the subgrade, especially when the basis of subgrade stress is very high, which can absorb and fundamentally weakened cracks or traffic and the tensile stress of the joint values.


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